Thursday, 7 June 2018

6 June 2018

Eileen looks at her scan photo
In the shop, Eileen is looking at the scan of her baby when Cadno walks up behind her;  
"You've won – we're moving out"
she announces, “You’ve won – we’re moving out, and we might as well live here – we need a roof over our heads.”   
"This is for the best, Cadno"
Once again, Eileen assures her that this is for the best, and says there is no rush.
"We'd better get it over with – next week!"
“If we’re moving, we’d better get it over with – we’ll do it next week!” insists Cadno, “Is Jim happy about it?   
"I bet he had a shock about the baby!"
“I bet he had a shock about the baby,” but Eileen still has not told him, and says she will do so today.   Then Jim walks into the shop, and Cadno leaves.
"She's starting to realise things will be easier in the shop"
Eileen tells him that Cadno is starting to realise that things will be easier for her in the shop;  
"We're not in our twenties any more"
he reminds her that they are not in their twenties any more.   “You go on and on about our age as if we’re pensioners,” chides Eileen, “We need to live a little – you might feel old, but I don’t.   
"If you can't keep up, that's up to you'
“If you can’t keep up, that’s up to you.”
DJ is not happy about going for a walk
DJ is out for a walk with Dai and Diane, but does not think it a good idea;  
Then Dai notices 'RAPIST' painted on the window  
then they notice the graffiti on the window of APD, which reads, ‘RAPIST’.   
Sioned is the butt of . . .
Sioned is passing on the other side of the road, and Dai demands whether this is anything to do with her;  
. . . Dai's accusation
“It’s got you and Gwyneth written all over it!”
Jim investigates the commotion, and advises Sioned to go to the shop, then tells Dai and Diane that the sensible thing to do is to keep them apart, for everyone’s sake.
A very poor photo of Gwyneth's handiwork
In the café, Gwyneth is looking at a photo of the graffiti on her phone;  
"Coffee, please Gwen"
Non comes in and asks Gwen for a coffee.   Gwyneth invites Non to join her, 
"People have strong views"
and assumes that she has seen the graffiti;  “People have strong views.”   Non replies that it is not the best way of dealing with it.
"Encouraging other women to come forward"
“Perhaps it is to show support – encourage other women to come forward,” Gwyneth goes on, “This must be difficult for you – I know how close you and DJ are, but that’s the problem – 
"People hide their true nature – especially men"
people hide their true nature, especially men, when you consider all the allegations made nowadays.   Sioned is in pieces I’ve never seen her so low.   
"We women must look after each other"

“The way I see it, we women have a duty to look after each other.”   
Cadno looks around Penrhewl
Returning to Penrhewl, Cadno looks around, then takes out her phone and leaves another message for Eifion;  
"Eifion, we've lost Penrhewl!"
“Please phone me – we’ve lost everything – we’ve lost Penrhewl!” 
"I feel so guilty, Mam"
Sioned tells her mother, “It was terrible – I feel so guilty,” but before she can say anything else, 
Sioned cannot shake off Gwyneth 
Gwyneth arrives, maintaining that she should not go round Cwmderi on her own.   Eileen snarls that she can do as she likes.
"Why, Gwyneth?"
Sioned demands if Gwyneth did it;  “Why, Gwyneth?   I don’t want anyone fighting a campaign for me – I don’t want anyone to talk about me or DJ.”   She is told that people are already talking, 
"I'm just putting your story across"
and Gwyneth is just putting Sioned’s story across.   “It’s not a story – we are not in a film!” Sioned rages.
"Sioned, please, I'm sorry for everything!"

Then DJ makes his entrance, with Eileen telling him to go away.   “Sioned, please, I’m sorry for everything!   

"I would never hurt you"
“Whatever happened, I don’t remember – I would never hurt you.”   Gwyneth interrupts to say that he already has, 
"Why did you go to confess?"
and Sioned wonders why, if he does not remember, he went to the police to confess.
Eileen manhandles DJ and Gwyneth out of the flat, and as they walk along the alley, DJ is warned, “Don’t go near Sioned again!   It’s too late for talking!”   As Dai escorts him home, 
Gwyneth shouts, “Rapist!”
Cadno is searching for clues
At Penrhewl, Cadno mutters, “Come on, Eifion, you can’t be that clever,” as she searches for a clue as to his whereabouts.   
"What?   Packing already?"
Jim arrives, and is surprised to see she is packing already, but she enlightens him that she is looking for evidence of where Eifion has gone.   
"This is not what I wanted . . ."
He says that taking Penrhewl from her is not what he wanted, so she urges him to persuade Eileen to change her mind.
". . . but I can see the sense in it"
“Sorry, Cadno, I think she’s right – I can see the sense in it,” he replies, “As things stand, there is no future for the farm.   
"I would sell the place"
“Given the choice, I would sell the place, but Eileen is determined to keep it.   After all the effort you have put into the farm, she doesn’t want it to come to nothing.”   
"Penrhewl women have always been stubborn!"
Cadno comments that the women of Penrhewl have always been stubborn.
“Try to be positive – the shop is a good business – it’s a lot less work, and the boys will be in the village.   
"This is not trying to get the better of you"
“We haven’t had any discussion to get the better of you.”   
"The place will be inherited by her family"
Cadno remarks that Eileen has been planning this for some time, so the place will be inherited by her family.   “I can’t see Sioned or Angela coming here,” says Jim.
“Not them – the baby!” Cadno snaps, “She still hasn’t told you?”   
"Sioned's not pregnant again?"
Jim assumes that Sioned is pregnant again.   “I think you should talk to Eileen – I have to fetch Arthur,” Cadno replies, but he wants to be told straight.  
"Eileen's pregnant!"
“Sorry, I thought you knew,” she begins, “Eileen’s pregnant!”   
Jim is astounded
Jim is dumbfounded.
Non is sitting quietly . . .
Non is sitting quietly at Maes-y-Deri when Dai comes visiting, which she finds rather strange;  
. . . when Dai has something to ask of her
he says, “DJ is in a state, and I don’t know where to turn – well, you know him as well as anyone – DJ would never take advantage of anyone, even if he was drunk.   It’s not in his nature.   
"Could you come and talk to him?"
“I was hoping you could come over to talk to him,” but she does not think this is a good idea.
He says he does not expect her to take sides, but they used to be such friends, and he might see things more clearly.   
"I think you'd better go, Dai"
Non says that he had better go, and as he does, 
"Just give it some thought"
he asks her to think about it.
Eileen is cooking a meal when Jim returns home;  
"I've just come from Penrhewl"
“I’ve just come from Penrhewl,” he says, 
"Are you pregnant?"
“Are you pregnant?”   She maintains that she was going to tell him today, but he continues, 
"I thought you were starting the – what do you call it?"
“I thought you were starting the – what do you call it?”   She informs him that it was not the menopause, and came as a shock to her, but after a couple of months . . . I’m 14 weeks now.”
"That's over three months!"
He is alarmed that she is so far gone;  “That’s over three months – and you didn’t breathe a word.”   
"Anything could happen in the first three months"
She points out that anything could happen in the first three months, but she did not want to say anything until she was certain.   
"I need a glass of water!"
He sits down and says he needs a glass of water.   
"I didn't want you at the bar in front of everyone"
In the Deri, Gwyneth fetches some more drinks;  “I didn’t want you to have to go up to the bar in front of everyone,” she says, 
"I'm not a victim"
but Sioned protests that she does not want to be seen as a victim.  “You don’t want people to think it was your fault either,” Gwyneth goes on, “There’s one rule for men and another for women in this world – 
"If women get drunk, they deserve everything they get"
“some people believe that if women get drunk, they deserve all they get.”
Sioned does not know how she got into such a state, 
"I wish I could remember"
and wishes that she could remember;  “Maybe it’s better that you don’t,” she is told.
"You know something you're not telling me!"
Sioned is convinced that Gwyneth knows something which she is not telling her, but she denies this, pointing out that now they know DJ almost confessed, there is no doubt.   
“No-one confesses unless they’re guilty!”   Sioned concedes that the fact he went to confess proves that something happened, and describes her situation as being worse than prison.
"But I'm here for you!"
“But I’m here for you!” Gwyneth unctuously assures her, “Don’t work yourself up – you don’t want everyone looking at you.”   
Sioned is off home
Sioned has had enough and decides to go home.
"Toast won't sort anything out!"
Diane reprimands DJ for not eating his toast;  “Toast won’t sort anything out!” is his reply, and neither does he want to go out for a walk with Dai.   
Non arrives at Bryntirion 
Then Non arrives, and she and DJ are left alone;  
"I wanted to hear about what happened"
she says that Dai asked her to come, and after he left, she realised she wanted to come.   “I wanted to hear about what happened from you,” 
"I can't remember anything"
but he confesses that he cannot remember anything.
Eileen is very apologetic . . .
Eileen has made Jim a cup of tea with two sugars, and is sorry for not mentioning it before, as it was not the easiest news to tell him when he was going on about how old they were.   He says he would never have forgiven himself if anything happened to her, 
. . . and says that the doctor is pleased with her
but she confirms that the doctor says she is doing well.   
"But you're an older mother"
Jim is worried about the additional risks because she is an older mother.
“The hospital is keeping a close eye, and would not let me continue with the pregnancy if it was dangerous,” she assures him, 
"Every test has been fine"
“Every test has been fine so far,” 
Jim studies the scan photo
and she shows him a photo of the scan.
"That's our baby!"
“That’s our baby!” he says.
"Sioned feels that something happened"
DJ continues, “I remember the party and playing games – Sioned doesn’t remember anything either, but she feels that maybe something happened,” 
"And that's why Vicky went to the police"
and Non realises that is why Vicky went to the police.   “Sioned was in a terrible state,” he adds, 
"Sioned seemed to be suffering so much"
“Dad and Diane stopped me going to the police, but they shouldn’t have – Sioned seemed to be suffering so much – she’s had medical tests and everything – so I thought that something must have happened.”
"You're a good man, DJ"
Non now appreciates why he has feelings of guilt, but describes him as a good man;  “You can’t be sure of anything until Sioned gets the results of the test, so until then you have to stay strong – you have to believe in yourself.”   
"I don't know if I can"
He does not know if he can, but thanks her for coming.
Jim seems fixated by the scan
As Jim stares at the photo, Eileen asks him, “We’ll be all right, won’t we?   
"Well, it came as a bit of a shock!"
“You’re happy about this, aren’t you?”   He admits it came as a bit of a shock, and Eileen does not want to tell anyone for now.   
"You must leave all the lifting to me"
Jim says he needs time to get used to the idea himself, and then there is the packing to do in a few days, but he insists that she leaves all the lifting to him, 
He gives her a hug
and gives her a hug.

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