Saturday, 17 November 2018

14 November 2018 (2nd)

"Want to join me on the run?"
Rhys runs past the shop and asks if Sioned would like to join him;  she thinks that Mathew would benefit from a run after his late night.   
"Thanks for the other night"
Ricky joins them, and says he enjoyed the other night;  then he looks across the road, 
The forbidding figure of Kelly is watching
where Kelly is glowering at him from the door of the café.   He hurries to work.
"Come on, into class!"
At school, Tyler is encouraging the children to go into class when Gaynor walks past;  he asks if she feels all right, 
"Shouldn't you be in a registration class?"
but she replies, “Shouldn’t you be in a registration class, Mr Davies-White?”
Diane comes to see Jason
Diane goes to see Jason, who has just rejected a phone call, and asks if he is trying to avoid someone.   He maintains that he is busy, 
"You said the £15,000 would be back last week!"
and she tells him, “I’ve just checked the account – you said the £15,000 would be back last week.   Where is it?   You promised!”   He assures her that it will be there, 
"I might as well phone the police"
so she suggests, “I might as well phone the police – someone has stolen from us – that money is still missing from the account.   Something dodgy’s going on, I know it!”
"I'll sort it out, Mam!"
Again he says that he will sort it, 
"I'd rather the police did that!"
but Diane would rather the police did that.   “Mam, why don’t you trust me?   I’ll sort it all out – I swear!”   She walks out of the house.
DJ is still asleep
DJ is still asleep on the sofa in the shop flat;  Mathew comes in and is surprised to see him there.   
"Who's that in the bathroom?"
He wakes up DJ, and demands, “Who’s in the bathroom?   I thought it was you – Sioned’s out, so who is it?”
 It is apparently DJ's old friend, Susie
A woman walks into the room and DJ announces to Mathew, “Sorry, this is Susie, an old friend.”   Mathew tells her that she has five minutes to get out, 
"Oh, charming!"
and she picks up her handbag to leave.
"How's DJ?"
Jason arrives at APD, where Dai is pricing up some insulation panels;  he admits that he is rather worried about DJ, but adds that he is old enough to make his own decisions.   
"Your mother won't talk to me!"
“Anyway, he isn’t talking to me, so what am I supposed to do?   And your mother’s not much better – she won’t say anything when I ask what is the matter – I can’t do anything right!   It’s lucky that you’re here to talk to me – and that’s saying something!”
Jason snaffles the van keys
As Dai stomps off, Jason picks up the van keys from the counter, first checking to see that no-one is looking.
"He doesn't want to buy the house at all!"
At number 10, Anita is telling Kelly her tale of woe;  “He doesn’t want to buy the house at all!   I can’t talk to him about it because he’s staying with Harri!   
"We'll miss out on a lovely house!"
“He won’t answer his phone – we’ll miss out on a lovely house!”
"This house has turned into an obsession!"
Kelly shouts, “Auntie Anita!   From where I stand, this house has turned into an obsession.   It’s just a house – your relationship with Siôn is more of a priority!”
"I'm not the one behaving like a child!"
“I’m not the one behaving like a child!” Anita exclaims, “He started it!’   Kelly advises that she needs to calm down, be more patient, 
"Grow up, Auntie Anita!"
and grow up, perhaps.   
As Anita stands there, speechless, Kelly says she must return to the grind;  
"Back to the grind – coffee beans!'
“Literally – with my coffee beans!”
"He has to go, Sioned"
When Sioned comes back to the shop flat, Mathew informs her, “He has to go!”   
"Have a good night last night?"
She asks if he had a good night last night, but he continues, “What did I find in the bathroom this morning?   A middle-aged slapper!”
She replies that DJ is not as bad as he suggests, but Mathew insists that he is getting worse. 
Someone appears to have spent the night with Mathew 
At this point another young lady appears, and Mathew assures her that her taxi is on the way.   Sioned offers to make her some breakfast, but she declines, 
"I'll see you again, maybe"
and tells Mathew, “I’ll see you again, maybe,” as she leaves.
Sioned wonders what was her name, and he has to admit he does not know.   
"You had the cheek to stand here preaching about DJ!"
“You had the cheek to stand here preaching about DJ – and you’re just as bad!”
Mathew is quite determined, “I’m serious, I want him out!” but Sioned replies that she is not throwing him out, as he has been so good to her.   “Well you can see your rent double then, because I won’t be here!” he threatens, 
"It's him or me – you choose!"
“It’s him or me – you choose.”
Year 9 are somewhat rowdy . . .
Tyler is trying to keep year 9 in order when Gaynor appears once more, 
. . . and Tyler is admonished by the head
enquiring, “Trouble keeping them in line, Mr Davies-White?   You need to work harder to maintain standards!”
"Yes, I'm happy to reconsider"
Anita has been contaced by the estate agent;  “Yes, I’m happy to reconsider – 
"I'm willing to pay that price"
“I’m willing to pay that price.   I look forward to hearing from you.”   She looks very pleased with herself, 
She looks again at the house details
and takes the details of Morawel from the drawer.
Jason is driving APD's van
Jason drives APD’s van into a car park, 
He has arranged to meet someone
where someone is waiting for him;  “They’re in here,” says Jason,
Jason does not want to be seen
 “We said £850, didn’t we?” 
£850 changes hands . . .
and the man hands over the cash.   
. . . and APD's power tools are transferred
The cases of power tools are transferred into the man’s car.
Ricky bids a cheery farewell to a customer
Ricky holds open the door of the café as one of their customers leaves, and Kelly wonders how he managed to get a smile out of her;  
"She's usually horrible – what's your secret?"
“She’s usually horrible!   What’s your secret with customers?   They obviously love you.”   
"I just try to be myself"
He says that he just tries to be courteous – and be himself;  “You’re definitely doing something right,” she tells him, 
"You're an asset to this café, you know"
“You’re a real asset to this café, you know.”   He asks if that means a pay rise, but she replies, “Right, do something, instead of soaking up all the praise.”
Now Jason is trying to flog the van
Jason’s next call is a backstreet garage, where he asks the owner if he is interested in buying the van;  “Is the paperwork in order?” he enquires, 
"Never fails its MOT!"
and Jason tries to change the subject, listing all the good points of the van, but he is insistent, “I need more than your word on it – 
"Sorry, boy – no paperwork, no sale!"
“sorry, boy – no paperwork, no sale!”
"You and Siôn must have made up"
Anita rushes into the café, and Kelly assumes, “That smile can only mean one thing – you and Siôn have made up.”   
"They've reduced the price of the house!"
Anita enthuses that they have reduced the price of the house, and Kelly comes to the realisation, “You’ve put in a new offer, haven’t you?   After this morning’s chat, and all?   
"Now you've made it more awkward between you"
“I’m not happy that you’ve made it more awkward between you and Siôn.”
“I thought you would be happy – it’s such a good price!” Anita exclaims. 
"What's wrong with you?"
Kelly points out that it is just a house – bricks and mortar;  “Your relationship is more important – what’s wrong with you?”   Anita refuses to be insulted, and walks out.
Ricky wants Kelly to apologise to Rhys
Ricky asks if he can have a word;  “Instead of a pay rise, do you think you could apologise to Rhys, so my friends can come back here?”   She explains that his friends can come back any time they want;  
"Only when there's evidence to prove I'm wrong"
they are the ones boycotting the café.   She will apologise when there is evidence to prove that she is wrong.
"Rhys isn't guilty – I know he isn't!"
“But Rhys isn’t guilty – I know he isn’t!” pleads Ricky, but Kelly wants evidence.   “I sprayed the graffiti,” he admits, but she thinks he is covering for Rhys.   
"It was me"
“I’m not – it was me,” he repeats;  
"Out – now!"
she immediately orders him out of the café, and looks very shocked.
"You're never going to believe this, Dai"
Jason finds Dai in the Deri, and tells him, “You’re never going to believe what’s happened – I've just checked the van, and some swine has stolen all the tools!”
"There were hundreds of pounds' worth of tools there!"
“There were hundreds of pounds’ worth of tools in that van!” Dai rages, “How many times have I said it should be emptied every night?”   
"It's too late now"
Jason points out that it is too late now;  “And what were you doing, checking the van?   
"You don't have a driving licence"
“You don’t have a driving licence,” Dai adds.   
"I needed the small Kango"
“I needed the small Kango, but that’s gone as well – along with everything else!” is Jason’s anguished explanation.
Dai is incandescent with rage;  
"Crikey Moses!"
“Crikey Moses – I knew today would be like this when I got up this morning!   Where is the van now?”   As Jason replies that it is in the yard, 
"I'll be over right away"
Dai receives a phone call, and tells the caller that the timing could be better, but that he will be over right away.
Jason's answer is to gamble again – and this time it pays off
Jason sits down at a table, gets out his phone and starts playing online roulette;  apparently he has staked all the £850, and stands to win a maximum of £15,300.   He smiles, so it would appear he is successful on this occasion.
Tyler wants to clear the air . . .
Gaynor is startled by banging on her front door, and finds that it is Tyler, who has come to clear the air;  “Look, I know you’re embarrassed about last night, but that is not a reason for you to doubt my competence at work.”
. . . and Gaynor is suitably repentant 
She admits that she was annoyed with herself, not with him, and is very sorry.   He assures her he just wants to stop her worrying about last night;  “You didn’t do anything terrible,” he stresses, but she replies that she made a fool of herself.   
"I'm so ashamed"
“Getting drunk like that – I’m so ashamed!” she wails, but Tyler remind her that everyone does stupid things after they drink too much, and there is no harm done, as there were not many around to see her.   
"Thank you for bringing me home"
“And thank you for bringing me home,” she adds;  he comments that she was good company, but that is not how she remembers it.   “I’m not quite as depressed as that, really – I don’t know what came over me.”
Tyler mentions Hywel and Ffion kissing . . .
Tyler says, “Garry thought it might be because Hywel and Ffion kissed,” 
. . . which was not a wise move
and then realises that Gaynor knew nothing of this.   
"Sorry about this morning, Sioned"
DJ returns to the shop flat and apologises to Sioned for this morning;  Mathew tells him to take a seat, as Sioned has something to tell him.   
"This isn't quite working out, is it?"
“We’ve been talking, and that this isn’t quite working out, is it?”   
"So you're throwing me out"
DJ concludes that they are throwing him out, but Sioned does not really want to do it.   However she has no choice.
DJ demands what he has done, and points out that he has said sorry about that woman, assuring them that it will not happen again.   
"I've been a good friend to you!"
He is also disappointed in Sioned;  “I’ve been a good friend to you!” 
"You knew this was only temporary"
but she reminds him this was only a temporary arrangement.   “I could have done that with another week, just to get my head together,” he laments, “Thanks, boys, I’ve got nowhere else to go!”
"You said DJ wanted to see me"
Just then, there is the sound of footsteps on the stairs, and Dai walks in;  “Sioned, you said DJ wants to see me,” he comments.   
"He doesn't have anywhere to go"
Sioned explains that DJ does not have anywhere to go, 
"Because they're kicking me out!"
and DJ himself points out that he is being kicked out.   
“He has to move back to Bryntirion with you – I know you’re worried about him,” Sioned tells Dai, “He needs his father’s support.”
"He has his father's support"
Dai confirms, “He has his father’s support – look, DJ, I know you’re suffering, and I feel partly responsible for what’s happened, but you will have to let people help you.   
DJ does not look particularly impressed . . .
“The people that matter, the people who should be helping you – your family.   Your place is in Bryntirion, not here.   Come home with me, there’s a good boy.”
. . . but has no choice but to go back to Bryntirion 
DJ replies that he does not have a lot of choice, so picks up his bag and goes, followed by Dai.
"I've been sacked!"
Rhys finds Ricky on the bench at the end of the alley, and learns that he has been sacked.   Across the road, Kelly is watching, 
"I told you this would happen"
as Rhys remarks,  “I told you this would happen if you oened your mouth – why were you so stupid?”   
Kelly marches across the road
Ricky argues that it was the right thing to do, and by this time, Kelly is approaching;  
She apologises to Rhys
she apologises to Rhys for accusing him without evidence, 
"It's too late now, isn't it?"
but Rhys replies that it is too late, and Ricky has lost his job now.
"I don't remember doing that!"
“I don’t remember doing that,” she says, and, sitting down on the bench with Ricky, goes on, “I would have liked it if you’d confessed bit sooner – but I don’t want to lose my prize asset over a bit of paint!   
"I'm not squeaky clean in that department, am I?"
“Let’s face it, I'm not squeaky clean in that department, am I?   And a bonus for being honest with me – I promise not to tell Auntie Anita, OK?   Now I take it the boycott is off?   
Ricky's dismissal has been rescinded
“Ricky would like to offer his friends free coffee some time.”
Diane will surely query where this £15,000 has come from
At APD, Jason, who now has £15,300 in his Jackstar4000 account, is making a transfer to APD’s bank account, 
He has solved one problem . . .
and breathes a sigh of relief.   Then as he is about to continue his online gambling, 
. . . and then rejects a call from Sandra
a call arrives on his phone, from Sandra;  he rejects the call, just as Mathew comes in.
"I want to deep clean the sofa"
“I want something to deep clean the sofa, now that DJ’s left,” he says, and Jason finds the necessary products.   “He’s gone back to Dai’s house, thank goodness!” and Jason is pleased to hear it.   
Mathew points out that this is the first day off he has had for a while, 
"I saw something very interesting earlier . . ."
but as he is leaving the shop, he mentions, “I did see something very interesting out on the street earlier – you driving around in APD’s van, without a licence.   
". . . do yourself a favour, Jason"
“Do yourself a favour, don’t be such an idiot again – or you’ll have more than a ban to worry about!”
Jason's answer to everything – gamble
Jason picks up his phone, and presses the button on the screen, reading, ‘BET NOW.’

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