Wednesday, 7 November 2018

6 November 2018

Another meal based on pumpkin
Britt is cutting up yet another pumpkin, and announces to Colin that it is pumpkin stew tonight, which she is going to make in the slow cooker.   
"Special offer – only £20!"
He was not aware they had one, and she tells him she got it at the supermarket;  “Special offer – only twenty quid – a bargain!”
The pumpkin is having an effect on Colin
He complains that they have been eating pumpkin all weekend, and she assures him that it is good for him – full of vitamins.   
"We should have gone to the fireworks last night"

e regrets that they did not go to the fireworks last night, and wonders why Britt is not at work.
Britt has a secret plan . . .
She says that she has a plan, but will not divulge what it is;  however she is confident that Colin will enjoy it;  
. . . and she is excessively excited
she leaves, in an excited mood, for the Deri.
Jim and Sioned arrive at the hospital;  
"Have you been a good boy for Mam?"
“Have you been a good boy for Mam,” he asks the baby, and Eileen describes him as a little angel.   The doctors say that he might be able to go home before long.   
Sioned has a present from Britt and Colin 
Sioned tells her they have brought a present from Colin and Britt – and the receipt is in the bag, in case she wants to change it.
Jim reports that the washing is spreading all over the floor, and there is a list of Cae Glas orders as long as his arm;  
"I don't mind coming to see you"
“But I don’t mind coming to see you,” he tells the baby.
Sioned says that they will have to give him a name, and they tell her they have already decided;  
"This is your little brother, Huwi-John"
“Sioned, this is your little brother, Huwi-John,” Jim informs her, and her face falls.   
Eileen explains, “After little John – and Hubert, after Jim’s middle name.”   
Sioned tries to look pleased
Sioned tries, and fails, to look happy for them.
A pub crawl in pyjamas?
In the café, Ricky shows Kelly some pictures of his friends on a ‘pyjama crawl’, which she finds rather strange;  
"You can have some fun, mopping the bogs!"
“Weird!” she comments, and then adds, “You can have some fun now, mopping the bogs – go on!”
Siôn is not welcomed by his son
Siôn comes in, and Iolo is not pleased to see him;  Tyler tells him that they are going home to book something for their wedding anniversary.   Siôn recommends a new Thai restaurant in Carmarthen, 
"We only have one house!"
but Iolo points out they cannot splash out too much, as they have only one house.
"Black coffee and a cheese and onion sandwich, please"
Siôn asks Kelly for a black coffee and a cheese and onion sandwich;  she says that she will warn Auntie Anita about the onion breath, adding, “How is she after the graffiti incident?   I can’t believe that Rhys has not apologised yet – 
"Yobbish behaviour shouldn't be tolerated!"
“yobbish behaviour shouldn’t be tolerated!”   Ricky is in the background, looking guilty.
"How are Eileen and the baby?"
Jim and Sioned come into the shop, and are asked by Colin about Eileen and the baby;  
"There he is – Huwi-John!"
Jim proudly shows Colin the photo on his phone.   “There he is – Huwi-John!”
"Just like his father!"
“What a handsome boy – just like his father!” Colin observes, and Jim says that he eats like his father, too.   
"Eifion helped deliver the baby"
Eifion comes in, and Jim points out that he was there on the night – he helped to deliver the baby, for which Jim is very grateful.
Mathew and Rhys come in and congratulate Jim;  
"Try saying that after a few pints!"
as he leaves, Colin shouts, “Give our love to Huwi-John – try saying that after a couple of pints!”
Mathew is regretting this training
Mathew and Rhys go up to the flat, where Mathew is wishing he had not agreed to do this training;  “I’m going for shower, or Dai will complain that I’m late again.”
"It's a funny feeling, having a little brother"
Rhys immediately notices Sioned’s rather quiet demeanour, and she explains, “It’s a funny feeling, having a little brother.   It’s a boy, and they named him John – well, Huwi-John.   
"Why didn't Mam mention it before now?"
“Why didn’t Mam mention it before now?”
Rhys insists that being a big brother or sister is great;  
"We could go out for a drink tonight"
“You get to do all the fun things, without any of the responsibilities.   We could go out for a drink tonight, if you want, so we can talk a bit more.”   
"I'll text you later"
She agrees to this, and he will text her later.
DJ looks on his phone . . .
DJ is still on the sofa, looking at his phone, 
. . . at memories of better times
and scrolling through the messages which he and Non exchanged;  he looks broken-hearted.
"Oi!   Picasso!   You should be ashamed!"
As Rhys comes out of the shop, Kelly shouts across the road, “Oi!   Picasso!   You should be ashamed!   When are you going to apologise?”   
"It was nothing to do with me!"
He replies that he has nothing to apologise for – the graffiti was not his doing.   
She threatens to call the cops
She continues, “I think I shall phone the cops,” and Rhys tells her to go ahead, as he has nothing to hide.   
What's happened to your principles?"
Ricky advises her that arguing on the street is not the way;  “What’s happened to your principles?   If anyone but Anita had bought a holiday home, you’d be up in arms too!”   She tells him to shut up, and go to fetch some milk.
"Sorry she's giving you a hard time"
Ricky apologises to Rhys on her behalf, “Sorry she’s giving you a hard time,” but is assured that Rhys has dealt with worse than her.   
Rhys is happy, as he has a date tonight 
And he is in a good mood today, as he has a date tonight.
Eifion arrives at the hospital, rather apprehensive
Eifion goes to visit Eileen, who does not look pleased to see him;  he says, “I can’t stand the waiting – I know you’re angry – so if you’re going to tell everyone what I did, just do it.”   She reassures him that she is not angry.
"It's my fault you fell"
“But I just drove off – it was my fault that you fell!” he wails;  she advises that the doctors think it is unlikely that is what caused the baby to come early.   
"I was lucky you were there"
She is lucky that he was there, and does not know what she would have done without him.   She stresses that it is all over now, and he was about to lose his children;  she understands that he was desperate.
He reveals that he has spoken to the boys on the phone, and they are looking forward to having a new bedroom.   
"You stopped me making the biggest mistake of my life"
“Thank you, Eileen, for stopping me making the biggest mistake of my life,” he says, and she thanks him for bringing her little boy into the world.   
Eifion hugs Eileen 
They hug.
"You'd better have a good excuse!"
Britt arrives at the Deri, where Garry demands, “You’d better have a good excuse – where have you been?”   
"It's a surprise, Garry!"
She replies that it is a surprise, and she is not telling him.   “I don’t care – you were meant to be here hours ago!   
"I'm going to the garage . . ."
“I don’t care if Jennifer Lopez turned up naked to change the barrels!   I’m going to the garage, and I'll be back in half an hour.   
". . . stay here!"
“Stay here!”
"When can I pick up the order?"
Britt makes a phone call, asking when it would be convenient for her to pick up the order.
"Is Non here?"
DJ arrives at Maes-y-Deri, and wants to know if Non is there;  “Can you ask her to come over when she gets home?”   
"She's gone back to Brecon"
Kath advises him that she has left and gone back to Brecon, 
He is hurt by this revelation
and he looks very troubled.
"Bottle of wine?"
Later, Rhys comes into the Deri and asks for a pint, then changes his mind and will have a bottle of wine instead;  “A cheap one – and two glasses.   
Rhys finds they are a threesome
Sioned joins him – and has brought Mathew with her, which Rhys finds rather disappointing.
Garry announces, “White wine – cheap!”   
"Do you want me to leave?"
Mathew asks Rhys if he is intruding, as he will leave if necessary, but Rhys tells him the more, the merrier.   
"£12, please!"
Garry demands, “£12, please!”
"You should phone her"
Kath has made DJ a cup of tea, and advises him to phone Non;  
"I loved Non – she is Bethan"
he replies, “What’s the point now?   I loved Non – and she is Bethan.   I don’t know who this girl is – I don’t know her surname or her date of birth.”   
"You know what makes her laugh"
Kath reminds him that he knows what makes her laugh, and wonders if he does not want to hear her side of the story.
"She hasn't even tried to phone me"
“She hasn’t even tried to phone me, Kath – no text to ask how I’m doing,” he wails, “Let’s hope she told her side of the story to the police.”   
"The police haven't charged her"
She tells him that the police let Non go, and have not charged her.
"What?   After everything she's done?"
DJ’s attitude suddenly changes;  “After everything she’s done?   How can one person destroys so many lives and get away with it?   
"I never want to see that girl again!"
“I never want to see that girl again!   I need to forget about Non and move on.”
"I'll finish up here, Ricky"
Kelly tells Ricky that he can go now, and that she will finish up;  
"Sorry for going OTT"
he apologises for going OTT with Rhys, 
"You're talking to the Queen of OTT here!"
but she replies, “You’re talking to the Queen of OTT here!   Forget it.”   
"What's wrong, then?"
Then she asks him, “Right – what’s wrong?   You’ve been like a moaning Minnie all day – go on, spill!”   
"Everyone is going over the top with this graffiti business"
He suggest that everyone is going a bit over the top with this graffiti business, but she tells him, “I know Rhys is your friend, but he can’t damage people’s property.”
"Rhys swore to me it wasn't him!"
“But perhaps it wasn’t him, you know – he swore to me that it wasn’t him!    He wouldn’t lie to me,” Ricky answers.
Kelly she knows what is behind all this;  
"You just don't know what other people's problems are"
“That business with Non – everyone has problems, but you just don’t know what other people’s are.”   Ricky does not feel any better.
"How are you coping, DJ?"
DJ comes to the bar and tells Iolo that he is fine;  when asked if he has spoken to her, 
"Non is just water under the bridge now!"
DJ answers, “Non is water under the bridge – if she wanted to talk to me, she wouldn’t have left.   Garry, a whisky please, and make it a large one.”
Matthew also enquires how he is;  
"I'd be a lot better if people stopped asking me!"
“I’d be a lot better if people stopped asking how I’m doing!” DJ brusquely replies, “What do you want?   Whisky?” but both Matthew and Iolo refuse.
"Let's have a party!"
“Let’s have a party!” DJ suggests, “What’s wrong with you, boys?   Don’t you want to enjoy yourselves?   You’re not the ones who’ve been deceived by their girlfriend.   
"Do you know what?   Forget it!"
“Do you know what?   Forget it – I’d rather find people who want to enjoy themselves!”   He marches out of the Deri.
"Do you know where Britt is?"
Garry is becoming angry and asks Colin if he knows where Britt is;  “She’s been in and out all day – what’s going on?”   
"I'll try phoning her"
Colin cannot give any answers, but will try phoning her.
Sioned still thinks naming the baby 'John' is weird
Sioned says, “I think it’s weird that they named the baby after a baby who died.”   Mathew describes the name as ‘cute’, and Rhys maintains that he will be called Huw, anyway.   “I’m not comfortable with it,” she goes on, 
"You're making a big deal about nothing"
but Rhys accuses her of making a big deal about nothing.
"Not wearing your pants outside your trousers today?"
Eifion comes into the Deri and is greeted by Colin, “You’re not wearing your pants outside your trousers today, then – Superman?”   Eifion urges him to stop it, 
"He saved Eileen and the baby!"
but he continues, telling Garry, “He saved Eileen and the baby – Eifion was the scrum-half when the baby arrived.   
"Mr Fantastic saved the day!"
“No doctors, no nurses, no ambulance – just Eifion!   Mr Fantastic saved the day!   There should be a full-page spread in the local paper.”
"Oh, do shut up, Colin!"
Eifion just wants him to shut up, 
There is a flash and a bang outside
but then there is a flash and a bang outside, so they all go out to see what is happening;  
"Bonfire night was last night, wasn't it?"
“Bonfire Night was last night, wasn’t it?” Garry demands.
Britt is preparing pyrotechnics on the zebra crossing
They find that Britt is preparing to launch rockets from the middle of the High Street;  various people are equipped with sparklers.   
"What on earth is going on, Britt?"
Garry furiously demands what on earth is going on.
"Come on – let's have a party!"
She replies, “Bonfire Night!   Come on, let’s have a party!   I’ve got sparklers and toffee apples for the children!”   He demands whether she has been drinking, and insists that she moves this stuff.   
"You'll kill someone with that stuff, Britt!"
Colin is also anxious, warning that she is going to kill someone with the fireworks.   “I’ve got a lot more rockets!” she tells them, 
"Don't be so boring, Garry!"
and warns Garry not to be so boring.
“I said, didn’t I, no fireworks or parties!” he snarls, “Clear up this mess now!”   
Garry heads back to the Deri . . .
As he strides back to the Deri, she protests that it was only a bit of fun, and she does not know why he is so angry.   
. . . while Britt clears the obstructions from the road
By this time, cars are being held up, so she turns to them, and with Colin’s assistance, clears the road.
"You might have gone too far this time"
“You might have gone a bit too far this time, Britt,” he advises her, but she maintains that it was business, a chance to make some money.   Colin points out that Garry had said no;  “You’re worse than him – you’ve got no vision!” is her retort.  
"Are you OK, Britt?"
As he relieves her of some of the rockets, he asks if she is OK;  “You would tell me if there was something wrong, wouldn’t you?”   
"I've never felt better!"
She insists that she has never felt better, throws down the rest of the rockets and walks away.

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