Tuesday, 30 January 2018

29 January 2018

Vicky feels relieved . . .
Vicky finds that her pregnancy test kit informs her that she is ‘not pregnant’.   She makes a phone call;  
. . . then makes a phone call
“Sorry it’s such short notice, but I need to ask you for a massive favour.”
Dani takes Carol for a walk . . .
Dani comes out of the Deri with Carol;  
. . . but still cannot contact Vicky
again she unsuccessfully tries to contact Vicky, then sees Debbie passing.   “I’ve been trying to speak to Vicky all weekend, but she’s not answering,” she says, 
"I don't blame her!"
and Debbie does not blame her.
"If she tells Garry, my marriage will be over!"
“If she tells Garry, my marriage will be over!” pleads Dani, and is told that she should have thought of that when she slept with Mathew.   “I never intended to steal him from her,” Dani wails, 
Mathew comes into view. . . 
as Mathew himself comes round the corner, and Debbie walks away.
Mathew tells Dani, “You shouldn’t be concerned about what she says,” 
. . . and follows her into the Deri
as he follows her back into the Deri;  she informs him that she has not slept a wink, and wonders how she can act as normal when Garry comes back.
"Garry will know something's up!"
“He will know that something’s up – what if Vicky tells him everything?”   She is expecting Garry back before lunch, but he has not been in touch;  “What if Vicky’s phoned him over the weekend?”   
"If she had, he would be here by now"
Mathew points out that if she had phoned, Garry would have been back by now.   Dani desperately begs Mathew to ask Vicky to keep quiet.
"She can't stand me – and I don't blame her!"
“She can’t stand me – and after the way I behaved, I don’t blame her!” he replies;  Dani thinks Vicky may have had a chance to cool down by now, but he assures her that will not happen – it is all over.   
"I shall have to talk to her myself"
She has no alternative but to talk to Vicky herself.   “If you go there, you’re asking for trouble!” Mathew warns,
"There's a chance we can both come out of this OK"
“There’s a chance that we both can come out of this OK.”
"Glad you threw the scumbag out!"
Josh visits Vicky, and is pleased to hear that she threw Mathew out, calling him a ‘scumbag’.   
"I'm going to Spain"
“I’m not sticking around either,” Vicky tells him, “I’ve decided to go and stay with Gran in Spain – this morning.   I can’t stay here any more.”   Josh does not like to think of her running away to Spain, and does not consider that Dol is a suitable person to help her.
"Come with me in the caravan"
“Look, if you want to escape for a while, come with me in the caravan –  little Nicky would love it,” he suggests, “We may not get another chance before he starts school.   Mind you, in a few months, you might not fit through the caravan door!”
"I'm not pregnant"
Vicky discloses to him that she is not pregnant, just late, and Josh remarks that it probably makes things a little easier;  “Maybe it’s a sign that Mathew really is wrong for me!” she says.   
"Look, I'll take you to the airport, then"
Josh is concerned that he was the one who got them back together.   “You can stay and help if you want, but I’m going to Spain,” she advises, but he insists that he will take them to the airport.
"You should be resting, Mark!"
At Maes-y-Deri, Debbie admonishes Mark for doing the washing-up, telling him he should be resting;  
"You can make me a cup of tea, if you want"
“Right, you can make me a cup of tea, if you want,” he answers, “I thought that Vicky would have come over yesterday – she usually visits on Sundays.   She and Mathew live in each other’s pockets.   
"I'll ask Dani to bring the baby over again"
“I think I’ll ask Dani to bring the baby over again – it was lovely to see them.”
"No, you've got to rest"
Debbie is dead against this, adamant that he should rest until the operation;  Mark is aware that she has not been her usual self lately, 
"What's wrong, Debs?"
and asks what is wrong.   
Of course, she insists that there is nothing.
Some money goes into an envelope
Dani has put some money in an envelope and leaves the Deri;  
"Where are you going?"
Mathew asks where she is going.   
"To see Vicky"
“To see Vicky – and before you say anything, I have thought it through!   I think I know of a way to keep her quiet – if it’s not too late!”   Mathew urges her not to do this, but she ignores him.
"Mathew gave me this"
Vicky finds a jumper which Mathew gave her, and Josh predicts that she will get over this experience in time, although it is difficult right now.   He advises that it would be better if she does not take the jumper with her;  it would bring her bad luck.   
Josh will dispose of it for her
“Throw it away,” he says, and she hands it to him.   
He volunteers to go and fetch Nicky, and then Dani arrives;  
"I know you don't want to see me"
“I know you don’t want to see me, but I had to come over” she begins, 
"Here, take this money"
and hands over the money to Vicky;  “I know money is tight – please, just take it.”
Josh says that Vicky does not want her money, but Vicky snatches it, commenting, “It will come in handy – 
"We're not quits, though"
“but we’re not quits, though, OK?   All you’re worried about is if I’ve told Garry – 
"I've had other things on my mind"
“I’ve had other things on my mind!”
Dani reiterates that she is so sorry, and regarded Vicky as a friend;  “Well, if that’s the way you treat your friends,” Vicky snarls, 
"I thought you two had a chance of being happy"
and Dani maintains that she thought that Vicky and Mathew had a chance of being happy.   
"I'm not as lucky as you"
“So did I!” is the reply, “But I’m not as lucky as you, am I?   At least you and Garry have stayed together.”
“Garry could never forgive me for something like this,” stresses Dani, 
"It's not Carol's fault"
“If you tell him anything, there’d be no way back.   Carol would suffer – and it’s not her fault, is it?   
"After what Vicky has been through this morning"
Josh is disappointed that she has come here and used her baby to gain sympathy, after what Vicky has been through this morning.   Then he stops, after a furious glance from Vicky.
She announces that she is leaving, and Josh explains that everything has been wrecked for her here.   Dani asks where she is going;  
"We're going to the airport in a minute"
Josh replies that he is taking her and Nicky to the airport in a minute, so Dani had better leave, which she does.
"Sorry, I didn't think"
He apologises to Vicky for not thinking, and advises her that it is bad luck to take that money;  
"Take it back, while you have the chance"
“Hush money – a bribe to keep you quiet.   Take it back to her, while you’ve got the chance.”
"She's leaving for Spain, straightaway"
Mathew is waiting outside the Deri for Dani’s return;  she reports that Vicky has not told Garry, but she is leaving for Spain, strightaway.   
"So all our troubles are over"
He is jubilant that all their troubles are over.   
They go back inside the Deri . . .
As they go into the Deri, his arm around her shoulder, 
. . . as Vicky watches them
Vicky emerges from the café, and sees them.
Debbie looks at photos of Vicky
Debbie looks through childhood photos of Vicky when she suddenly arrives at Maes-y-Deri;  
"Feeling sorry for yourself?"
“Feeling sorry for yourself?” Vicky enquires.   
"I only wanted you to be happy"
Her mother says she only wanted her to be happy, but Vicky simply wants the letter;  
Vicky is eager to get hold of that letter
“That DNA thingy – I want to sort something out before I leave!   I’m going to Torremolinos today!   Grandad is picking up Nicky and then taking us to the airport”   
Debbie implores her not to tell Mark why she is leaving, as she does not want to upset him, but Vicky is determined to get that letter.
"Got no work to do, then?"
Garry is back from his weekend away, and is surprised that Mathew has nothing to do;  
"What mischief have you been up to?"
“Crikey, you look as if you’ve been caught with your hand in the till!” he continues, “What mischief have you been up to?   At least, this place is still in one piece.   Wasn’t Vicky supposed to be working today?”
"We've split up"
Mathew enlightens him, “She doesn’t work here any more – we’ve split up.”   
"I know it can be stressful"
Garry is sorry, but can understand that working under the same roof can be stressful.   
"I haven't seen much of Dani"
Mathew alleges that he has not seen much of Dani over the weekend, 
Dani is pleased to see Garry
and Garry goes up to the flat, where she welcomes him with open arms.   
"Sorry, my battery was flat"
He apologises that his phone battery was flat, and he forgot to take a charger.   
“I missed all the drama, then,” he remarks, 
Dani is worried what he has heard
and she looks very worried;  
"Why did Vicky and Mathew finish?"
“Any idea why Vicky and Mathew finished?”   Dani replies that all she knows is that Vicky has gone to stay with Dol in Spain.   He suggests, “Perhaps Math’s been a naughty boy!   I thought you would know the goss, as you and Vicky are friends.   We’ll probably find out soon enough!”   Dani invites him to give Carol her next bottle.
At last, Vicky has the DNA letter
“He should have burned this when he had the chance,” says Vicky, when at last she is in possession of the letter;  
"I thought I heard your voice"
then Mark comes downstairs, as he thought he heard her voice.   
"I'm off for a break with Dol"
“I’m off for a little break with Dol in Spain, as work is so quiet,” Vicky explains, “Sorry to leave you at a time like this.”   She adds that she is going with Nicky, but not Mathew, 
"I hope it goes well with the transplant"
and hopes that all goes well with the transplant.
"See you soon, Nicky"
Mark tells them to enjoy themselves with Dol, and he will see them soon;  
"I'm not sure I'm coming back"
Josh is all ready to go, and Vicky says that she is not sure she is coming back.   
Nicky seems unenthusistic
When Debbie wishes Nicky goodbye, he appears rather unwilling to go.
"I tried to persuade her"
Josh says he tried his best to persuade her not to go, but she has been deeply hurt.   “She’s punishing me!” sobs Debbie, 
"What will she do in Spain?"
“What will she do in Spain – with Nicky – and a baby on the way?”   
"There is no baby, Debbie!"
He confirms that there is no baby, and that Vicky has been hurt terribly, but he does understand why Debbie kept quiet.
"Josh was just putting her bags in the van"
Mathew enthusiastically announces to Dani that they are actually getting away with it;  “I just saw Josh putting her bags in the van.   Dani warns him not to let it go to his head, 
"Are you happy about Vicky going?"
and asks if he is happy with Vicky going – with his baby.   “That baby will have a better life in Spain without me,” he confidently answers.
“So you’re willing to give up everything just to hang on to some fantasy her?” Dani demands, 
"Only one baby matters to me!"
and he reminds her that only one baby matters to him.   
"Carol is not your baby!"
“Carol isn’t your baby – it’s about time you realised that!” she exclaims.
While Josh waits in the van for her, 
Vicky almosts posts it . . .
Vicky debates whether to post 
. . . but them changes her mind
a letter addressed to Garry in the pillarbox, then instead strides toward the Deri, 
Garry has brought Carol downstairs
where Garry has just brought Carol downstairs.   Dani is sure that Dadi can look after her, as he has been away.
"I bet they haven't told you why I quit!"
Then Vicky comes in;  “Have they told you I’ve quit?” she asks, “I bet they haven’t told you why!”   
"Keep you money, Dani!"
She throws the money back at Dani;  “Keep your money!   She gave me this to pay for my silence – about her and Mathew!   
John Post takes an interest in this 
“They had a fling ten months ago.”
"She'll say anything to get back at Mathew!"
Dani protests that she will say anything to get back at Mathew, but Vicky continues, 
"They did a DNA test as well"
“They did a DNA test as well, to see who Carol’s father was,” 
Garry looks concerned
and produces the test result.   “I thought you’d like a copy.”
"I'm glad I'm not expecting your baby"

Turning to Mathew, she adds, “And by the way, I’m not expecting your baby – and I’m so glad!   You’re not fit to be a father!”   

This brings a smile to her face
She smiles to see their serious faces, then turns and leaves the pub.
"I feel much better"
As Vicky rejoins the others in the van, Josh asks if she feels better;  “Much better!” she replies, 
They head for the airport
and they set off for the airport.

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