Thursday, 19 April 2018

18 April 2018

"How about I cook a three-course meal?"
Hannah and Chester return to their flat and find that the fridge contains hardly anything;  
"Fancy a box-set marathon tonight?"
he asks if she fancies a box-set marathon tonight.   
"This room needs a personal touch"
Hannah is deep in thought, and says, “Do you know what this room needs?   A personal touch – it’s completely impersonal, Chest, and it just needs a couple of tweaks.”   
"We're skint, Hannah"
He reminds her that they are totally skint.
"Don't you want our home to be lush?"
“Don’t you want our home to be lush?” she enquires, “How many people of our age live in a pad like this?”   He draws her attention to the fact that everything is so costly, and goes to get changed.   
Hannah goes shopping
Hannah, however, picks up her purse and leaves the flat.
The mystery meat arrives at Penrhewl 
In the shed at Penrhewl, the meat delivery arrives, 
"Which farm did it come from?"
and Eifion asks them which farm it came from, but the delivery man has no idea;  
"All I know is that it's foreign"
“All I know is that it’s foreign – it’s a lot cheaper, isn’t it?”   
Eifion looks for himself
Eifion is horrified, and opens up one of the boxes.
The divorce document . . .
Dani reads through the divorce document 
. . . which Dani signs
and signs it at the bottom;  then Britt arrives, and Dani says that she is not getting much sleep.   
"And watching that Garry doesn't do something stupid again!"
Britt lists her problems, with the chip shop and the children, plus keeping Colin happy;  “And watching that Garry doesn’t do something stupid again!”   Dani wishes her good luck with that last one.
"He's renting a shed at Penrhewl now"
“He’s renting a shed at Penrhewl now – to store car parts, according to Cadno.”   Dani can see that she suspects him of being up to something dodgy, 
"I don't care any more, Britt"
but stresses that she does not care any more.   
"You must be a bit concerned"
“Come on, you must be a bit concerned about him,” Britt goes on, 
"He can sort out his own mess from now on!"
but when she sees the completed divorce form, she realises that Danny is serious, and is told that Garry can sort out his own mess from now on.
Hannah is laden with shopping
Hannah returns from her expedition to the Maenan shop, 
"We don't have money to spend on luxuries"
and he protests that they do not have money to spend on luxuries.   Assuring him that they are essentials, she produces some cushions 
Hannah is going out tonight
and a dress – as she has had a Facebook invitation to go out tonight.   
"We can't afford that!"
Chester points out that they cannot afford to go out; 
"You're not invited"
“You’re not invited – it’s a girls’ night,” she replies, and insists that despite the lack of money, she is going.   “I shall have to drink tap water, then!” she snarls.
Garry arrives at the farm
When Garry arrives at the farm with the butcher, 
"You haven't been straight with me!"
Eifion is angry with him;  “You haven’t been straight with me!”   
"Behave yourself!"
Garry warns him to behave himself, and wonders if Eifion had worked out by himself that foreign meat was not local.
When asked if it is organic, 
"Think of the money!"
Garry simply replies, “Think of the money!”   
Eifion sees Penrhewl's reputation going down the pan
Eifion fears that this is the end of Penrhewl’s reputation.
Hannah has bought several items
Chester looks through the rest of the things Hannah bought, then she comes back into the room 
"You don't want me to enjoy myself!"
and complains, “You don’t want me to enjoy myself!”   He says that they must prioritise, 
"I'm prioritising a night out with the girls!"
and she replies that she is prioritising a night out with the girls.
"You're being stupid"
Chester accuses her of being stupid, 
"Gwyneth is due for another payment!"
and points out that Gwyneth needs another payment next week, so now is not the time to go out.   “Is it better to sit here being miserable?” she demands, “Is that what you’re saying?   We can have fun when we don’t constantly talk about money!   
"I'm going to enjoy myself more often"
“I hate the mess we’re in – I’m fed up with working and saving and always being careful!   I’m going to enjoy myself more often, and spend some money on things that please me for a change.”
“But where are you going to get the money?” asks Chester, 
"I'll ask Gran to clear the debt!"
and she decides that she is going to ask her Gran to clear the debt;  Chester will not agree to that, as it is their debt.   “Gran won’t mind – she and Dai have plenty of money!   Then we would be free to enjoy ourselves more!”
'We can't expect handouts!"
Chester refuses to countenance this, and insists that they have to grow up;  they cannot expect handouts – it is not right.
Eifion insists he will pay for his pint . . .
Eifion has a pint in the Deri, and insists on paying for it;  
. . . and Garry pays for rental of the shed
Garry, in turn, produces a brown envelope and says that he must pay for rental of the shed.   
"This is all moving too fast"
“This is all moving too fast – I need time,” Eifion tells him, and hands back the money, “I’m not sure I want to be a part of this – we made the deal before I knew what I know now!”
"Talking about the shed at Penrhewl, are you?"
Britt walks in, and catches sight of the brown envelope;  “Talking about the shed at Penrhewl, are you?   What’s going on, Gar?”   Garry says that he is storing car parts in the shed, 
"Not stolen cars again?"
and she immediately leaps to the conclusion that they are stolen cars.   “I know you – something is going on, isn’t it?
"It's between Garry and me"
Eifion maintains that it is a private matter between him and Garry.   Britt begs Garry not to shut her out;  “I don’t want to see you doing something stupid!”   He wants to get something clear with her;  
"Whatever else I may be, I'm not stupid!"
he may be a lot of things, but he is not stupid.   Eifion does not look at all happy.
"It's tiny, dark and damp!"
As Britt comes out of the Deri, she encounters Dani, who has just been to see a new house in Llanarthur;  “Apart from the fact it’s tiny, dark and damp, it’s fine.”   
"You're having trouble with Garry"
Dani can see that she is having trouble with Garry, but Britt insists she can handle him.   
"OK, I'll see you later"
Chester receives a phone call, and says he will see whoever it is later;  
"Right, I'm going out"
Hannah is ready to go out, and he hopes she will have a good time, 
"I have a shift at Tapas"
and tells her he has a shift tonight at Tapas.   “Look, I don’t want you to go, but if you are going, I want you to enjoy yourself.”
"It's so frustrating being skint!"
She admits she does not like quarrelling;  “But it’s so frustrating being skint!”   
Hannah gives Chester a hug
She gives him a hug, and leaves.
The butcher is surprised by Britt's arrival
The butcher is hard at work, packaging the meat, when Britt walks in, muttering, “Car parts – yeah!”   She is warned that she is not allowed in there, and is asked whether she is Trading Standards, 
"I'm Garry's sister"
and replies that she is Garry’s sister, and wanted to see how things were going.
As he puts labels on the packages, she comments, “Penrhewl Organic Meat – that’s funny.   Garry told me he had his eye on cheap meat from abroad.”
"I couldn't possibly comment"
The butcher replies, “As the politicians say, ‘I couldn’t possibly comment’ – Garry knows what he is doing.”   
Britt has solved the mystery
As she has gathered her evidence, she leaves.
"I've got too much to lose – just like you!"
In the Deri, Garry is assuring Eifion, “If I thought there was a risk of us getting caught, do you think I’d touch that meat?   I’ve got too much to lose – just like you!    If we get caught, we’ll both go down –
"Everything will be OK!"
“but that is not going to happen – I’ll make sure of that!   Everything will be OK.”
Out comes the brown envelope again
He produces the brown envelope once more, commenting that there is a lot of money to be made, and where else will he get an opportunity like this.   
"You should have been straight with me!"
“You should have been straight with me from the beginning,” complains Eifion, and Garry swears that he will not mislead him again.   
This time he takes the money
Eifion secretes the money in his jacket.
Britt is back . . .
Britt has gone straight to number 7;  
. . . and Dani just does not want to know
“I don’t want to know – you said you would sort this out yourself!” Dani rages, but now Britt has discovered what is going on.
"It's illegal meat from abroad!"
“Garry doesn’t have car parts there – he has meat – illegal meat from abroad.   He almost burnt his fingers with a similar scam before – he never learns!   
"You're the only one who can save him!"
“You’re the only one who can save him – by not going ahead with the divorce.   He’s behaving like this because he’s desperate that things are wrong between you two.   When things are right between you, he’s fine!”
"No, Britt!"
When Dani flatly refuses, Britt adopts a different tack;  
"You keep Carol out of this!"
“If not for Garry, do it for Carol – we’re talking about her future here.   
"How will that affect her life?"
If Garry goes to prison, how do you think that’s going to affect her life?   I’m not saying this to frighten you – I’m talking from experience.:
"Blackmailing me is not going to work!"
After some thought, Dani agrees to postpone the divorce;  “Until Garry’s sorted himself out – blackmailing me is not going to work!   I will try my best to help him this time – 
"Then he's on his own!"
“after that he’s on his own!”
Chester finds the flat empty . . .
Chester returns after his shift to find that Hannah is not there;  
. . . tries to contact Hannah . . .
he tries to ring her number, 
. . . but then goes to bed
but then gives up and goes to bed.
Eifion puts the meat in the freezer
At Penrhewl, Eifion is loading the boxes of meat into the freezer when he is surprised by Garry, who says that he has just come to check that Bob has done his work.   
"Penrhewl's cheap foreign organic meat"
“We’re ready then,” he says, “Penrhewl’s cheap foreign organic meat!”
There's too much risk, Garry"
Eifion is of the opinion that there is too much risk, 
"A small risk, a lot of profit!"
but Garry corrects him;  “A small risk, a lot of profit!   Just make sure Cadno doesn’t find out!   It’s a licence to print money – as long as you keep your partner’s nose out of our business.”   
Eifion fears what the future will bring
Eifion is convinced that this will not end well.

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