Monday, 23 April 2018

20 April 2018

"It's 8:30am already!"
At breakfast time, Dai wonders what has become of DJ;  “It’s 8:30am already!”   Diane says he may have gone out last night, 
"You were young once – remember?"
and reminds Dai that he was young once.   “Do you think he has pulled some girl?” wonders Dai, then he hears footsteps coming downstairs 
Suddenly, Sioned is there . . .
and shouts, “Hey, did some damsel keep you up all night?”
He is dumbfounded when Sioned appears in the kitchen, followed by DJ, 
. . . followed by DJ
who says, “Sorry, I meant to tell you!”
"I can't do this any more!"
Gethin has been summoned by Sheryl;  she wanted to tell him face to face that she cannot do this any more.   
"This cheating has to end!"
“This sneaking around and cheating has to end it before someone gets hurt!”   
Once more he maintains that no-one will get hurt, because they are careful, but she warns him, “It’s only a matter of time.   I’ve made my decision!”   
"I'll leave Ffion, then!"
Gethin promises that he will leave Ffion, but that is the last thing Sheryl wants;  
"Can you come over at six?"
Hywel comes downstairs, and Gethin says he is here to ask if they can come over about 6 o’clock for the meal.   Sheryl however, thinks they should cancel dinner, but Hywel will not hear of it, insisting that a night out is what she needs after the week that she has had.
The post has arrived at number 10 . . .
The post has just been delivered to number 10, 
. . . including one addressed to Meic!
and Anita finds one letter addressed to Meic;  steeling herself, she opens it 
Anita gets a shock when she reads it
and is astounded by what she reads.
"You should celebrate the divorce!"
Kelly and Ed walk round the corner by the gnome display;  she insists that he should have celebrated the decree absolute.   “I just want to forget that wedding ever happened, 
"I want to enjoy my life without Sioned in it"
“and enjoy my life without Sioned in it,” he replies.
"I know what's missing . . ."
At that moment Colin approaches them, exclaiming that he has had a brainwave;  “I know what is missing in that garden – 
". . . a water feature!"
“a water feature!”   Ed knows where there is one – 
"There's one out the back at number 10"
out the back at Auntie Anita’s.
Diane has some bad news for Ed . . .
Diane emerges from APD and rather solemnly tells Ed, “I think you should know – Sioned is back in Cwmderi!”   
. . . and Gwyneth is listening to this
In the background, Gwyneth is listening as Diane continues, “She’s staying with us.”   Ed thanks her for the information, and says he will look for that water feature.
"I can understand why Sioned is chasing you . . ."
Dai returns home and is told by DJ that Sioned is having a shower;  “A word of advice, Dai begins, “I can understand why Sioned is chasing you – 
". . . you're a babe magnet, like your father!"
“you’re a ‘babe magnet’ – just like your father!   Have you seriously thought about it?   Do you see her as marriage material?   Don’t forget what happened to Ed!”   
"I'm just helping her out, as a friend"
DJ reiterates that he is just helping her out, as a friend, 
"Oh, in that case, forget what I said"
and Dai advises him in that case to forget that they had this chat.
Major civil engineering going on
Anita comes to investigate the work going on to dismantle the flowerbed, 
"Can I talk to you in the house?"
and wants to speak to Kelly in the house.   “Is it urgent?” Kelly asks, 
Kelly complies with Anita's wishes
and Anita says that it is.
"Renew consent to freeze his . . . seed"
In the house, Anita shows her the letter;  “It asks if he wants to renew his consent form to freeze his seed.”   
"I presume you mean 'sperm'?"
Kelly wonders if she means his sperm, and Anita was unaware that he had done this.   
"Why do you think I'm so shocked?"
“Why do you think I’m so shocked?   What concerns me is that he didn’t tell me – what was he hiding?”   Kelly is sure that there is some harmless explanation.
"Can you think of a harmless reason?"
“Can you think of a harmless reason why Meic would freeze his sperm?” Anita demands, 
"Look, there's a phone number on here"
“Who was it for, Kelly? and she answers that there is a phone number which can be contacted, and Anita deserves to know.
“Sometimes, knowing the worst is better than not knowing,” Kelly remarks, 
"You'll only have sleepless nights"
“You’ll only have sleepless nights if you don’t find out – here’s the phone!”
They are about to have a cup of tea
DJ and Sioned settle down for a cup of tea, but then Gwyneth arrives, 
"OK, DJ, let her in"
and DJ does not want to let her in, but Sioned asks him to do so.   
It is Sioned's decree absolute
Gwyneth has brought an item of post which looked important;  “It’s the decree absolute for Ed and me,” announces Sioned.
"You've done what you came for – now go!"
DJ decides, “I think you’ve done enough to help, and now you’ve done what you came here to do, you can leave now!”   Gwyneth says that she is really sorry for what happened, 
"I hope we can be friends again"
and hopes that one day they can be friends again – for they were good friends.   
DJ cannot wait to see the back of her
DJ shows her the door.
"Thank you very much"
Anita has made the important phone call and informs Kelly, 
"It was for me, Kelly!"
“It was for me!   I was his partner, Kelly, but what I can’t understand is my age.   What was he expecting me to do?”   
"At least you know no-one else was involved"
Kelly points out that at least now she knows that no-one else was involved;  “But why was it such a big secret?   Why go to so much trouble and not breathe a word about it?   
"Or was he hoping that I'd find out – and use it?"
“Or was he hoping that I would find out at some point – and use it?   Do you have better answer?   If that is what he was thinking, well, it’s a bit late now, isn’t it?”
Ed just wanted a quiet drink
Ed is drinking in the Deri, and not looking particularly happy, when Kath and Non come in.   
"Colin is doing my head in!"
He explains that Colin is doing his head in;  “All I wanted was a bit of peace and quiet.”   
"You're in the wrong place for peace and quiet!"
Kath come to the conclusion he is in the wrong place for peace and quiet, 
Here come DJ – and Sioned!
as she notices that Sioned, accompanied by DJ, has just arrived.
"I thought it was you he was after"
“What’s DJ doing with her?”   I thought it was you he was after,” says Kath, 
"He didn't turn up for that date"
and Non reveals that he did not turn up for their date, so Kath reckons that he and Sioned deserve each other, and urges Non not to waste her time on that fool.
"Look, I'm only giving her a place to stay, all right?"
DJ tells Ed, “Listen, I’m only giving Sioned a place to stay, all right?   Things have been difficult for her,” but Ed replies that it is nothing to do with him, informing DJ that the decree absolute came through today.   
"With Sioned, people always get hurt"
He warns DJ to be careful, as when Sioned is around, people always get hurt.
Ffion is embracing a fitness regîme
At Cysgod y Glyn, Hywel is enjoying his meal, and Ffion says that it is healthy, too;  “FFIT Cymru [S4C’s FITNESS PLAN] has reminded me I need to do more to stay healthy.”   Sheryl asks if they have heard that Sioned is back, 
"You have something to say to Ffion"
and Hywel reminds her that she has something to say to Ffion.
I was wondering if you would like to be my bridesmaid – you don’t have to do it,” Sheryl says, 
Ffion is delighted by the offer
but Ffion is very keen to do so.
"Watch and learn, Ed!"
Colin has connected up the water feature and turns it on – 
Hey presto – nothing happens!
and absolutely nothing happens;  Ed assumed that it was working, and Colin warns that Kelly will be furious.   
"Why didn't you check it, you idiot?"
“Why didn’t you check it, you idiot?”
"Perhaps because I just found out my ex-wife is back!"
Ed replies, “Perhaps because I just found out my ex-wife is back in Cwmderi!” and storms off.
Sioned thanks DJ for making this so easy
In the Deri, Sioned thanks DJ for making this a lot easier than she thought it would be, then heads for the ladies.   
"I was trying to cheer her up"
Non comes over to speak to DJ, who says that he was just trying to cheer up Sioned.   
"Why didn't you turn up when we arrange to meet?"
“Why didn’t you turn up when we arranged to meet?” Non asks him.   
"I came across Sioned in Swansea, and had to help her"
He replies that he came across Sioned in Swansea, and she was in a bad way, so he had to help her.
Non feels very let down
“It looks as if she’s enjoying your help, adds Non, “Look, I know she’s a lot prettier than me, but I still feel let down by the way you treated me.   You hurt me, DJ!   Good luck with Sioned.”
"No-one knows who the gnome thieves are"
Hywel maintains that all the village has been puzzled;  “No-one knows the identity of the thief of Cwmderi’s gnomes!”   
Gethin replies that one person knows;  “I saw you put them back – you need to be careful – 
"Someone always finds out"
“someone always finds out!   Never mind, it’s up to you how you get your kicks.”   
Sheryl knows who that was aimed at
Sheryl is looking uncomfortable, 
"I'll get some more wine"
and Hywel announces that he will go to the Deri for some more wine.   Gethin encourages him to go, as Ffion is having problems settling Arwen, 
"Why this bridesmaid idea?"
and this will leave him alone with Sheryl.
Gethin accuses her of making life difficult, by choosing Ffion as a bridesmaid;  “Explain why you suggested that Ffion should give me a massage,” he goes on, 
"I wanted to help make things better between you"
and she replies that she wanted to help make things better between them, because that is what his priority should be.
"I love you, Sher – we're good together!"
“I love you, Sher – we’re good together!” he insists, but she is quite adamant that it is over, and begs him to leave her alone.   
Ffion has got Arwen off to sleep at last
Ffion returns, now that Arwen is finally asleep, and Sheryl takes the opportunity to go and collect Esther, thanking Ffion for the meal.   
She is glad to get out of there . . .
As she walks out of the door, 
. . . as Gethin lusts after her
Gethin looks lasciviously after her.
Dinner-time at Bryntirion
It is also dinnertime at Bryntirion, and Dai asks about the large white envelope on the worktop;  
"That's mine – the decree absolute"
“It’s mine – our decree absolute,” Sioned informs them, and Dai describes this as a clean slate, then asks DJ why he is so quiet, and has not said a word all night.
"I think I've upset Non"
“I think I’ve upset Non,” he answers, “Because I didn’t turn up for that date – I told her I’m sorry, but I still feel bad about it.”   Sioned assures him that she will forgive him in time, 
"You're lovely, and I'm so grateful"
and describes him as lovely;  she is grateful for everything he has done for her.   Dai and Diane look at each other, concerned.
Gethin drools over the photos of Sheryl
Back home at Cysgod y Glyn, “That was a surprise – me being a bridesmaid,” says Ffion;  Gethin is obsessively looking at photos of Sheryl on his phone, and she asks him what is wrong.   
"Sorry for all the tension"
He maintains that he is sorry for all the tension this week, and enquires if their relationship is OK.   
"Of course we're OK!"
“Of course we are,” she replies, “You’re a softy deep down, especially after a drink,” and goes to check on Arwen.   
Another text to Sheryl . . .
He composes a text on his phone.
. .  which by now is getting on her nerves
Sheryl looks at it, and reads, “I can’t lose you   I love you.”   
"It was from Ffion"
She tells Hywel it was from Ffion, thanking her again.   
"I'm looking forward to the day you become my wife"
He is confident that things are coming together nicely now, and he is looking forward to the day she becomes his wife;  
Sheryl is feeling the pressure
Sheryl tries to look happy.

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