Thursday, 5 April 2018

4 April 2018 (1st)

Non brings Mark his post
Non brings the post from Maes-y-Deri, and is told that Mark is helping out in the café, 
"It saves paying Gwen"
which saves paying Gwen;  “But not a word, because I’m still on the sick – we have to save money if Ricky wants to go to university in September.”
"Sorry I caused that argument!"
She reveals that there was another reason she called;  she wanted to apologise for causing the argument between him and Kath yesterday.   
"Mam is the one who should apologise"
He insists that if anyone should apologise, it is his mother, and he is surprised to hear from Non that Kath feels terrible about it all.   “She regrets being so nasty to you,” lies Non, 
"I don't regret anything!"
but Mark does not regret anything he said, and could have told her a lot more.
Why does Non think this plan is going to work?
“It would be great if you could come over for meal tonight, just to give her the chance to say sorry,” Non pleads, but Mark is determined he is not going anywhere near her.   Non points out that Ricky is caught up in the middle of it, and being pulled in both directions;  “Imagine how difficult it is for him, in the middle of exams and everything.”   
"One word out of place!"
He finally agrees to go there for Ricky’s sake, but adds, “If Mam dares to utter a word out of place, I’ll be out of there like a shot!”
A heap of peanut butter sandwiches
Chester has prepared an enormous pile of sandwiches;  
"How many do you think I can eat?"
“How many peanut butter sarnies do you think I can eat?” demands Hannah, but he asks her if she has the money to buy her own lunch and dinner.
"You've been moody all weekend"
“What’s wrong?   You’ve been moody all weekend,” she enquires, and he says that his mind has been on other things.   “Tell me, Chester,” she urges him, 
"We can't keep secrets from each other"
“We can’t start our engagement by keeping secrets from each other.”
"Gwyneth has raised the rate of interest"
He reveals that Gwyneth told him she was going to raise the rate of interest, and they have to pay it monthly, but he did not want to worry her.   
That creep Gethin is still sniffing around Sheryl
In the salon, Sheryl receives a text from – guess who – asking if she is free this afternoon;  Hywel has just walked in, 
"A client has cancelled"
so she tells him that a client has cancelled.   “Do you fancy closing the salon and going to Tapas?” he asks, “It’s opening today, and I’m reviewing it for CwmFM.   
"Free food and drink – what do you say?"
“Free food and drink – what do you say?”   Sheryl is in favour of this idea, 
Gethin is rebuffed
and replies to the text that she is busy.
Non works on her letter of resignation
Non is trying to draft a letter to the college to officially resign from the course, 
"Don't take any notice of what Mark says"
and Kath tells her not to take any notice of what Mark said, as it is her decision.   
"I shouldn't have mentioned it yesterday"
Non regrets mentioning it yesterday, as it started them arguing again.
“Don’t worry,” replies Kath, 
"We would have argued about something else"
“We would have argued about something else instead.”   
"Mark regrets what he said"
Then Non tries to convince Kath that Mark did not sleep much last night, and regrets saying all those nasty things to her.
“I think he wants to apologise,” she says, 
"He hasn't got the guts to do that!"
but his mother does not think he has the guts to do so.   
"Why don't we invite him for a meal?"
“Why don’t we invite him over for meal, to give him a chance to say sorry – I could cook.”   
"You leave it to me, Kath"
Kath doubts that Mark would want to do that, but Non says to leave it to her.
"What's that smell?   Eau de cognac?"
Garry brings a cup of coffee to Elgan, who remarks on the smell of ‘eau de cognac’ and points out that alcohol takes its toll on the body.   “Don’t let booze get the better of you, all right?”   
"Dani's going ahead with the divorce"
Garry reveals that Dani is going ahead with the divorce, without discussing anything with him.   The doctor suggests that this may be his chance to talk to her, 
Then Dani appears, wanting to talk to Garry
as Dani has appeared in front of them.   
He seems to have let things go
Garry invites her upstairs, where everything is in a mess.   “I’ve come over to get the . . .” but before she can say anything else, 
Garry is full of apologies . . .
he apologises for his behaviour last night, and all that business with Mathew leaving, and again insists that he misses her.
. . . but Dani wants the divorce paperwork
“I just want the divorce papers,” she continues, 
Dani has heard all this before
and he goes on about her being the best thing that ever happened to him, and how they make a good team, but she replies, “I don’t want to hear all this again!”
“You have to give careful consideration to everything,” he begins, 
Then Garry's tone turns threatening
“It’s not going to be quite so easy for you from now on.   The pennies that you get from Sheryl won’t pay the bills – and Moc’s money will run out before long, won’t it?”
"You're trying to scare me!"
Dani snarls, “I see – so you’re trying to scare me!   The papers – now, please!”   
"There you are – help yourself!"
He picks up the bin, and empties it in front of her.
Hannah does not look happy
Chester is working at APD when Hannah comes in, looking very serious.   He predicts that they will have a lot of fun when he passes his test;  
"We could even go camping!"
“I can take you to Swansea, or the beach – we could even go camping – without Mam and Colin!”
“Do you have any idea how much money we have to pay Gwyneth?” she demands, and he does not seem very interested, 
"I've done the maths – it's £7,000!"
but she continues, “I’ve done the maths – its over double what we borrowed – look, its £7,000!”   
"We'll never find that sort of money!"
He suddenly realises, “We’ll never find that sort of money!”
Garry stirs his coffee . . .
Garry is absentmindedly stirring his coffee, 
. . . and Britt checks it for additives
and Britt checks to make sure it is not laced with alcohol.    She has come to cook dinner for him, but he says he is not hungry;  “I know things are difficult between you and Dani,” she reassures him.
"I just want her back!"
He whines that he has tried everything;  “But every time I see her – I just want her back!”   Britt points out that Dani has to do what is best for Carol.   
He is going to try offering her money . . .
“Yes, you’re right – what Dani needs is stability – that’s the one thing I can offer,” he says, taking a bundle of notes from his pocket.   Britt argues that he cannot buy Dani, 
. . . and Britt cannot change his mond
but he has other ideas.
So this is the new Tapas place
After their visit to the tapas bar, both Sheryl and Hywel are rather drunk, 
. . . where Hywel and Sheryl have been plied with copious alcohol
and she insists, “We’re going for walk – I need to sober up!   That food was delicious.”   Hywel comments that she was knocking back the sherry as if there was no tomorrow, 
"She called it 'Armadillo'!"
and they laugh over the fact that Anita referred to the Amontillado as ‘Armadillo’.
How long is it going to take for Gethin to get the message
Sheryl receives another text, asking if she is, ‘still busy?’   
Hywel is feeling amorous
In his amorous mood, Hywel kisses her, but she says, 
"Not in front of our friends"
“Not in front of our friends,” pointing at the gnomes along the street.   
Hywel is about to indulge in a bit of theft . . .
Hywel is drunkenly considering stealing one of the gnomes 
. . . and tells the doctor about it
when Dr Pritchard approaches, 
"I hope they don't all register at the surgery at once!"
and hopes they do not all register at the surgery at once, which Sheryl finds particularly hilarious.
Then he goes to talk to Garry
Then Elgan sees Garry, across the road, who admits that his meeting with Dani went very badly.   
Garry explains his latest plan
“There’s only one thing left to try – offering her money, as a gesture of goodwill,” he says, but the doctor has serious doubts that this will work.
He knocks more gently this time . . .
Garry knocks on the door of number 7, 
. . . and Dani invites him in
and this time Dani lets him in.
Mark arrives for dinner
Mark arrives at Maes-y-Deri, and Non asks how it is going at the café.   
Kath wastes no time in arguing with him
“Working on the sly, is it?   You’re supposed to be off sick,” moans Kath.   He replies that Non will have to find a job now that she is leaving the course.
"And I shall have to send the grant back"
Non adds, “And I shall have to send the grant back – the teacher training grant – it’s about £20,000.”   
Instantly, Kath's opinion changes
Kath seems to have a sudden change of opinion, 
"I hope you know what you're doing"
wondering if Non knows what she is doing.   
Mark interrupts that his mother forced Non to abandon the course;  
"It always comes down to money"
“It always comes down to money!”   Kath is now of the opinion that Non could carry on teaching if she wants.   “You think you can twist Non round your little finger,” rages Mark.
"You show up here to apologise . . ."
By now, Kath is in full flow, “You show up here to apologise, then give me a piece of your mind!”   
"No, I came for you to apologise to me!"
Mark makes it quite clear that the only reason he came, was so that she could apologise to him, 
They think this was engineered by Non
then they both look at Non, who says nothing.
"Those three aren't wearing hats!"
Back home, Sheryl is still giggling, and tells Hywel, “That’s easy – those three aren’t wearing hats!”   
Hywel appears to have purloined the gnomes
It transpires that they have taken all the garden gnomes home with them;  
"What do these three have in common?"
then Sheryl selects some more and asks what these three have in common.   
"The police are investigating kidnapping of a family of gnomes"
While Hywel is deliberating, her phone sounds again;  this time, she says that it is a message from the police, alleging they have had reports of a glamorous couple kidnapping a family of gnomes.   Once again they collapse into laughter.
"I'm looking forward to you being Mrs Llywelyn"
“I’m looking forward to the day when you’re Mrs Llywelyn,” Hywel tells her, 
"I can't wait"
and she agrees she cannot wait to be Mrs Llywelyn.   
"All three think it's time for bed!"
Looking at the three gnomes, Hywel guesses that they all three agree that it is time for bed.   
"Good night!"
Bidding good night to the gnomes, they head upstairs.
"This place would be much nicer without you!"
Mark is telling his mother a few home truths;  “This place would be much nicer if you weren’t around!   You’re determined to ruin our lives, one after the other.”
"After everything I've done for you!"
“And that’s the thanks I get after everything I’ve done for you!” she shouts, “I’ve put a roof over your head, supported you time and time again!”   
"You've poisoned everything!"
Mark says he does not know how he put up with her;  they were trying to be a family, but she poisoned that.   
"No – Debbie did that!"
Kath is not standing for that;  “No – Debbie poisoned everything!   
"I might as well sell the house!"
“If Maes-y-Deri isn’t good enough, why should I bother keeping it?   I might as well sell it!”   Mark cannot believe that she would do that, but she goes on, “Wouldn’t I?   I’ve got a bit more backbone than you!   It’s my house – what use is a big empty house if you’ve all moved away?”   
Non is increasingly upset by the arguments
Non is becoming more and more upset as the argument continues.
"Will you let me hold her?"
Dani brings Carol downstairs, and allows Garry to hold her;  
Carol does not take kindly to Garry . . .
Carol does not seem to appreciate this, 
. . . so she has to be handed back to Dani
as he once more apologises that he did not make a very good job of explaining to Dani.   He says that he wants to do what is right, and to do what he can;  
Producing money from his pocket . . .
he takes the wad of notes from his pocket.
. . . does not go down well with Dani
Dani tells him to stop this right now;  “If you would do anything for Carol,” she says, and picks up a brown envelope, 
She hands him the divorce papers, again
“There’s another copy of the divorce papers.   You had better go!”
“Before I do something I regret, is it,” he growls menacingly, 
"You'll regret this!"
“You’ll regret this!”   He turns and leaves the house.

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