Monday, 24 September 2018

21 September 2018

"I'll go and pick up Esther"
Rhys is about to go and pick up Esther, and expects her to be excited about the photographs;  “She looked really cute, didn’t she?   
"What do you want for dinner?"
“What do you want for dinner?   I will stop at the shop.”   
"No, I'll fetch Esther – I need some fresh air"
Hywel decides that he will fetch Esther instead, as the fresh air will do him good, and Rhys will go to the gym for an hour.
Anita is tidying up Y Felin 
Anita is busy, tidying up at Y Felin, when Siôn asks her where the cheese grater is;  
Siôn cannot find his cheese grater
“Not the flat one, the one that stands up.”   
"You don't need two!"
She tells him that she got rid of that one, as he does not need two.   He argues, “They are completely different, and it’s easier to use with this arm, since I sprained my wrist.”
"What else in in the box?"
She tells him that it is in a box in the garage, and he wonders what else is in the box;  “All kinds of stuff – things I didn’t think you needed, which I was going to take to the Maenan Appeal.”   He suspects that he will require his own appeal in this case.
Mathew is glad that Eifion is venturing out
Mathew is pleased to see Eifion out and about, and is invited for a pint in the Deri later;  Eifion thinks he is ready to go, 
"I'm very short of money"
but Mathew is reluctant as he is very short of money, because Jason will not give him his job back.   
"Come on – I'll pay"
Eifion is only too willing to pay.
"Sorry I haven't been over, Hywel"
Ffion meets Hywel coming out of the shop, and is sorry she has not been over to see him since he came back.   
"Gethin is not going to destroy my life!"
“Gethin has destroyed so many lives, and I’m determined that he won’t destroy mine!” she says, “But there’s no need for you to apologise.   How’s Esther?”   
"Rhys has gone to pick her up from the nursery"
He replies that Rhys has gone to pick her up from the nursery, and she is glad that Rhys is looking after him.
Ffion offers any help that she is able to give;  
"I know what it's like to be a single parent"
“I know what it is like to be a single parent –you’ll have to bring her over to play with Arwen.”   
She has concerns about him
She is doubtful that he is as well as he pretends to be.
Siôn investigates what has been thrown out
Siôn is in Y Felin’s garage, checking on what Anita has decided to throw out;  he finds several books that he wanted to keep.   Iolo approaches and enquires if his father is having a clear-out.   
"I haven't even worn this!"
Siôn grumbles, “Someone else is insisting I don’t need these things!” as he picks up a jumper which he has not even worn.   
“She’s taken your stuff without asking?” demands Iolo, but Siôn replies that he supposes she is trying to help.   
"You have to tell her, Dad!"
“You tell her!” Iolo advises, but Siôn does not want to argue about this.
Iolo is looking in another box, and makes a strange discovery;  
"It's a bit too big for you!"
“Oh, wow!” he exclaims, “It’s a bit too big for you!” as he displays a red bra.   
Siôn is shocked
His father looks shocked, but also investigates the box.
Ffion learns that Elgan has returned to North Wales
In the Deri, Ffion learns that Elgan has left for North Wales, and is very sorry to hear it, but Gaynor maintains it was the right thing for both of them.   She has not heard from Elgan, and does not expect to;  
"He's gone, and that's that!"
“He’s gone, and that’s that!” she concludes, “Life moves on, doesn’t it?”   Ffion considers it strange that she has just told Hywel the same thing.
"Hywel looked distant"
She says that he did not seem his usual self;  “He looked distant, and it will take him a long time to get over what he has been through.”
Hywel's phone rings . . .
Hywel’s phone rings insistently, 
. . . but he rejects the call . . .
and when he looks at it, he rejects the call;  he looks around the room at the doll’s house and other toys, 
. . . then starts clearing away Esther's toys
then begins to put the books and other smaller items into a black bin bag.   He has a determined look on his face.
"What are these doing in my garage?"
In the garage at Y Felin, Siôn wonders what these bras are doing in his garage;  
"I'm sure this one will suit you"
“I’m sure this one will suit you,” laughs Iolo, and at that moment, Anita walks in, demanding what they are doing.
"They're leftover stock from years ago"
“They are mine, all right?   I deserve more respect than that!   They’re leftover stock I’ve got from the business I ran years ago.   I used to keep them in the attic at home.”   
"You can only wear one at a time, actually . . ."
Siôn doubts that she needs them after all these years:  “You can only wear one at a time, actually!”   
". . . and I've never worn this"
Then he points out that his jumper has never even been worn, 
"If you haven't worn it within two months . . ."
but she replies that the old saying is, if you have not worn it within two months, just get rid of it.
"It's not up to you to do that!"
“I’d like to decide whether or not to throw it out,” he rather brusquely informs her,” but she says she is not throwing it out, merely giving it away.   He snatches it back, warning her that it is not up to her to do that.   She maintains that she thought she was helping him, and flounces off.
Gaynor has a call from the nursery
In the Deri, Gaynor receives a phone call, and says that someone will be there now;  
"I'm going to collect her now"
she tells Ffion that no-one has picked up Esther from the nursery, and Hywel is not answering his phone.   She will go and collect the child right away;  
Ffion's concern for Hywel grows
Ffion hopes that everything is OK.
Gaynor vainly rings the doorbell . . .
Gaynor rings the doorbell of Hywel’s house next door, but receives no reply;  
. . . then phones Hywel . . .
then she rings his number, 
. . . but he ignores it all
but he ignores the phone as he sits at the foot of the stairs.
"I've been an idiot"
In the Deri, Tyler says he is sorry for throwing Eifion out last week;  Eifion admits that he has been an idiot and has not yet had a chance to thank him and Iolo.   
"There's been a lot going on recently"
“There’s been a lot going on recently.”   
"I heard what happened with Jim"
Tyler heard what happened with Jim, and is proud that he has come there for a pint, happy with who he is.
“I’m not quite there yet,” Eifion admits, “But I appreciate the support I’ve been given.”   
"Where's my pint, then?"
Mathew joins them and wants to know where his pint is.
"There's nothing like a session at the gym!"
Rhys arrives back at the house, saying, “There’s nothing like a session at the gym to boost energy levels.   Maybe you should try it, instead of sitting on the sofa – you’re not too old – one bloke is almost in his 70s, I’m sure.   It’s good for the mind as well.”
"There's nothing wrong with my mind"
Hywel says there is nothing wrong with his mind, 
"Where's Esther?"
but when Rhys asks where Esther is, he initially does not reply, 
"She's not here"
then tells him, “She’s not here.”   As Rhys demands where she is, there is a knock at the door.
Gaynor brings Esther home
Gaynor has brought Esther home, and Rhys snarls, “You said you were picking her up – what happened?”
Gaynor is angry that he did not collect Esther, and did not answer the door;  “The nursery has been phoning you – did you forget or something?   Are you ill – you should have said something.”
"I haven't forgotten anything"
He replies that he has not forgotten anything, and asks, “Someone take her somewhere, please!”   Gaynor goes with Esther to play in the garden, 
"I can't have her in my life"
while Hywel explains to Rhys, “I didn’t want to fetch her – I can’t have her in my life – she reminds me of Sheryl and all the lies.   Sheryl should be here to look after her, not me!”
"She's your daughter!"
Rhys angrily points out, “She’s your daughter – you can’t say that!” 
"I can't do this any more"
but Hywel is insistent he cannot do this any more – he does not want to do it.
Siôn appeals for assistance . . .
Siôn is having trouble opening a jar with his injured wrist;  
. . . and replaces the splint on his wrist
he puts the splint around it again, but Anita does not think he needs it any more.   
"Stop sulking, Anita"
He urges her to not to sulk;  “You’re angry because I refused to get rid of that stuff,” but she maintains she is not angry, 
"I though I was helping"
and thought she was helping, but it is entirely up to him.   
"You're no angel yourself"
“You’re no angel yourself, remember,” he adds, but she maintains that the bras are valuable and that she is going to sell them.  
"I wouldn't dream of getting rid of them without asking you first"
 “But I would never dream of getting rid of them without asking you first,” he emphasises.
Her retort is, “Well, as we are having this debate, something you do is getting on my nerves as well – you trim your beard in the sink!”   
"Am I supposed to shave out in the garden?"
He demands whether she expects him to shave in the back garden, or if he should switch on the hoover while he is doing it.
“And there’s something else – you go on and on and on!” then she realises that is exactly what she is doing, and tells him she does not want him to change;  it is just that they are not used to living together.
"I love living with you"
Siôn is confident that they will used to it, as he loves living with her;  “I adore you, to be honest, and I don’t know what I’d do without you,” he says, 
At last, he gets his jar opened
handing her the jar again, which she opens without any trouble.
"You're the only thing Esther has in the whole world"
“You’re the only thing Esther has in the whole world,” insists Gaynor, as Rhys comes downstairs.   Hywel replies that he did not want to bring her to Cwmderi in the first place;   
"It was Sheryl's idea"
“It was Sheryl’s idea – adoption was her idea – she forced me to go along with it.   You know what she was like – if she wanted something, no-one could stand in her way.”
"You can't change your mind about this!"
Gaynor forcibly reminds him he cannot change his mind about this;  she knows that life is very difficult for him at the moment, but he has her and Rhys to support him.
"I don't want that responsibility!"
He is aware that is only temporary;  “I’ll have to look after her – I don’t want that responsibility!”   
"She's already lost her mother"
Gaynor reminds him that the little girl has already lost her mother.
"It's classic – typical of you!"
Rhys exclaims, “It’s classic – typical of you.   You’re fed up with Esther, and you don’t want anything to do with her.   
"Did you expect that leaving her there would solve your problems?"
“What were you expecting today?   That leaving her at nursery would solve your problems?   You did exactly the same to me – when it all got too much for you, you sent me away to Aberystwyth, to live with Gran.   Do you know how that affected me?   How do you think I felt, knowing that my father didn’t want me?”
"I couldn't cope on my own"
Hywel pleads that he could not cope on his own, 
"I won't let you do that to Esther!"
and is told to grow up;  “You might have done that to me, but I won’t let you do it to Esther!”
Hywel’s angry reply is that he and Lois did the same thing to Gwen, but Rhys is adamant that their situation was different – they were so young.
"If only I hadn't had an affair with Sheryl"
“If I hadn’t had an affair with Sheryl, it wouldn’t have happened,” Hywel laments, but Gaynor argues that he cannot say that;  without him and Sheryl what sort of life would Esther have had.   
"She needs a real family now"
He maintains, “She needs a real family now – she’s young enough to go to another family – someone who could give her a loving home.”
"Don't turn your back on Esther now!"
Gaynor begs him not to turn his back on Esther now;  “Go up to see her, at least – she was frightened earlier.
"Looking at the bus timetable to Cardiff?"
Mathew is engrossed with his phone, and Eifion discovers he is looking at the bus timetable to Cardiff;  
"There's nothing for me here, is there?"
“There’s nothing here for me now, is there?   Jason has made that clear.”   
Eifion points out that he has been saying all week that it gets better with time, and urging him to stay strong.   
"I'd still be hiding in the flat if it weren't for you"
“I’d still be hiding in the flat if it wasn’t for you!”   Tyler informs him that now is the time Eifion needs his family around him, 
Eifion manages to persuade him
and Mathew eventually agrees to stay in the village.
"This is all down to stress"
“He’s been through hell recently, hasn’t he,” says Gaynor, “This is all down to stress,” 
"He can't just give up!"
but Rhys points out he cannot just give up the moment things don’t go right for him.   
"It's a sobering thought, though"
“It’s a sobering thought, realising you’re on your own raising a child,” she tells him.
"Sorry, I just panic sometimes"
Hywel comes back downstairs, reporting that Esther is asleep and admitting that he cannot do this, as she means too to him.   “Sorry, I just panic sometimes – I think too much.   She needs me.”   
"Of course she does – you're her father"
Gaynor agrees that of course she does – he is her father.
"Contact me if you need anything – all right?"
She encourages him to contact her if he needs anything, and leaves the house, but Hywel still looks undecided.

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