Monday, 16 July 2018

13 July 2018

"I'm sure you lead a double life"
In the shop, Cadno tells Eifion, “I’m sure you lead a double life – I don’t know where you are half the time!”   
"I've been organising a surprise for you"
He replies that he has been organising a surprise for her;  the boys are at Penrhewl, so they can go out boozing, or at least have a couple of drinks and a meal in the Deri.
“It’s the right company that turns a meal into a feast,” he says, 
Cadno is immediately suspicious . . .
and she wonders if everything is all right;  he assures her, “Great – life is good at the moment, isn’t it?   New job, new home – and you!”   
. . . and then he kisses her
He kisses her.
"I haven't been kissed like that for years"
Angharad comes into the shop and remarks that she has not been kissed like that for years, but things might change this weekend;  
"Your best bottle of red wine, please"
“Can I have your best bottle of red wine, please?” she goes on, “It’s a gift for a friend.”
Gaynor looks forward to a relaxing evening
At that moment, Gaynor is in the Deri, also purchasing a bottle of wine;  “I’ve had such a week – some wine, a bath and then an early night,” she tells Dani.   
"Ed's got a van full of secondhand furniture"
Jason comes in for a quick pint, and tells her Ed has a van full of secondhand furniture, which he found online, and Jason has been roped in to take them up to the flat.
"I'm not sure Kelly will be very pleased"
Then Ed arrives, and advises that it is not bad stuff, “But I’m not sure Kelly will be very pleased – it’s not the prettiest.”   
"You have to upcycle it, then"
Dani says that he will have to upcycle it – paint it, and put new knobs on it – things like that;  “I’ve got things I made for our bedroom – and Garry loves them.”   
Ed has his doubts about this
Ed is not very sure about this.
The shop is closed, but that does not stop Alun from walking in;  
"What are you doing here?"
“What are you doing here?” demands Eifion.   
"I hope he's not here to cause trouble!"
When Cadno sees him, she hopes that he is not here to cause trouble, and warns him they are about to go out.   Alun insists that it is important, 
"You go to the Deri – I'll be there soon"
so Eifion tells her to go to the Deri and order the meals;  he will be along shortly.   He kisses her, for Alun’s benefit.
"You don't have to live a lie"
Then Alun begins his spiel, “You don’t have to live a lie,” but Eifion is quite adamant that he was just a moment of weakness – a fling, and Cadno is not going to find out.   
"You spoiled it all by coming to Cwmderi!"
He wants Alun to leave immediately;  “You spoiled it all by coming to Cwmderi – if you’d stayed in Swansea, we would not be arguing!”   
Alun becomes angry
Alun is angry that Eifion has been trying to hide his girlfriend, making him look like an idiot in the Deri and threatening him in the street.
"Just five minutes to talk properly"
“Just give me five minutes to talk properly,” he pleads, “And then I’ll go and you’ll never see me again!”   They go upstairs to the flat.
Gaynor is about to soak her feet . . .
Gaynor is settling down for a relaxing evening, and is about to put her feet into a foot spa, when there is a knock on the door, 
. . . when pestilential Angharad turns up
and inevitably it is Angharad who comes breezing in.   She has brought the bottle of wine and a Tikka Masala, but Gaynor tries to explain that she has had terrible week and was about to relax.
"Wait till you hear what Stephen Fisher has done!"
Angharad takes no notice of this, but pours out the wine and complains, “You’ll need one of these when you hear what Stephen Fisher has done – the pig!   
Gaynor wonders what she is talking about
“And now his clients have sided with him!   This is lovely – good wine, good food and good company!”   Gaynor is pretty much speechless.
This is the chest of drawers that needs upcycling
In the café, Ed and Jason survey a chest of drawers, and wonder what they could do with it.
"I paint walls, not pink elephants!"
Jason replies that he works for a building company, and paints walls and things, but not pretty little flowers and pink elephants.   
Ed suggests that they paint alternate drawers in different colours;  
"It's a chest of drawers, not a zebra!"

“It’s a chest of drawers, not a zebra!” Jason stresses, but he has no idea about colours.   

"Ah – I know the answer, Ed!"
He suddenly has a bright idea and rushes off home.
"I can't just turn off my feelings, John"
Up in the shop flat, Alun explains, “I can’t just turn off my feelings, John, and Eifion angrily informs him that John does not exist.   
"Cadno will be wondering where I am"
Cadno will be wondering where he is;  “Like the nights when you didn’t leave me until one or two in the morning?” Alun reminds him, 
Alun looks at Eifion's family
picking up a photograph of Cadno and the boys.
“I’m not going to let you spoil my family!” Eifion snarls, 
"You're the one leading a double life!"
but Alun replies that he is the one living a double life, keeping secrets, deceiving his family.
He does not want to deceive anyone any more
Eifion says he does not want to deceive anyone any more.
Gaynor has had an unexpected meal
Angharad and Gaynor are enjoying their takeaway from Cwm Delhi;  Angharad recalls the Bombay Palace, which became a dangerous habit every Friday night.   
"What did you want to talk about?"
Gaynor asks what she wanted to talk about, and she points out that she helped the bloke – in fact she had taught him everything.
"He's set up his own company – cheaper than me!"
She complains, “Now he’s gone and set up his own local interior design company – but cheaper than me!   Can you believe it?   And now one of my best clients has gone to him, after everything I’ve done for them!”   
"You don't need those people in your life"
Gaynor points out that she does not need those people in her life, but then Angharad comes to the crux of the matter;  
Predatory? – well, I'll be blowed
“They said that I was predatory – that I’m too pushy, and I flirt with my clients too much.   Why on earth would people make such remarks?   I can’t tell you how upset I am – me, predatory?   It doesn’t make any sense!   Do you think I am?”
"Well, you do flirt a lot'
Gaynor concedes that she does flirt a lot, but that is her nature.      Angharad maintains that she is just being friendly, and that they must really hate her;  “What if everyone thinks that way about me, but people are too polite to say?”   
"You'll feel better on Monday morning"
Gaynor has to be careful what she says, and pours her out another glass of wine, predicting that she will feel a lot better on Monday morning.   Angharad is very grateful for such a good friend as Gaynor.
Eifion still has not appeared at the Deri . . .
Cadno is still waiting for Eifion at the Deri, 
. . . and Cadno will return to the shop
and thinks she will go and make sure that they are all right.   
"I'm here for you, Eifion"
Meanwhile, at the shop flat, Alun is still continuing his onslaught;  “I know it’s difficult, but I’m here for you, Eifion.   
"You need to accept who you are"
“You need help to sort your head out and accept who you are.”
Eifion insist that there is nothing to accept, that is reminded that he said himself he has been sleeping with men for years.   Eifion insists that it doesn’t mean anything, 
"Don't I mean anything to you?"
and Alun demands, “Don’t I mean anything to you?   That’s all that matters,” and kisses him.
"Right – I want you to leave!"
But after a moment, Eifion pushes him away and demands that he leaves;  “This was another mistake – I don’t want to hear it!   Go away!   I didn’t want any of this – it’s not fair on Cadno!”
"Society pushes us into straight relationships"
“I understand – society pushes people like us into straight relationships,” Alun begins, but Eifion insists that he is not part of this.   
Alun loses his temper
“You’re gay, Eifion!” rages Alun, “Doesn’t Cadno deserve someone who will be faithful?   Someone who is honest with her, who doesn’t need to to hide who is, because he’s scared?”
Eifion does not intend to be with him
Eifion spells it out plainly, “Listen, I am not going to leave everything to be with you!”   
Alun goes on that he deserves better than having to hide in dark corners, then sneaking into people’s homes because he is scared and looking for excuses because he is late.   
"The lies – that will kill you slowly"
“Those are the lies that gnaw away at a man – it will kill you slowly!”
"What's going on?"
Cadno has returned, and angrily demands, “Is he still here?   What’s going on?”   
"He thinks he deserves compensation"
After a pause, Eifion admits, “I have not been totally honest with you – he did not hit me on the rugby pitch.”    She wants to know, in that case, how they came to meet, and Eifion comes up with the answer, “I hit him – and he thinks he deserves compensation.   He missed a lot of work.”
"You're not getting a penny!"
She is furious that Alun is blackmailing them, and tells Eifion to go to the police, quite adamant that he will not get a penny.   Eifion tells her to go back to the Deri, and he will sort it out.   “If I hear that you’ve taken any money from him, I shall go straight to the police!” she promises.
Eifion bursts into tears . . .
“I’m sure you’re proud of yourself, John,” Alun comments, and Eifion dissolves into tears;  
. . . and an arm is put on his shoulder
Alun puts his arm around him.
"It doesn't matter what other people think of you'
Gaynor is still trying to encourage Angharad;  “It doesn’t matter what other people think of you, as long as you’re happy.”    
"How come you're so comfortable in your skin?"
Angharad cannot understand why Gaynor is comfortable in her skin, and does not mind if Elgan sees her like that.   
"He's seen me looking a lot worse than this"
“He’s seen me looking a lot worse than this,” Gaynor replies.   
"Don't you even switch the lights off?"
“Don’t you even switch the lights off?   Very brave!” is the comment, and then Angharad enquires when Elgan is expected home.   
"Elgan's visiting friends in Oxford'
As soon as Gaynor says that he is not coming back tonight, as he is visiting friends in Oxford, 
Angharad is suddenly in a tremendous hurry to go
Angharad suddenly decides that she is very tired and cannot wait to leave.   
Gaynor knows exactly what Angharad is after
Gaynor now realises exactly what Angharad is up to.
"I know how difficult it is to 'come out'"
Alun apologises for upsetting Eifion;  “I know from experience how difficult it is to ‘come out’.   You have to do it in your time – and I’ll be there for you!”
Eifion calls their relationship 'dirty'
Eifion is quite adamant, “We can’t keep seeing each other – not now – its too . . . dirty!   I appreciate what do you did earlier by not saying anything, because I wouldn’t be able to show my face around here if people found out.”
Alun reveals he told Iolo and Tyler 
At this point, Alun reveals that he too was upset in the Deri yesterday, and had to tell someone;  “Iolo and Tyler understand, and they won’t tell anyone.”
"Why did you have to tell anyone?"
Eifion demands why he had to tell anyone;  “They live across the road – I see them every day!   Get out!”   
"Nice to meet you, despite everything"
At last, Alun complies with his wishes, on his way remarking that it was nice to meet Eifion, despite everything.
They think they have created a masterpiece
In the café, Ed is admiring Jason’s handiwork, and calls it beautiful;  “The way you did those petals – I’ve never seen such delicate work!”   Jason is in turn impressed with Ed’s handling of a paintbrush.   
"How did you know what to do?"
Dani comes in and wonders how they knew what to do;  
The idea came from Sara's magazine
“It looks lush,” she compliments them, and Jason shows her that the ideas were in one of Sara’s magazines.   They are both very pleased with the results, and decide they need a pint, 
"You're not going to leave it all there?"
but are brought down to earth by Dani;  “Are you going to leave the paint and stencils in a mess here, are you?” 
"OK, tidy up first!"
so they agree to tidy up first.
Cadno is waiting again
Cadno is sitting impatiently in the Deri 
"We won't hear from him again"
when Eifion at last comes in, looking cautiously around.   She hopes that he did not give Alun any money, and he seems confident that they will not hear from him again.   
But Eifion still appears to be rather on edge
“You’re not looking for someone, are you?” she asks, as he peers around the pub.
"The only person I want is in front of me"
He replies that the only person he wants is sitting in front of him, then goes to the bar to order their steaks, 
. . . but he does look slightly tense
and looks very troubled.

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