Wednesday, 4 July 2018

3 July 2018

"I've got a gig for the band – in the Deri"
Colin tells Chester that he has managed to get a gig for the band, which he has apparently named ‘Red Roses’;  “Garry asked me to organise it – he knows I’m a dab hand at that sort of thing.   
He is unsure of what kind of music they play
We play – er – rock, I suppose – we haven’t pinned it down yet.”   
"But the gig is next week!"
Chester points out that the gig is next week, but Colin is confident that Jason and Ed know their stuff;  “You should hear Jason’s guitar solos!   We are going to go far, I’m telling you!”
Chester advises that some rehearsal would not go amiss, and Colin asks what are his plans for today.   He adds that Debbie was in the shop earlier and has an interview for a job at Awyr Iach this morning.   
"I didn't know about that!"
Chester was unaware of this vacancy, but remarks that it is never too late 
Colin looks pleased with himself
and gets out his phone.
Debbie is smartening herself up for the interview, wearing the top that she intends to sell online;  
Kath cuts off the label . . .
Kath cuts off the label from the back, telling her she does not want to go for an interview with the label showing.   
. . . much to Debbie's displeasure
Debbie is angry, as this will reduce the amount she gets for it, and asks Kath not to tell Mark, as she said she would finish this scam.   
She tells Kath about her scam
“I buy clothes from Maenan and sell them for a profit!”
Kath is impressed;  “You’re not as stupid as you look!” and Debbie says she made £20 profit on a pair of trousers.   
Non brings in the post
Non brings her the post, and they both advise her on her interview technique.
Debbie had forgotten all about the VAT bill
Then Debbie opens one of the letters to find something which she had forgotten all about – the VAT bill for the last quarter, so Kath tells her she had better get this job.   
"Concentrate on the interview"
Non advises her to forget about it, and concentrate on the interview.
Someone is looking for Diane . . .
A smartly dressed stranger with a briefcase comes into APD and asks Jason to tell Mrs Ashurst that he is looking for her;  Jason replies that she has only gone out for a coffee, 
. . . his name is apparently Gordon Owen
but the man will call back later, as he has other calls to make, but he has to talk to her in person.
As he walks out Dai and DJ come in, 
"You're only after some cheap labour!"
with DJ is objecting to providing cheap labour for his father.   
"Did you see that bloke looking for Mam?"
Jason asks if they saw that bloke, who was looking for Mam;  “A man the same age as you – old, not quite as fat – wanted to talk to Mam.”
Diane arrives, and is told about the man, 
"Looked like a loan shark to me"
who, according to Jason, looked like a loan shark, but Dai maintains, “Even your mother wouldn’t be that stupid!”   
She has an idea who it might be
She bluffs that it is probably someone from the council, then rushes off with the excuse that she has left some invoices at home.   The next one to arrive is Non, and Dai presumes that she wants a chat with DJ.
"Can we meet for a coffee in the Deri?"
“Can we meet for a coffee later?   I’ll wait for you in the Deri – I want to discuss something with you,” she tells him.   
Then Jason hurries off
Concerned by his mother’s abrupt departure, Jason also says he has to go out, 
"This place is like a rabbit warren!"
and Dai remarks that there is more toing and froing here than in a rabbit warren.
Debbie arrives for interview
Debbie arrives at number 9 for her interview, and is asked what she has to offer Awyr Iach.
"You could use me to your advantage"
She refers to her experience, so she knows what a boss expects from workers, and points out to Sara, “You could use me to your advantage – I’m used to running a business, so I could take on a lot of responsibility – keep an eye on the rest of the staff,” 
But Sara is not looking for a manager
but Sara replies that she is looking for a worker, not a manager.
"But I could cover for you"
“But if you wanted time off, I could cover for you,” Debbie continues, and Sara returns to the purpose of this interview, 
"It might involve long hours"
explaining that a large order would necessitate long hours of work;  Debbie would be glad of the overtime.
There is a knock at the door, as Debbie comments that Sara knows she is a good worker, as she ran the café for years;  
The other candidate arrives . . .
the other applicant, Chester, comes in, and Sara terminates Debbie’s interview.   Commenting, “You won’t see anybody more experienced today,” she leaves, 
. . . and is soon being grilled
and Chester takes her seat.
"I think that barman is looking for me!"
At Bryntirion, Diane leaves a message for Glenys;  “Do you remember the barman in the club?   I think he’s looking for me – phone me back when you can!”   
"You disappeared suddenly, Mam"
Jason comes in, and says he is just making sure that his mother is all right;  “You disappeared suddenly when I told you a bloke was looking for you!   
"Right, what's the big secret?"
Right, come on – what is the big secret?   Is he a loan shark?”
Diane does not take long to admit the problem;  
"We were chatting up the barman"
“I’m not proud of myself, but I went out with Glenys two weeks ago, and we had a competition to see who would be able to chat up the barman.”   
"When will you grow up, Mam?"
Jason wonders when she is going to grow up, and she continues, “It was a bit of fun, especially after a couple of gins.   
"We made a quick exit – without paying!"
Anyway, the barman turned nasty when he realised that we were winding him up, so we made a quick exit.   Unfortunately, we forgot to pay the tab.”
"Well, just go back and pay, then"
Jason informs her that all she has to do is to go back and pay, but she protests that he was not the sort of bloke to take any messing around, so he demands why in that case she was flirting with him.   
"Help me keep it from Dai!"
She begs, “Help me to keep it from Dai – he’ll get the wrong end of the stick – he’ll go mad if he finds out that I’ve been flirting!”
"Why don't you want to continue with your education?"
Sara asks why Chester does not want to continue with his education, and he replies that it is a waste of time and money;  
"I want to work my way up"
“I want to start from the bottom and work my way up in the business world,” he tells her.   She assumes that he has learned a lot from his Uncle Garry, 
"I know how to take orders"
and Chester says that he has worked for him, and for his mother, so knows how to take orders.
But now he prefers to work for someone other than a family member – to be independent;  she asks if the sort of stuff that Awyr Iach sells appeals to people his age, 
"You could do with a younger image"
and he ventures the opinion that she needs a younger image, to be honest, and he could model if necessary.
Sara will give him a month's trial . . .
Sara comes to the conclusion that he seems a genuine person, and will give him a month’s trial;  he promises to give 100%, or even more, 
. . . and he is keen to get started
and will start at 8:30am tomorrow morning.
In the Deri, Jason is telling Ed about his mother doing a runner, and then blaming Glenys Pop.   
"This could be a big break for us!"
Colin excitedly tells them about the gig next week;  “This night could be a big break for us!” he enthuses.
"It has been years since we performed"
Ed informs him that they really did not want to start a band, and Jason says it has been years since they performed on stage, but Colin is sure that after a few rehearsals, it will all come back to them.   
"Next year, Noson Lawen on the telly"
“This year, open mike in the Deri – next year, Noson Lawen on the telly!   Come over to the flat at lunchtime, and we’ll have a jam!”
"We have to tell him the truth!"
Ed maintains that their joke has gone on too long, and they have to tell him the truth.   “He will be gutted!”
DJ comes in to talk to Non, and wonders if everything is OK.   
"I tried phoning Sioned to persuade her to go to the police"
She tells him that she tried phoning Sioned to persuade her to go to the police.”   
"We're supposed to be giving her some space"
DJ is angry, stressing that they are supposed to be giving her some space to think, but Non continues, “I tried phoning but she didn’t answer – I’m concerned that she’s not thinking straight.   
"What if she's gone to Scotland?"
“She didn’t seem keen to go to the police, and said that she would get her own back on Gwyneth.   I may be over-reacting, but what if she’s gone to Scotland after Gwyneth?   
"She wouldn't do anything as stupid as that!"
DJ doubts if she would do anything as stupid as that.
"Where are your instruments, boys?"
Jason and Ed arrive at the chip shop flat, and Colin wonders where their instruments are.   
"I'm starting at Awyr Iach tomorrow"
Then Chester comes in and gives Colin the good news that he starts work tomorrow.   “Don’t tell Mam now – 
"I want to surprise Mam in the morning"
I want to surprise her in the morning!” says Chester.
"We can't play any instruments!"
Jason announces that they cannot do the gig;  and Ed points out that they cannot play any instruments – not a note.   
"It was only meant as a bit of a laugh"
“It was only meant as a bit of a laugh – I didn’t think it would get this far!”   
Colin's dream has been destroyed
Colin is completely deflated, realising that the band and the dream is over, then orders them to get out.   
He tears up the sheet music
He takes the sheet music and tears it up.
That bloke is back at APD . . .
The stranger is knocking on the door of APD, which is closed at the moment;   
. . . and Diane sees him . . .
Diane comes out of the shop, opposite, sees him and hides in the shop doorway, putting on sunglasses.   Dai happens to be passing and asks if she is all right.   
. . . so hurries off to the park
She says that Jason will open up APD and leads Dai into the alley, proposing that they go to the park as it is such a lovely day.
"Sorry, you were not successful"
Sara goes to Maes-y-Deri, and Debbie is expecting good news, but is disappointed;  
"Not Chester Monk?"
“Not Chester Monk?   You’re saying that waster is better than me?”   
"He's young and enthusiastic"
Sara replies that he deserves a chance, he is young and enthusiastic;  Debbie snarls, “And inexperienced!”
Sara reminds her that she messed up in the café, and she cannot take the risk;  
"This is just revenge!"
“This is revenge because I didn’t sell the cafe to you!” Debbie rages, “You had no intention of giving me that job!”   Sara says that she has experience of managing, and would find it hard to take orders from anyone.   The response is, “Get out – before I throw you out!”
DJ cannot contact Sioned 
DJ also tries to contact Sioned, without success, 
"I should have made sure the laptop went to the police"
and maintains that he should have insisted the laptop was taken to the police, then Gwyneth would have been arrested and Sioned would be safe – and he would be in the clear.   He now thinks they will have to wait for a while before that happens.
"She made me walk miles!"
Dai and Diane return home, with Dai complaining that he has walked miles;  
"I don't work at APD!"
DJ points out that he does not work at APD – but just had some spare time and helped his father out, then Non suggests that they go out for a walk.
"Why are you avoiding work today?"
Dai wants to know why Diane is avoiding work today, but she tells him not to be daft and go to have a shower.
Colin sadly strums 
Colin is playing the few notes that he knows on his ukelele, 
"You need some new band members"
but Chester tells him that all he needs are some new members of the band, and not to give up.  
"I can't play half the chords, anyway
“There’s no point,” Colin replies, “I can’t play half of the chords anyway.”
"Is it wise to give Chester a job?"
Jason tells Sara, “A little bird told me that you have given Chester a job.   Is that wise?   
"You'll have to check his bag"
You will have to check his bag at the end of every shift.”   Sara points out that the only other choice was Debbie, 
"I couldn't cope with two Joneses!"
and that she could not cope with two of the Joneses ganging up on her.   What she needs is cheap labour right now, and she could use someone like Chester;  Jason hopes that she does not regret it, 
"He is a Monk, don't forget!"
adding, “He is a Monk, don’t forget!”
She replies that she hopes Jason regrets what he did to poor Colin;  “I can’t believe he booked a gig!” 
"Yes, I do feel terrible"
and Jason admits that he does feel terrible, but at least Colin can forget all this band nonsense now.   
"Guitarists are really sexy!"
Sara reveals that she has always thought that guitarists were really sexy.
"Thanks for your support, Non"
Non takes DJ to Maes-y-Deri, as they will have some peace there;  he thanks her for her support, but cannot think of eating at the moment.   
"I shouldn't have let her stay at the party"
He says that he should not have let Gwyneth stay at the party that night, but Non points out they have no idea where Sioned is, although DJ is now convinced that she has gone to Scotland.   
“I found her in Swansea,” he insists, 
"Swansea is not the same as Scotland"
but Non explains that searching for her in Swansea is not the same as searching for her in Scotland;  
"She's far more sensible these days"
in any case, Sioned is far more sensible these days, and will not do anything stupid.   
"What Gwyneth will do to her is my concern!"
“It’s not what Sioned does that bothers me,” DJ says, ominously, “What Gwyneth will do to her is my concern.”   Non is confident that Sioned will phone them, and DJ hopes that she is right.

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