Sunday, 22 July 2018

19 July 2018

"I've got a mountain of work to do"
Ffion calls Arwen, warning that she will be late for school;  Gethin has arrived to tell Ffion he has a mountain of work to do, and does not know where to start.   
"You want to cancel our counselling session"
Ffion knows where this is leading;  “You want to cancel our counselling session, don’t you?” but he insists he is only postponing it.   “We’ve only been once,” she protests, “But if you think work is more important!”
"It will be easier next week"
Gethin continues that it will be easier next week, but she is taking Arwen to the fair at Penrhewl on Wednesday, and he cannot make it on Thursday.   Ffion concludes, “We need counselling to agree on a day!”
Angharad is cooking their breakfast
When Gaynor and Elgan come downstairs in the morning, Angharad is cooking breakfast for them; she has grabbed a dress from Gaynor’s ironing basket, and hopes she does not mind.   
"You're very sprightly this morning"
“You’re very sprightly this morning, unlike last night,” comments Gaynor.   
Angharad thinks that falling asleep so quickly was a delayed reaction to that fall, 
"That is a possibility"
and the doctor concedes that it may be possible.
Debbie seems optimistic about this job
Debbie has an interview for a job as a carer, and has smartened herself up.   Josh says that he has been in two minds about something;  
"Vicky wants to come travelling with me"
“Vicky wants to come travelling with me – a bit more permanent than a holiday.”
Vicky adds that she wants to live on the road with her Grandad, but Debbie regards this as a joke;  
"Don't talk nonsense!"
“Don’t talk nonsense!   Is this your idea, Dad?”   
"We can talk when you come back"
Vicky proposes that they can talk further when her mother comes back from the interview, but Debbie’s mind is made up, “You’re not going – that’s that!”
"You are going to let me come, aren't you"
Vicky pleads with Josh, “You are going to let me come with you, aren’t you?” and Josh agrees not to stand in her way, if that is what she really wants, but they have to talk about it properly – 
"I've got to talk to Siôn about this book!"
and he has to talk to Siôn about the book he keeps wittering on about.   He is not very keen for Siôn to go along with him.
Angharad has cooked a generous breakfast
At Llwyncelyn, Angharad has made them a generous breakfast, and Gaynor says that she must go, as she has a meeting at school, despite the fact that she said last night she was working from home.   
"You go and get dressed, so we can leave together"
She tells Angharad to go and get dressed, then they can go together.   
"We should have woken her up!"
“We should have woken her up instead of letting her stay,” Gaynor says irritably, “I don’t know what her game is, cooking our food, wearing my clothes – if I’m not careful, she’ll try to steal my identity!”   Elgan merely replies that she is lonely, but Gaynor is convinced that there is more to it than that.
Angharad is listening with amusement
Meanwhile, Angharad is standing at the bottom of the stairs, listening, and smirking in her self-satisfied manner.
The online version of Cwm Ni
In the café, Hywel is looking at the online version of Cwm Ni and speaking to Siôn on the phone;  he confirms that he will fit in a photograph of Josh, ready for printing.   
"A book about Josh?"
Then he expresses surprise at the next thing Siôn tells him;  “A book about Josh?   Good luck with that!”
"Coffee, please, Gwen"
Sheryl comes in and asks Gwen for a coffee;  
"Make that two coffees, Gwen"
Hywel notices that Gethin has also arrived, and Sheryl decides to have a takeaway coffee instead.   
"Has he been hassling you about custody?"
“Has he been hassling you about custody?” Gethin asks Sheryl, but she enquires how Ffion is.   “We haven’t seen each other much – we’re so busy,” he replies, “And I’m not sure if we’re carrying on with the counselling.”   
Off they go, together . . .
He wants to pay for her coffee, and they leave together, 
. . . as Hywel watches intently
carefully watched by Hywel.
"Well, I'd give the job to me!"
Debbie returns home and says that the interview went well;  “If I was choosing, I’d give the job to me!” she tells Vicky.   
"I'll take you and Nicky to the produce fair"
Then she adds, “I’ve got just the place to take you and Nicky next week – the produce fair at Penrhewl – there might be some freebies!”
Vicky says that they will have gone by then;  
"I've given this serious thought, and I want to do it"
“I’ve given this serious thought  and I want to do it.”   
"Is life here that bad?"
Her mother asks if life here is so bad, but Vicky points out, “So much has gone wrong, especially that mess with Mathew, and it’s not just that – I’ve tried for so many jobs and I’m not having any luck – I’m fed up!   I don’t want to live here for the rest of my life, and not get anywhere.”
"You think I'm a failure, because I lost the café"
Debbie snaps, “Like me, you mean?   You think I’m a failure because I lost the café?   I’ve done everything I can to help you and Nicky.   I’ve done babysitting, given you money when I can, been here for you!”   Vicky says she cannot rely on her mother for ever, and she wants to stand on her own two feet.”
"Esther and Arwen could meet during the holiday"
Hywel goes to Cysgod y Glyn to see Ffion, and suggests they could arrange for Esther and Arwen to meet during the holiday.   “They shouldn’t stop being friends as a result of what’s happened – they get on so well.”   Ffion says they will arrange something once school has finished.
"I don't know how to tell you this"
“Listen, I don’t know how to tell you this,” he goes on, “And please don’t think I’m interfering, but I should warn you I saw Gethin and Sheryl in the cafe together earlier.   They seemed very cosy.”   Ffion understands they cannot avoid each other completely, 
"They left the café together"
but he points out that Gethin paid for her coffee and they left together, but he does not know where they went.
“I thought I should tell you, as I kept what I knew a secret when they were having an affair.”   
Ffion hopes that there is no cause for concern
Ffion is grateful to him, but considers there is no cause for concern;  she and Gethin are having counselling at the moment to see if there is any hope.   Hywel hopes that there is, but does not want her to get her hopes up, only to have them dashed.
"He did want to postpone today's session"
She confesses, “He did ask if we can postpone this afternoon’s session,” 
"That goes to show you can't trust him"
and Hywel replies that goes to show she should not trust him, and leaves the flat.
"My green dress is missing – I've looked everywhere!"
Gaynor returns home in the middle of the day, as she had left her phone behind;  she reports to Elgan that the green dress he bought her is missing.   “Angharad has stolen it!” she alleges, “I’ve looked everywhere – I have no idea why she did it, 
"She flirts with you all the time!"
“but I know she’s after you – she flirts with you all the time!” but he naïvely says that she is imagining it.
“No, you didn’t see her face when it dawned on her you weren’t coming home last week!” she emphasises.   He laughs this off, 
"There have been too many coincidences"
but she points out, “This is not funny – I don’t trust her – there have been too many coincidences.   We bump into each other all the time, and then she forgot her phone here yesterday.”
"In that case, you should break off all ties"
Elgan advises that if she has all these misgivings, she should break off all ties, and Gaynor is determined she will do exactly that.
In the garage, Gethin is dozing on a pile of tyres when Ffion comes in 
It appears that Gethin does not have any work at all
and demands, “What happened to the mountain of work?”   He answers that everyone deserves a break at lunchtime;  “Did Sheryl enjoy her coffee?” is the next question, 
"You treated her to a coffee"
“I hear that you treated her, and you had a nice chat in the café.”
"Hywel's been spreading gossip"
He concludes that Hywel has been spreading gossip;  “I was next to her in the queue, and she didn’t have any change.”   Ffion wants to know where they went when they both left together, 
"Don't let him come between us!"
but he maintains that Hywel is stirring because he is still bitter, and urges Ffion, “Don’t let him come between us.”
"If you wanted to save our relationship . . ."
“If you wanted to save our relationship, you would come to counselling,” Ffion tells him, and he insists that he does want to come, urging her to pick a time next week, and he will be there.   
"Try to keep clear of Sheryl!"
She says, doubtfully, “Don’t let me down this time – and try to keep clear of Sheryl!”
"I've invited Siôn over"
At Maes-y-Deri, Josh tells Vicky that he has invited Siôn over;  “What I have to tell him is not going to be easy.   
"I want you to know the truth"
“I’m not trying to change your mind, but I want you to know the truth.”   
Siôn show a copy of the Cwm Ni article
Then Siôn arrives, full of enthusiasm about his article in Cwm Ni, which is being published tomorrow.
Josh clearly states, “I don’t want anyone to see it – it’s not true!”   
"Made in Taiwan?"
He takes the ‘relic’ from his pocket and admits that it came from the Maenan Appeal – on the base it is clearly marked ‘made in Taiwan’.
“Why did you say it was a family heirloom?” Siôn demands, 
"That was what you wanted to hear"
and is told that was what he wanted to hear – it is what everyone wants to hear.
“A romantic story about Romani life – but it’s not a bed of roses – it’s a hard life.   
He tells of his caravan being ransacked
“I did have a lot of heirlooms, passed down through the family, but many years ago, we were given hostile welcome outside a housing estate.   We had every right to be there, but they didn’t like it.   When I came home one night, the caravan had been ransacked and everything I owned was in tatters.   You’d better take that back to the shop.”
Siôn is sadly disillusioned
Disillusioned, Siôn sadly walks out of the house, and Josh tells Vicky that he wanted her to know the truth, that it is not an easy life.   
"It hasn't changed my mind, Grandad"
However, Vicky’s mind has not been changed, much to Josh’s disappointment.
"I never thought of you as a bad loser"
Gethin marches into the Deri, and tells Hywel at the bar, “I’d never thought of you as a bad loser before.   Just because you’ve lost Sheryl, 
"Don't try to ruin my relationship with Ffion!"
“don’t you dare try to ruin my relationship with Ffion!”   
"You were flirting with Sheryl!"
Hywel replies that he is not making much of an effort to save it, flirting with Sheryl.
“Every door may have closed to you, 
Gethin maintains he is keeping his options open
“but I like to keep my options open, just in case,” Gethin brags, and leaves again;  Hywel is furious.
Debbie triumphantly announces she has the job
Debbie has a phone call to tell her she has secured the job, and Vicky is very pleased for her.   “They want me to start tomorrow – I will have a uniform and everything!” she says.   
"You should try for a job as a carer"
Vicky is deciding which clothes to take with her, but her mother suggests that she should try for a a job as a carer.
"I can't handle any more rejection"
“I can’t handle any more rejection,” says Vicky, and is quite adamant that she is leaving.   
"Well, just go for a couple of weeks"
Debbie suggests that she should go for couple of weeks, to see if she likes it, and she could leave Nicky at home, if she wants.   “What sort of mother do you think I am?   I won’t leave him – we’re going together!” Vicky assures her.
"I don't want joint custody . . ."
Hywel goes to see Sheryl in the salon flat, and informs her, “I don’t want joint custody.”   She breathes a sigh of relief, but then he continues, 
". . . I want full custody!"
more ominously, “I want full custody – you can see her when it suits me!”   
She seems confident that he has no chance, but he will see what his solicitor has to say about that.   
"They always side with the mother"
“They always side with the mother, anyway,” she tells him, but he points out not if she is still messing around.
"I saw you and Gethin in the café"
“I saw you and Gethin in the cafe this morning!” he asserts, but she wonders if he is going to suspect something every time they talk to each other.   “I’m thinking of Esther here, nothing else – and he is not raising her!   It’s not going to happen!”
Angharad is on the phone again
At Llwyncelyn, the phone rings and Gaynor answers it;  predictably it is Angharad, who says she is out running.   “I’m surprised you’re not resting your foot after hurting it yesterday,” Gaynor tells her, 
She does not appear to be actually running
and she says that she is taking it gently, so it will be easier for Gaynor to keep up.
"I don't know when I shall be coming again!"
“I’m not coming, and I don’t know when I shall be coming again!” is the stern reply, “Because Elgan and I are going away tomorrow after school.   I’m not sure when we’ll be back, so don’t bother getting in touch!”   
She thinks Angharad has now got the message
Gaynor ends the call, and looks quite pleased with herself.
"Sorry, Josh, I was a bit rash"
Siôn tells Josh that he was a bit rash, talking of travelling with him, 
"I can't help stretching my stories"
and Josh admits that he cannot help stretching his stories now and again.   “It was my fault for letting my imagination run away with me,” says Siôn, “And as you said, it was what I wanted to hear.”   They shake hands and part on good terms.
Josh insists he has not put pressure on Vicky
Debbie is sitting in the Deri when Josh joins her there;  “Before you start, I haven’t put pressure on her, but she is determined,” he assures her.   
"Can you leave earlier – like tonight?"
She asks if he can leave earlier – tonight for instance, and offers to help him pack.
“Oh, you want me to leave without Vicky,” he realises, and stresses that it is what she wants;  he knows how her mother feels, 
"I can't go back on my word"
but he promised her, and he cannot go back on his word.
"Oh no – not her again!"
At Llwyncelyn, Angharad arrives, uninvited and unwelcome, 
That green dress is very conspicuous
and wearing a green dress, which she says she went out and bought last night.   
"You've stolen it!"
“You’ve stolen it!” shouts Gaynor, but Angharad says she must have mislaid it, and she will help her look for it.
"I've brought samples for your makeover"
“I’ve brought colour swatches and samples, for your makeover,” she goes on, but Gaynor makes it abundantly clear that she has no interest in a makeover.   “I’ll do it for a reasonable price, don’t worry,” Angharad assures her, “Mate’s rates!”
"Are you desperate for work – or desperate for friends?"
“Are you desperate for work – or desperate for friends?” demands Gaynor, “I don’t want your help, and I’d like you to leave now!”   
Angharad replies that Gaynor is tired, and it is the end of term;  
"We'll do this when you get back – where are you going?"
“We will do this when you get back from your holiday.   Where are you going?”   Elgan informs that it is a surprise, and Angharad hopes that Gaynor will be in a better mood after a break.   
Elgan escorts her out
Elgan escorts her out of the door.
"She's unbelievable!"
Gaynor describes her as, “Unbelievable!   And now she thinks we’re going away!”   Elgan suggests that perhaps they should do just that, 
"But she will still be around!"
but Gaynor points out that she will still be around, thinking that the door is always open.
Sheryl locks up the salon
As Sheryl comes out of the salon and locks the door, Ffion is across the road by the shop and comes over.   
"Stay away from Gethin!"
“Sorry I didn’t send a card to welcome you to your new home,” she says, sarcastically, “Stay away from Gethin if you see him again!”   Sheryl points out that he started talking to her, 
"Always someone else's fault, isn't it?"
but Ffion replies, “It’s always someone else’s fault, isn’t it?   Poor Sheryl!   
"No-one wants you here!"
“I don’t know why you’re still here – no-one wants you here!”
Gethin and Arwen come out of the café"
Ffion sees Arwen coming out of the café with Gethin, 
"Thanks for collecting her from school"
and thanks him for collecting her from school;  “The last days of term are always hectic.”   
Sheryl watches from across the road
She also assures him that everything is OK, as Sheryl watches from across the road.

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