Thursday, 17 May 2018

16 May 2018

Now Diane is reminiscing
Diane is looking at Dai’s old photos of the rugby club, while Jason asks if she has any more chocolate biscuits.   
"Is everything all right, Jason?"
“Is everything all right?” she enquires, “You were here yesterday morning, too, but you know you’re always welcome.   Is everything all right between you and Sara?”
After a long pause, 
"She doesn't have time for anything but vlogging"
Jason replies, “She doesn’t have time for anything, other than vlogging!   Since I came back from Australia, she’s like a different woman – and there’s no point in talking to her.   
"These biscuits are lovely!"
“You’ll have to buy more of these biscuits  – They’re lovely!”
"I wanted a quiet word about Mam"
Darren goes to visit Siôn, wanting a quiet word when his mother is not around;  “I’m just worried about leaving her today – I can see that she is tired, and that she’s been hurt after that business with Kevin.”   
"She's a very strong woman"
Siôn agrees that he has been concerned about her too, but points out that his mother is very strong woman.
"We'll be here to take care of her"
“Kelly and I will be here to take care of her,” Siôn assures him, 
"Can I contact you now and again?"
and would be pleased for Darren to contact him now and again to find out how she is.
"Look after her, Siôn!"
Darren knows that his mother is very good at saying all is well when it is not, and asks Siôn to look after her for him.   
Siôn maintains that she looks after him most of the time, 
"Come over for lunch later"
and invites them both over for lunch before Darren goes back to Canada.
"How about going to the cinema?"
Iolo fancies going to the cinema tomorrow night, but Tyler is very noncommittal;  
"I dreamed that Mam took Greta"
he says that he had a nightmare last night that his mother took Greta.   
"It was only an empty threat"
Iolo insists that it was just an empty threat to play on his mind.   “I’m not saying she’s going to get custody, 
"She's going to make life difficult for us!"
“but she’s going to make life difficult for us,” worries Tyler.
Then Kelly comes over to enquire if anyone is available to help with the community garden;  there is no reply.   “Community Spirit is alive and kicking I see!” she comments, 
"Come on, grumpy!"
“Come with me, Ty, I want to show you something – come on, grumpy – Cwmderi needs you!”   She drags him from the house.
"Make sure the order arrives on time!"
Sara is at Awyr Iach, complaining to a supplier;  “I would appreciate it if you make sure the order arrives on time next time!   That’s how things work in business.”   
Diane arrives . . .
Diane comes in, 
. . . but is not welcomed
and is greeted with, “What do you want?   I’m so busy!”
"This vlogging business has to stop!"
“Jason came over this morning – this vlogging business has to stop, Sara,” Diane tells her, quite unequivocally, “It is having an effect on your relationship – he came over yesterday morning too, looking for someone to talk to.   He misses you – he has been trying to get your attention since he came home – 
Sara feels rather guilty
“he was almost in tears this morning!   You’ve been lonely while he was away – we understand that – but he’s back now, and you can be a happy family again.   That’s what you want, too, so sort things out, will you?” 
Ed explains his vision to Tyler
Ed points out that ideally he would like to build a planter at the end of the alley, 
"Are you going to help or not?"
and Kelly asks Tyler if he, as a CDT teacher, will help.   “This is Ed’s only day off, so are you going to help or not?” demands Kelly.   
"Another pair of hands would make all the difference!"
Ed stresses that another pair of hands would make all the difference, so Tyler eventually capitulates.
"It's like getting blood from a stone!"
“It’s like getting blood from a stone,” Kelly moans to Iolo, who informs her that he has been on tenterhooks all weekend.   
"He needs some 'care in the community'!"
She proposes that they will have to administer some ‘care in the community’ for Tyler.
Then she sees Kath passing by, 
"I've just seen Elgan!"
and shouts, “I’ve got a bone to pick with you, Kath Jones!   I’ve just seen Elgan – he says that you and Jim are putting chemicals on your onions!”   
Kath's continual denials are becoming tiring
As is her custom, Kath flatly denies this allegation, and suggests that he is kowtowing to Diane, who is a councillor.
"We'll see what Siôn says"
“We’ll see what Siôn says when I phone him,” Kelly replies, but Kath stedfastly maintains that she is innocent.
Sara is home, with sandwiches . . .
Jason is sitting at home when Sara returns and hands him a packet of sandwiches, as a peace offering.   
. . . but cannot resist looking at her phone
He is disappointed to see that she keeps looking at her phone, but she begins, “I know I’ve spent a lot of time vlogging lately, 
"I had a lot of time on my hands while you were away"
“but you have to understand that I had a lot of time on my hands while you were away.   If you think you’re lonely now, imagine how are I felt while you were in Australia.   
"I know I have to better manage my vlogging"
“I know I have to better manage my vlogging time.”
He doubts that she can do that, and invites her to prove it;  
"Go on – prove it, then!"
“Don’t vlog until tomorrow morning.”   She seems to envisage no problems in doing that, 
He is not optimistic
and describes it as easy.
Siôn has been doing some storage for Iolo
Siôn has been keeping some boxes at Y Felin for Iolo, as it is rather cramped at number 7.   Iolo is pleased that there are enough people there to wash the dishes.   
"It's hard to cheer up Tyler"
He is rather drained at the moment, commenting that it is hard to cheer up Tyler, after the threat that Wendy made.   

Siôn points out that only he can cheer himself up, but Iolo wishes there was something he could do to help.
“Don’t take the weight of the world on your shoulders,” urges Siôn, 
"You need to give yourself a break"
“You need to give yourself a break.”
Iolo replies with a backhanded compliment, “Sometimes you can be a prat – 
"But sometimes you talk a lot of sense!"
“but sometimes you talk a lot of sense!”
"Mam is a dangerous woman"
As they walk up the back street, carrying lengths of timber, Tyler tells Ed, “She’s a dangerous woman who goes out of her way to cause trouble – I’m ashamed to say that she’s my mother.”   
"At least you have Iolo!"
Ed replies that at least he has Iolo, and together they are strong enough.
Tyler remembers the old saying, “Measure twice, cut once,” and Ed reminds him that he knows what it is like having someone difficult in his life – he was with Sioned.
"They get a kick out of thinking they can make you worry"
He remarks, “That type of person gets a kick out of thinking that they make you worry.”
Diane catches sight of Kath
Kath appears to be purloining something from the shop display, when Diane accuses her of swapping her onion.   
"I've been to the allotment – and I know my onion!"
“I’ve been to the allotment – and I know my onion!”   
"Don't talk such nonsense!"
Kath tells her to stop talking nonsense, but Diane is quite adamant, “My onion was smaller because I planted it later – and I want it back!”
Kelly comes upon this happy scene
Kelly arrives and is told by Diane, 
"Dick Turpin here has stolen my onion!"
“Dick Turpin here has stolen my onion!”   
"What – after the Miracle Grow incident?"
Kelly also recalls the Miracle Grow incident, and Diane becomes even more furious;  
"I'm going to get my onion back, if it's the last thing I do!"
“I’m going to get my onion back, if it’s the last thing I do!”
They enjoy their home-grown salad for lunch
Anita and Darren have enjoyed their lunch at Y Felin;  Darren says that Katie would have been impressed by the fresh vegetables, 
"And rhubarb crumble for pudding"
and Siôn promises rhubarb crumble for pudding.
Darren gives an envelope to them
Darren produces an envelope and hands it to them;  “Ah – a weekend in Pembrokeshire!” gasps Anita, 
"You both need a break"
and Darren declares that they both need a break.   
"Diane and Kath are squabbling over onions!"
Siôn’s phone sounds, and Kelly wants him to phone her;  “Diane and Kath are squabbling over onions!” he says, puzzled.   

"You should hold on to him, Mam"
Darren assures his mother that she has a good man there, and should hold on to him.   She says that she intends to, and is going to miss him when he returns to Canada, but he reminds her that they have agreed to talk more often and more honestly.   
The rhubarb crumble is served
Siôn brings in the rhubarb crumble.
Jason checks his phone . . .
At number 10, Jason checks on his phone, and sure enough, 
. . . and finds another vlog episode
there is another of Sara’s vlog episodes available, this time about second-hand items.
Darren is packing his bags, 
"Here are some sandwiches for the journey"
and Anita brings him some sandwiches for the homeward journey.   He assures her that he will be back before long, 
"You and Siôn can visit any time you want"
and that she and Siôn can visit Canada whenever they want.   Kelly, who is taking him to the airport, is getting rather impatient, 
"I'm going to a meeting tonight" 
and Siôn says he will not be able to have dinner with Anita, as he will be at the AGM of the Carmarthenshire History Society.
Darren embraces his mother . . .
Darren gives his mother a final embrace, and Siôn wishes him a safe journey.   
. . . then she seeks solace from Siôn 
When Darren has gone, Siôn gives her a hug of consolation.
"I know you've seen it!"
Jason sits alone in the Deri, and when Sara finds him, she says, “I know you’ve seen it!”   He replies that she has failed miserably, and is definitely obsessed, 
"I can't help it!"
but she pleads that she cannot help it;  she wants to stop, and wonders if she needs therapy.
Jason is quite sure she need help of some sort, and she lists, “Shopaholics, chocoholics and alcoholics,” and wonders what she is.   
He does not think she is addicted or ill, and he will help her get the balance right. 
"Dadi's not away any more"
He adds, sternly, “Mind you, we do need to get one thing right – Dadi’s not away any more, is he?”   
She will change the name of the vlog
She agrees to change the title;  “Mami’s so Glad Dadi’s Home!”
"Ladies – this is silly!"
Siôn adopts a magisterial tone, as he tells Diane and Kath, “Ladies, this is silly – you’re friends!   Are you going to let two onions come between you?”
Mal and Geraint, by the bar, find it quite hilarious, as Diane points out that there is only one onion involved;  “The one she stole from me.”   
Mal and Geraint are enjoying the entertainment
Siôn demands the truth from Kath, who once again denies the offence, 
"Stop lying, Kath – tell the truth for once!"
and Diane snarls, “Stop lying, Kath – tell the truth for once!”
Siôn summarises that they do not leave him much choice;  “I shall have to take Kath out of the competition,” 
"It's only my word against yours!"
but she objects that it is only her word against Diane’s.   When told that Jim will also be disqualified, 
"Well, then, that makes me the winner"
Diane realises that she will therefore be the winner.
"The guilty flee!"
Kath leaves in disgust, with Diane shouting after her, “The guilty flee!” but Siôn comments disparagingly that 
"No-one likes the smug and self-righteous"
no-one likes the smug and self righteous.
Anita keeps up with Darren's progress . . .
Anita is watching Darren Howarth’s social media page, 
. . . and looks at her photo album
then looks at a photo album.   
"How about a takeaway?"
Siôn arrives with a takeaway, alleging that his meeting has been cancelled, and asks if he can stay there tonight, a request to which Anita readily agrees.   
"Friends are as important as family at times"
“I know what it’s like to have family living away,” he tells her, “Macs and Huw.   Friends are as important as family at times.   Why don’t we get some plates, and after eating, 
"We can have a look at the hotel"
“we can have a look at the hotel Darren has booked for us.”

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