Monday, 28 May 2018

21 May 2018

Next morning, Sioned is very quiet
At breakfast time in Bryntirion, DJ is preparing boiled eggs for Sioned, but she is not very talkative.   
"You're not still worried about that party, are you?"
“You’re not still worried about that party the other night, are you?” he asks, “Non has accepted that it was just a drunken night – and she has forgiven me.   
"I shall spend the whole day with Non"
“I need to sort a couple of things out at work, and then I shall spend the whole day out with her.”
"Do you think he's keeping a serious secret?"
Meanwhile at Maes-y-Deri, Vicky is very sceptical about DJ taking a day off work;  “Feeling guilty after the party, is he?” she says, “Do you think he’s keeping a serious secret?”   Non replies that he has been to apologise to her, but Vicky goes on, “It takes ages to get to know someone properly – don’t rush into a relationship, OK?”
"He would never do anything to hurt me"
Non presumes that she overreacted, and is sure DJ would never do anything to hurt her.
"Are you sure there's nothing wrong?"
Before he goes to work, DJ asks if Sioned wants another cup of tea, and wonders if there is something wrong;  “If it takes more than a day to get over a booze-up, you know you’re getting old!”   
"I never want another night like that!"
She is quite clear she never wants another night like that, and feels so ashamed.
"We didn't do anything stupid, did we?"
The subject is playing on her mind;  “Listen, when I woke up, I was naked, and you were there.   We didn’t do anything stupid, did we?”   
"It was certainly a night and a half!"
He replies that it was a night and a half, and he has not enjoyed himself so much for ages;  he leaves for Awyr Iach.
Vicky is confused about DJ
Vicky meets Gwyneth in the street and is very confused about DJ;  “I’m worried about Non too – what if he did something to her?”
"That's why you have to go to the police!"
Gwyneth replies that is why she has to go to the police – there is no time to waste.   If Gwyneth herself went, she would only be greeted by the cry, “Gwyneth Jones stirring again!” so that is why Vicky has to do it.   
Then Vicky sees DJ
At that minute she sees DJ walking round the corner, and agrees to do it.   Gwyneth advises her not to mention it to Non, in case it affects the police investigation.   
"You're doing what's best for everyone"
“Don’t feel bad – you’re only doing what’s best for everyone,” she assures Vicky.
When Gwyneth arrives at Awyr Iach, she tells DJ that she went over the top at the party – 
"I could make things very difficult for you!"
and he sternly warns her, “Any more nonsense like that, and I could make things very difficult for you here!”
Then Non comes in, and he says he will be with her in a minute;  
A mock apology from Gwyneth 
Gwyneth apologises for her outburst at the party, and Non explains that she has not drunk much since her operation.   
"You and DJ make an ideal couple"
Gwyneth comments, rather superfluously, that Non and DJ make an ideal couple.
Vicky repeats what Gwyneth has told her
In the police station, Vicky starts her interview, “I’m concerned that a friend of mine has been raped,” and gives the relevant details.   “She admitted the next morning that she was worried someone had had sex with her.”   
"Are you talking about yourself here?"
The officer assumes that she is talking about herself, but Vicky emphatically denies that and gives him the name of Sioned Rees, saying that she heard it from Gwyneth Jones.
"What if there's no truth in this?"
“What if there’s no truth in this at all?” she demands, but the officer says they will find this out.   After some hesitation, she names Richard Ashurst, 
She wishes she had not been dragged into this
and feels very unsure of herself.
DJ and Non are going out for a picnic, 
"Can you check the tyres of the bike?"
but Sioned asks him to check the tyres of the bike in the shed, as she fancies going for a ride.   When he goes to do so, 
"Are you still annoyed with me?"
Sioned asks if Non is still annoyed with her;  “No,” she replies, 
"Why does everyone go on and on about that party?"
“Why does everyone go on and on about that party?”   Sioned realises that Non must have suspected that something was going on between them.
Non confirms that now she knows they are just friends.  
"You tell me what happened"
“Did DJ says anything about me when I was drunk?” enquires Sioned, “You were more sober than me – you tell me what happened.”   
"Stop stirring, Sioned"
Non urges her to stop stirring and trying to come between them.
"Now Sioned won't have to make the decision herself"
In the Deri, Vicky looks no happier as Gwyneth assures her, “Now Sioned won’t have to make the difficult decision of going to the police herself,” 
"I've opened a can of worms here"
Vicky feels as if she has ‘opened a can of worms’.
Gwyneth continues pontificating, “There was a time when men thought they could do what they wanted – we have a duty to show that’s not right!   
"It's our support that Sioned needs"
“It’s our support that Sioned needs, to pick her up again – she’s fragile.”   
"I don't want to take sides"
Vicky, however, is not sure that she wants to take sides.
Gwyneth continues her indoctrination of Vicky
Gwyneth continues her brainwashing, “Finish that coffee, and then go and see her – you’ll feel better after you explain it all to her.”
The police descend upon Sioned 
Sioned is the next to have a visit from the police;  “Miss Rees, we have had a report from someone who was at a party with you.   They are concerned that you were sexually assaulted;  I know this is not easy for you, especially if you know the person concerned.”
"I don't know what happened"
Sioned replies that she does not know what happened, but is told, “You mentioned to Gwyneth Jones that you thought someone might have taken advantage.”   She says that she had a strange feeling the next morning, and that is all;  
"I woke up in bed and DJ was there"
she woke up in bed naked and DJ was there, but she has no idea of what happened.
"You had no right to go to the police!"
Then Vicky arrives to warn her that the police might call, but Sioned protests that she had no right to go to the police.   
"I was doing what's best for you"
Vicky’s response is that she was only doing what is best for Sioned, and points out to the police that Sioned had a suspicion that something had happened.   
"I can't remember anything from that night"
“I can’t remember anything from that night,” Sioned insists, but is asked to go to the police station, where they will arrange a medical examination.   
She is dragged off to the police station
Sioned is in a state of shock as she leaves the house.
They discuss their favourite biscuits
DJ and Non walk through the alley, discussing biscuits, and she reveals that her favourites are ginger nuts.
The medical equipment for use on Sioned 
Sioned is taken to a consulting room where she is to be examined;  
She has not yet given permission
she tells Vicky she has not yet given permission for the examination.   “They want to take swabs – examine my whole body.   
"I'm afraid I'm being pushed into this"
“I’m afraid I’m being pushed into doing this.”
Vicky pipes up that a friend of hers in London did not go for a check-up, and the bloke got away with raping another woman;  
However, Vicky keeps working on her
that is why she went to the police.   Sioned concludes that she has to go through with this;  
The nurse closes the curtains on the procedure
the nurse pulls the curtain.
Now Gwyneth is being interviewed
Now the police officer is questioning Gwyneth about her part in the affair, and she says that DJ was just enjoying himself, and was not trying to get Sioned drunk.   She fell asleep on the sofa quite early on – after a game of ‘truth or dare’ when she kissed DJ.   
"She didn't know what she was doing"
“She was not in any state to know what she was doing – and that was when Non lost the plot and left.   The party broke up then – Vicky went home with Non, and DJ followed them.   Sioned was still asleep, 
"I took her upstairs to bed"
but when she woke up, I took her upstairs to bed.”
"What about DJ's movements?"
Then she is asked about DJ’s movements, but cannot be much help, saying she fell asleep on the safa, but in the morning went upstairs to check on Sioned, 
"I found DJ in the room with her"
and found DJ in the room with her.   “Sioned looked uncomfortable with the situation,” she stresses.
They enjoyed their picnic . . .
Non and DJ are back from their picnic, and there is a knock at the door;  
. . . but then the police turn up
it is the police again, to interview DJ.   “We’d like to ask you about an alleged incident at a party here.   Would you mind coming to the station to answer a few questions?”   
"Not until I know what it's about!"
DJ replies not until he knows what the complaint is.
“We have received information that you may have taken advantage of someone who was drunk – nonconsensual sex with someone.   You can give us your version down at the station.”   
Non has yet another shock
Non has walked in on this conversation, and realises that what Sioned said makes sense.   
Off he goes for interrogation
The police escort him from Bryntirion.
"If I can do anything to help"
Gwyneth deliberately bumps into Non by the chippy, and asks her what is wrong;  “I know I’m not one of your favourite people, but if I can do anything to help . . .”   
Non learns who DJ is accused of assaulting
Non tells her that DJ is being questioned by the police for sexually assaulting someone, and Gwyneth takes delight in announcing that it was Sioned.
“I’m not pointing the finger at anyone, and I realise this must be a shock to you.   
"Some men just can't control themselves!"
“Some men just cannot control themselves – and that’s why I don’t trust them!”   Non walks sadly away.
"I'm steering clear of alcohol!"
Vicky tells Sioned that she needs a strong drink after that, but Sioned prefers to keep away from alcohol.
"I still don't know why I'm here"
DJ is now being questioned, and still does not know why he is there;  he is asked if he know that Sioned was drunk, and he replies that they had been drinking together.   
"We were kicked out by the landlady"
“We were kicked out of the Deri by the angry landlady,” and he adds that he and Sioned are friends.   
"You must be close friends!"
He is told that they must be close friends, as he rescued her from the streets.
He insists that he has not tried to ‘move this relationship on’.   
"I went to my own bed and stayed there"
“I went to my own bed after the party and stayed there until the morning.   
"I took her some breakfast in the morning"
“Then I took her some breakfast, as I knew she would be hungover.”   The police officer gives him a supercilious look.
"What if DJ is innocent?"
In the Deri, Sioned puts the question, “What if DJ is innocent?   The police are bound to find out the truth – and I don’t want to spoil anyone else’s life - especially DJ’s.”
"We're all on his side" – yeah, right!
Gwyneth assures her that they are all on her side, but her evidence will not be a lot of use.   
"Where am I going to live now?"
Sioned wonders where she is going to live now, as she cannot stay in Bryntirion, or turn to her mother.
"You can stay in the flat with me"
This is just the chance that Gwyneth has been waiting for;  “You can stay in the flat with me – where else will you go?   Going back on to the street isn’t an option.   I’ll leave you alone to do whatever you want – I won’t interfere.”   
Sioned has little choice
Sioned realises she does not have much choice.
DJ calls Non . . .
Non’s phone rings – she sees it is a call from DJ 
. . . but is ignored
and rejects it.
This trio meet DJ
Sioned, Gwyneth and Vicky walk along the street and encounter DJ;  
"You're suspected of raping her!"
he wants to talk to Sioned, but Gwyneth points out that he is suspected of raping her.   
"Someone tell me what I'm supposed to have done"
He begs someone to tell him what he is supposed to have done.   
"Sioned is moving in with me"
Gwyneth pipes up to say Sioned is moving in with her – somewhere safe.   
"I'm not letting you hurt her again!"
He tries to remind Sioned what happened at her hands not long ago;  “I’m not letting you hurt her again!”   Gwyneth threatens to call the police then she and Sioned walk away.

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