Sunday, 27 May 2018

18 May 2018

Sioned cannot remember much
The next morning, DJ brings Sioned a much-needed cup of tea;  “That was a night!” he comments, but Sioned cannot remember much about it.   
"We came here, did we?"
She realises that after Britt kicked them out of the Deri they must have come here.
DJ reveals to her that she snogged him last night, so he has a lot of apologising to do to Non.   Sioned is worried that nothing else happened between them, 
"I can't remember coming home"
and DJ cannot remember coming home, but he did wake up in his own bed this morning.
"You're not the first one she's wound up"
At Maes-y-Deri, Vicky reassures Non that she is not the first person to get wound up by Gwyneth;  Non replies that she is upset that DJ did not protest about Gwyneth’s behaviour.
"He was giving Sioned plenty of attention!"
“And he was giving Sioned plenty of attention!”   
Vicky's photographic evidence that they were drunk
Vicky explains that they were both too drunk to know what they were doing, 
"I'm sure I made everything worse"
but Non is sure that she has made everything worse by sending DJ home.
"He'll soon be bringing you flowers"
Vicky advises her to let DJ do all the chasing, and he will be bringing her flowers and all sorts of things.
DJ takes the empty cup away and says he is going in the shower;  
Gwyneth's impeccable timing
as he leaves the room, he meets Gwyneth, who is still there, 
"You have no right to be here!"
and tells her she had no right to stay the night there.   Gwyneth insists that her exchange with Non was just a bit of sport, and tells Sioned that she did not spoil the evening.
"Do you remember anything?"
Then she smiles maliciously, “How’s the head?   Do you remember anything?   You and DJ were wound up – you slept on his shoulder most of the night – no wonder Non was upset!   
"DJ brought you up here"
“You were in no state to come up to bed on your own – DJ brought you up here, and very entertaining it was, too!”
"We shall be a laughingstock!"
At Penrhewl, Cadno predicts that they will be talked about, but Eileen recommends that the shed needs cleaning from top to bottom;  
"Plenty of hot water, disinfectant and elbow grease!"
“I don’t want any traces of meat there at all – plenty of hot water, disinfectant and elbow grease!   I’ll get Jim round to help as well.   
"I hope you've learned a lesson"
“I hope you’ve learned a lesson, Cadno – there’s no such thing as easy money in business.   Right, now we have to be positive – come on, we’ve got a shed to clean!”
"There's no need to ask what's been going on here!" 
After their night away, Dai returns to Bryntirion to find the place in a terrible state;  “There’s no need to ask what has been going on here!” he tells DJ, “You know the rules after the last party you had!   
"This place smells like a brewery in Bangalore!"
“This place smells like a brewery in Bangalore!”   
"Come in, girl, do some cleaning up!"
Sioned comes downstairs with a terrific hangover, and Dai tries to get her cleaning up.
"What happened last night, then?"
“So what happened between MacNabbs and Non last night, then?” he asks her, but her recollections of the evening are very sketchy.   When Dai hears that Gwyneth has been there, he is far from happy;  
"The place turns into Sodom and Gomorrah!"
“Crikey Moses!” he shouts, “I turn my back for a moment – and the place turns into Sodom and Gomorrah!”
The clean-up is in progress . . .
The great clean-up is under way at Penrhewl, with Jim complaining that this was nothing to do with him;  “And to think that Garry Monk of all people was part of it!”   
. . . and Mark comes wandering in
As the meat is being consigned to bin bags, Mark wanders into the shed, as part of his exercise, so he says.
“Do you have a couple of steaks going spare?” he asks, “We would like some sirloins this time, please!”   Eileen informs him that they have all been sold, 
"This place looks dirty"
and he comments on the fact that the shed looks rather dirty.
“The public have no right in here – and we’re very busy,” Eileen goes on,
Eileen soon sends him on his way
shepherding he out.   Jim says that the world and his wife will know about it now, thanks to Mark Jones.
Colin is signing up new footballers
In the café, Colin is signing up new members of the football team;  Dai demands how he can afford to pay them £80 per game, 
"It helps that we play in the top flight"
and is told that Awyr Iach are sponsoring the club.   “They have already bought the shirts  – the fact that we play in the top flight helps with the sponsorship.”   
"My own house is turned into a nightclub!"
Dai wonders what is happening to the village;  “My own house is turned into a nightclub – and now my own family are stabbing me in the back!”   
Sara brings some sample shirts
At that moment, Sara comes in with some sample shirts for the football club;  “Which one of these training tops is the best?” she asks them.
"RIP Cwmderi RFC!"
Dai also has a request for her;  “Can you make tops for the rugby club, saying ‘RIP Cwmderi RFC’?   I’d appreciate delivery before I call a meeting to nail down the lid of the club’s coffin!”
"It was just a silly game"
DJ has gone to Maes-y-Deri, to face the wrath of Non;  he explains to Vicky that the kissing was just a silly game, but she reminds him he did not stop Gwyneth ‘taking the mick’ out of Non either.
Vicky calls upstairs that DJ is not going anywhere until she comes down, 
Non appears . . .
and when she does, he hesitantly apologises, 
. . . and DJ issues an abject apology
admitting it was all his fault, and that she must think him a real idiot.
The shed clean-up has only just been completed . . .
They have finished work on the shed, but Jim is still in full flow;  “What a case of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted!   Mark Jones will say we break hygiene regulations!   Where is Eifion, anyway – he should be here?”
. . . when the constabulary arrive at Penrhewl . . .
Eileen notices with concern the arrival of a police car, and Jim is sure that this will be Penrhewl’s reputation gone.   They have a warrant to search the buildings;  
. . . with a search warrant
“We’d like to get on with our work, and we’ll talk later,” one of the officers says, 
"At least, the shed is clean!"
and Eileen is very glad that they have cleaned the shed.   Jim does not want to be any part of a cover-up, but she warns him not to make this difficult.
Dai lavishes praise on Sara
Dai is waiting for Sara in the office at Awyr Iach;  “I don’t know how you do it – run a successful business and look after a family at home – not a lot of people in Cwmderi have as much stamina as you.”
She simply wonders what he wants, and he admits he was shocked to hear that Awyr Iach was sponsoring the football club, 
"It's a business decision, Dai"
but she describes it as a business decision.
"But soccer breeds thugs!"
Dai is of the opinion that, “Soccer clubs breed thugs!   Rugby gives the boys discipline, and makes them proud to represent the village.”   Sara replies that a football club can do all that, too, but he confides to her, “I don’t know what I’d do if the rugby club folded – 
"The rugby club's in my heart"
“a part of me would be buried too, the rugby club’s in my heart.   The boys are my family – what am I supposed to do then?   Grow onions on an allotment for some stupid competition?”
"But you're winding up the club"
She points out that he has already called a meeting to wind up the club, but he still hopes that people will change their minds and want to save the club.   “Try to understand, Sara – we’re related.   
"What will people think?"
“What will people think if you and Jason sponsor the soccer club?   You’re like a daughter to me – please – I’m begging you, don’t turn your back on me!”
"We had some fun last night!"
Gwyneth joins Vicky in the café, and reminds her that they had some fun last night, but Vicky is not impressed by the way she treated Non.   “All you did was to cause trouble between her and DJ.
"Sioned is in a state this morning"
“And Sioned is in a state today,” begins Gwyneth, which Vicky maintains is her own fault.   
"She thinks that DJ might have had sex with her"
“I shouldn’t be saying this, but she thinks that DJ might have had sex with her.   She woke up naked, and DJ was there next to her.   We both know she was in no state to agree to have sex with him – I’m afraid that he raped her!   
"She might talk to you"
“I had the feeling that she wanted to talk, but she couldn’t talk to me – she might talk to you.”
"You made me feel special"
Non tells DJ that when he invited her to the Deri, she was so excited;  “You made me feel special, but as the night went on, 
"You gave more time to Sioned"
“you gave more time to Sioned – it wasn’t nice – and then Gwyneth . . .”   
"I was so drunk"
He says that he should have stopped her, and confesses that he was so drunk.   She sums up, “You made a fool of me!   
"Perhaps I'm making too much fuss"
“Or perhaps I’m making too much fuss – after all, we’re just friends.”
He urges Non not to let Gwyneth spoil things, and insists that Sioned is no threat;  
"It's you I want to be with"
it is Non he wants to be with.
"You've let down the farming community!"
At Penrhewl, Jim insists that Cadno has let down the farming community, but Eileen is adamant that they cleaned the place properly.   Jim is sure that forensics will not take a minute to discover traces of fresh meat.
The police have drawn a blank with their investigation
The police return, cheerfully reporting that they have finished their examination;  “We’re looking for illegal meat that’s been sold in the area, but there is no sign of anything here.”   Eileen says they have all the paperwork if it is required, but is told that it will not be necessary, 
"Thank you for your co-operation"
and thanks them for their co-operation.
Vicky puts Gwyneth's plan into operation
Vicky has gone to visit Sioned at Bryntirion;  “I’ve had a couple of one-night stands – and regretted them in the morning – like you and DJ.”   Sioned wonders what she is going on about, 
"I did not have a one-night-stand with him"
and points out she did not have a one-night-stand with him.   “Now you’re pretending you can’t remember, aren’t you?” Vicky goes on.
He didn’t wake up in my bed this morning,” replies Sioned, 
"You might not realise he had taken advantage"
but Vicky presses the point that she was so drunk she might not have realised he had taken advantage.   Sioned is becoming angry;  
"That kiss was just a game"
“I know about that kiss – it was a game and does not prove anything.   Anyway, I know how much DJ likes Non – and he would never ruin that.”
Sioned wonders why Vicky is asking so many questions, but she continues the onslaught;  “How did you get upstairs, then?   
"Did DJ look after you this morning?"
“And did DJ look after you this morning?”
"DJ has been looking after me for some time"
Sioned says that DJ has been looking after her for some time, and Vicky is sick to suggest that he would ever harm her.   
"You were in no fit state to say 'no' – and that's rape!"
However, Vicky maintains that she was in no fit state to say no – and that’s rape!”   
"Get out!"
Sioned orders her out of the house without any further ado.
Dai has contacts in the football industry
In the café, Dai is on the phone to someone;  “It’s disgraceful – fast-tracking a team like Cwmderi to the first division?   It makes me suspect that a few brown envelopes have changed hands.   If there’s room for a team in the first division, Cwrtmynach should get it.   
"You're the man to sort this business, Trev"
“You’re the man to sort out this business, Trev.   I’ll talk to you over a couple of pints.”
Colin is very optimistic . . .
Colin has been signing up new players, and reckons he will have plenty of reffing to do next season.   
. . . but Dai predicts he will be in the lower divisions
Dai maintains that he will be limited to refereeing the lower divisions.
"This is the one they fancy, Sara"
Sara comes in and Colin announces that his new signings have chosen the red shirt, but she has unwelcome news for him;  
Sara has bad news for Colin
“I’ve just been speaking with the acountant – I don’t think we can afford to sponsor the club – we’re pulling out.”
Dai tries to hide his glee at the news
Colin is devastated, but Dai looks quietly confident.
DJ is now in a better humour
DJ returns home and asks Sioned if she is still feeling rough;  “I’m feeling fine, because Non has forgiven me for last night!” he announces triumphantly.   
"You were drinking as if there was no tomorrow!"
He adds that Sioned was drinking as if there was no tomorrow, 
"I'm not good company today"
and she decides to go to bed, as she is not good company today.
Vicky wants to forget the whole thing . . .
Gwyneth chases after Vicky, who confirms that her suspicions about Sioned were right, but she wants to forget about it.   Gwyneth cannot condone that;  
. . . but that does not fit in with Gwyneth's plan
“She was in no state to look after herself – we can’t stand back and do nothing – we have to report him!   Sioned cannot do so – with her record, she’s afraid the police wouldn’t believe her.”
"DJ wouldn't do anything like that"
Vicky protests that DJ would never do anything like that, but Gwyneth points out that friends are in a position to take advantage.   They cannot ask what DJ has to say about it, as it is obvious he would deny everything.   
"I think you should speak to the police"
“I think you should speak to the police,” says Gwyneth, “I would, but we’ve got too much history.   It has to be an impartial person.   
"If she's been raped . . . "
“If she’s been raped, it’s not right that DJ should get away with it!”

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