Friday, 18 May 2018

17 May 2018

Elgan inspects Garry's injury 
The doctor has inspected Garry’s injury and reports that there is no infection there;  Garry points out to Cadno that he got stabbed because he was defending Eifion, and she should be grateful.   
"Eifion didn't want to be there anyway!"
“He didn’t want to be there anyway!” she responds, and Elgan tells them to stop arguing.
“How long is he going to be here?   He’s disrupting our work,” she demands, 
"I'll leave when I get the doc's permission"
and Garry says he will leave when he gets the doctor’s permission.
"As long as you behave"
Elgan agrees that he can leave as long as he behaves, and does not go looking for more trouble;  “Leave it alone and be grateful that you’re still with us!”   
Garry wants his £10,000
Garry warns Cadno that she had better find £10,000 for him, as it seems that coward has disappeared.
In the Deri, where Gwyneth is sitting disconsolately, 
"I still can't contact Garry!"
Dani is still unable to contact Garry.   
"Garry was meant to be taking Gwern to football training"
Gwyneth comes across and complains that Garry was meant to take Gwern to football training earlier, but did not turn up.   “Nothing to do with me!” replies Dani.   Gwyneth hopes that Gwern is not getting caught up in the middle of this nasty divorce.
"I enjoy an unexpected booze-up!"
DJ is sitting with Sioned and suggests another round;  she says that she enjoys an unexpected booze-up.   He wonders if he should ask Non to join them, and so she assumes that everything is going well, just as she predicted.   
"But don't dump me as a friend"
“If she makes you happy, go for it – as long as you don’t dump me as a friend.”
Gwyneth does not like this
Gwyneth is eavesdropping, and looks decidedly put out by this last comment.   DJ jokes that he likes the idea of having two women in his life.
"Jim asked me to check the sheds"
At Penrhewl, Cadno is clearing up when Eileen arrives, and announces, “I’ve just been around the yard – Jim asked me to check the sheds, now that the cattle are out.   Is Eifion around?”
Cadno tell her that he helps out at Ffynnon Wen these days, as it helps to pay the bills, but Eileen continues her interrogation.  
"The chicken shed looks like a butcher's shop"
“What’s going on in the chicken shed?   I’m not blind, Cadno – it looks like a butcher’s shop.”
"We cut up and packed one of our cows"
Again Cadno improvises;  “We sent a cow to the abattoir, then cut it up and packed it ourselves – more profit for us.”   Eileen has picked up a label which clearly shows that the meat is foreign.
"I want to know what is going on – now!"
“I saw dozens of these labels – and I want to know what is going on – now!” Eileen demands.   
"We had to buy in meat"
Cadno explains they had to buy in meat to supply their orders.   Eileen is disgusted that they have been selling foreign meat as Penrhewl’s organic meat;  
"How could you be so stupid?"
“How could you be so stupid?”
Non joins DJ
In the Deri, Vicky has brought Non to join them, and DJ pays for the next round;  
Sioned ignores Gwyneth 
Sioned goes to the bar, where Gwyneth is looking enviously at them.   “It’s nice to see you enjoying yourself again,” she tells Sioned, “Do you have to ignore me?   I’d do anything to turn back the clock – 
"I miss you as a friend"
“I miss you as a friend – we could at least be civil.”
Sioned replies that she is out enjoying herself with friends, 
"Is that a problem?"
and asks if that is a problem.
The unhygienic shed makes Eileen sick
At Penrhewl, in the butcher’s shop, Eileen comments, “To think that people have eaten meat that’s been packed in here!   It makes me sick!   
"Garry Monk should be reported!"
“Who in their right mind would go into business with Garry Monk?   You’ve taken all the risks – he should be reported!”
"Don't go to the police, Eileen!"
Cadno pleads with her not to tell the police, as it was only meant as a temporary measure to clear the farm’s debts.
Garry struggles out of the car . . .
Garry is helped from the car by Elgan, 
. . . just as Dani comes into view
much to the surprise of Dani, who has just walked round the corner.   Garry lies that he had an accident on the way to the station, but is all right.   
He immediately lies to her . . .
“I forgot to wear my seat belt, made an emergency stop and the wheel went into my ribs.”
The doctor maintains that he has been to the hospital, and was seen quickly;  he is still in shock, 
. . . but Dani has her suspicions
but Dani is suspicious.   
They are surprised to see Garry . . .
Inside the Deri, Britt and Gwyneth are very surprised to see Garry back, 
. . . who heads straight upstairs
as they go straight upstairs;  Dani and Britt follow, leaving Dan in charge of the bar.
"I can do what I like tonight!"
DJ tells Sioned that Dai and Diane have booked into a hotel for the night;  “His bunions are sore after traipsing around town all day – I can do what I like tonight – that doesn’t happen very often!”   
Non feels neglected, in favour of Sioned 
Non is looking very downhearted.
Elgan gives further attention
In the Deri flat, the doctor is dealing with Garry, and Britt asks why he needs all these dressings;  
"Has he had a proper check-up?"
“Has he had a proper checkup?   A knock on the head can be dangerous!” she remarks.
Garry tells her to stop fussing, but she is determined to get to the bottom of this, 
"I shall phone the hospital!"
and threatens to phone the hospital to find out what really happened.   
"All right, I've been stabbed and had £10,000 stolen!"
He admits that he has been stabbed by his meat supplier, and scammed as well;  “I’ve lost £10,000 – I went looking for it, and things turned nasty.   But I’m here now, and I’m fine.   I’ve been at Penrhewl, and Elgan has been looking after me.”
"If he'd died, it would have been my fault!"
Dani tells Britt that if Garry had died it would have been her fault.   Downstairs in the bar, it sounds as if things are livening up;  
Sioned is becoming dangerously out of control . . .
Sioned is standing on her chair, rapidly downing alcohol, with the noisy encouragement of the rest of the party.
. . . and they are all told to get out
Britt tells them all to get out;  “You’re not supposed to stand on the furniture, or to spill beer everywhere!   Get out now, unless you want to be banned.”   
"You're only jealous!"
Sioned replies that she is only jealous because she does not go out herself, 
"Let's go back to Bryntirion!"
and DJ decides the party can continue at Bryntirion, where there is plenty of wine.   Non is reluctant, and insists that she does not want a late night.
At the bar, Britt tells Gwyneth that Garry had an accident in the garage, but it was nothing serious.   
"I'm going to a party!"
Gwyneth asks for two bottles of the best red wine and a bottle of gin;  “I’m going to a party!”
Gwyneth barges her way in
The party is in full swing when Gwyneth arrives at Bryntirion;  DJ tells her she is wasting her time, as no-one wants her here, but she insists that she and Sioned understand each other now.   
"As long as you don't spoil anything!"
Sioned tells her not to spoil anything, and they continue their game of truth or dare;  
"Kiss someone in the room!"
Gwyneth tells her she has to kiss someone in this room, 
However, Gwyneth's hopes are dashed
and is particularly aggrieved when, rather than her, Sioned kisses DJ;  
Non is very unimpressed
Non also views this with horror.
"Have you taken your antibiotics?"
Dani checks that Garry has taken his antibiotics, and promises to cook something for him;  “You didn’t have to hide away in Penrhewl – I would have taken care of you.”   He replies that then she would have discovered exactly the type of person she married.   
"Sorry for being a burden"
He is sorry for being a burden, thanks her for being there, and not giving up on him.   
"Anything could have happened to you!"
“Anything could have happened to you,” she remarks, and he says that he loves her;  she says that he needs to concentrate on getting better now, 
"I love you, Dani"
but again he insists that he loves her.   
"What if we put the divorce on hold?"
“What if we put the divorce on hold for a while?” Dani suggests, and he invites her back into the flat, but she says she is not quite ready for that.   
This is overheard by Britt
Britt has just come upstairs and overheard this, so goes back down again.
Sioned is in a drunken stupor
At Bryntirion, the party now seems to be quieter, and Sioned is virtually asleep;  
"How many men have you slept with?"
Gwyneth asks Non how many men has she slept with, 
"I don't believe in sex before marriage"
and is told that she has not slept with anyone, since she does not believe in sex before marriage.
Gwyneth jubilantly announces, “We’ve got a goody-goody here!   You don’t know what you’re missing!   
"You're like something from the last century!"
“You’re wasting your time here, DJ!   She’s like something from the last century – do you wear a chastity belt?”
Gwyneth is very pleased with herself
Non has had enough of this, and leaves, accompanied by Vicky, who is also disgusted by Gwyneth’s behaviour.
"You should have told Garry everything!"
Britt informs Dani that she should have told Garry everything;  “I heard you – all of this ‘I love you’, and ‘I’m so sorry’.”   
"It's nothing to do with you!"
Dani replies that it is nothing to do with her, and the last thing he needs at the moment is to be told the truth.   “If you love him as much as you say you do, you have to be honest!” Britt insists, 
"He would never forgive me!"
but Dani is sure that he would never forgive her.
Eileen is taking remedial action
At Penrhewl, Eileen takes charge and tells Cadno to ring all her customers to tell them they will not be getting any meat for a while;  
"Say we need to fatten them up"
“Say the cattle are not ready for slaughter, and we need to fatten them up over the summer.   Eifion can check the stock when he comes back from Ffynnon Wen.”
"He's disappeared, and dropped me right in it!!"
Cadno is forced to admit that he is not there;  “He’s disappeared, and dropped me right in it – since Tuesday.   
"There's no hope for us!"
“He was scared for his life – things turned nasty between Garry and the meat supplier.   Eifion lost £10,000, and now Garry wants me to pay it back!   There is no hope for us!”   
"I'll help – we are family"
Eileen reassures her that she will help out, as they are family.
"Go home – you're drunk!"
As soon as Non and Vicky arrive home at Maes-y-Deri, there is a banging on the door, and a drunken DJ staggers in, only to be told to go home as he is drunk.   “Gwyneth was so cruel!” rages Non, and orders him out.
"You're beautiful when you're angry!"
“Has anyone ever told you you’re beautiful when you’re angry?” he asks, which does nothing to improve the situation;  she tells him to go back to Sioned, pointing out that they are obviously more than friends.   He gives up and goes home, regretting that he bothered to come here.
Sioned is asleep . . .
By this time, Sioned is asleep on the sofa at Bryntirion, 
. . . until she throws up on the floor
then rolls over and throws up on the floor, so Gwyneth decides she will take her up to bed.   
Gwyneth tries to drag her to bed . . .
Sioned can hardly walk by this time, 
. . . and Sioned crawl upstairs
but is somehow manhandled up the stairs.   Gwyneth predicts that she will suffer in the morning.
She is out cold on the bed . . .
Sioned collapses on to the bed, and is told that she does not want to fall asleep in her clothes.   As she receives no response, Gwyneth sets about undressing her, first removing her boots, 
. . . so Gwyneth starts undressing her
then unbuttoning her blouse.
DJ also staggers to bed
DJ reaches home and staggers unsteadily up the stairs to his room;  
Gwyneth obtains some photographic evidence
by this time, Gwyneth has undressed Sioned, and she is lying under the duvet.   Then she takes out her phone, and, smiling conspiratorially, 
. . . of the inebriated Sioned 
captures a couple of photos of Sioned.
"I enjoyed being in your company tonight"
“I’ve enjoyed being in your company tonight,” Gwyneth whispers, “Sorry for being so horrible – I was trying to force myself to hate you, but I failed.   
"I still fancy you – I can't help it!"
“I still fancy you – I can’t help it.   I’m so jealous that you and DJ are such good friends.”   
She kisses Sioned
She leans over and kisses Sioned. 

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