Monday, 5 February 2018

2 February 2018

The post arrives . . .
Garry receives the test results 
. . . and Garry learns the verduct
which indicate that the probability of his being the father is 100%;  
"Do you believe me now?"
“Do you believe me now?” asks Dani, “There is no reason now why we can’t try to work things out.”
"Apart from he fact that you've been unfaithful"
“Apart from the fact that you’ve been unfaithful,” he replies, “The fact you tried to deceive me from start to finish.   You weren’t feeling depressed after Carol was born, were you?   You were afraid that I’d find out!”   
"I was worried you weren't Carol's father!"
Dani says that she was worried in case he was not Carol’s father;  he has no idea how much she has suffered.
"You said you'd kill any man who touched me"
“I almost told you – but you said that you would kill any man who touched me!” she adds;  
"So this is my fault, is it?"
he objects most strongly to her insinuation that it is his fault, and storms out of the flat.
Mathew will not leave Dani alone
Dani’s phone sounds;  it is a text from Mathew, maintaining that they need to talk.   She totally ignores it.
"I thought we would have heard by now"
At the hospital, Kath and Debbie are waiting impatiently;  “I thought we would have heard something by now,” groans Kath, but Debbie says that Mark and Non will not be out of theatre until after lunch, and it is only 12:15 now.
Ricky sends his mother a text, asking if there is any news;  
"The surgeons know what they're doing"
Debbie is sure that Mark will be all right, as the surgeons know what they are doing.
Matthew is hanging about outside the Deri, 
If only Mathew would get the message
when he receives a reply to his text;  “Leave me alone!”   
"He looks rough!"
Across the road, outside the chippy, Kelly remarks to Ed, “He looks rough, doesn’t he?”   Ed maintains that it is hardly surprising, and she goes on, “Perhaps Dani needs a restraining order against him.”
"I'm thinking about a restraining order"
We then learn that Ed is considering obtaining a restraining order for when Sioned comes out.   Eileen comes round the corner and asks if they have heard anything about Mark, which they have not.   Ed, on the spur of the moment, tells her that he is thinking about a restraining order against Sioned.   
"That's not an unreasonable idea"
Eileen is rather surprised, but says she does not think that is unreasonable in the circumstances.   
"It might make matters worse"
Kelly warns him that now ‘the cat is out of the bag’, but is not sure that a restraining order will stop her – in fact, it might make matters worse.   Meanwhile, in the background, Mathew is still loitering, hoping that Dani will come out of the Deri.   
"I'll support you, whatever you decide"
Kelly assures Ed that whatever he decides to do, she will support him;  
"You're loads better than her!"
“But that’s exactly the type of thing she would do – and you’re better than her, loads better!”
Notice the number which Dani blocks
Dani is preparing a bottle for Carol when she rejects yet another call from Mathew;  she blocks the number.   
"Have you forgotten how to be a good mother?"
Garry comes in and scolds her for not taking Carol out for some fresh air;  “Or have you forgotten how to be a good mother as well?”   She wonders for how long he is going to punish her.   
"If I wanted to punish you, you would know about it!"
“Punish you?   If I wanted to punish you, you would know about it!” he snarls.
“I forgave you over Sioned,” she reminds him, but he points out that it took a long time, and stresses that she had been sleeping with Mathew.   When she replies that Mathew was a mistake, he insists that so was Sioned.
"You were happy for Sioned to have your baby!"
Dani continues, “But you were happy for her to have your baby!   It was different for me – there was a chance it was yours.”   
Off goes Garry again
He agrees that there is no comparison and again walks away.
Does SHERYL's number look at all familiar?
Gethin is in the garage, ready to leave for his secret rendezvous, and sends a text to Sheryl (who, inexplicably, has the same telephone number as Mathew) which reads, “Only half an hour to go.”   
"Have a look at the van for me, Geth"
Jim comes in, wanting him to look at APD’s van, as the exhaust is making a strange noise;  Gethin tells him to bring it in this afternoon, as he has a customer to see.   Jim leaves the van parked outside and hands over the keys.
"Dani's not answering my calls!"
Then Matthew arrives, asking if Dani is OK, as he is worried about her and she is not answering his calls.   “It doesn’t take much to work out why!” growls Gethin, “You’re wasting your time!”
Sheryl is tempted by what is on offer
In the salon, Sheryl looks at the message from Gethin;  then Kelly comes in and reports that she has seen Mathew, for the first time since Garry beat him up.   
"That's what happens when you play with fire"
“That’s what happens if you play with fire,” she comments, then enquires if Sheryl has a slot tomorrow, before lunch if possible.
"Er, that's next Saturday, Sher"
She notices that Sheryl is looking at the page in her diary for the following week, 
"Oh yes, so it is"
and remarks that she is all over the shop today.   
Obviously there is only one thing on her mind
Then Sheryl returns to consideration of Gethin’s text.
"I'm sure something's gone wrong"
Back at the hospital, they are still waiting, and Kath senses that something has gone wrong;  however, her fears are allayed 
"They will both be back on the ward shortly"
when a doctor advises them that the operations have been successful, and the two patients will be back on the ward before long.   Debbie and Kath hug each other with relief.
They sit down to lunch . . .
Jim has prepared lunch, but Eileen is not hungry, 
. . . but something is bothering Eileen 
and decides to make a cup of tea instead.   
"Ed is thinking about a restraining order"
Eventually she admits to Jim that Ed is considering getting a restraining order against Sioned;  and he can understand the motives behind this.   “Things will be difficult for her when she comes out of prison,” Eileen goes on, but Jim points out that staying away from Ed will not do Sioned any harm.   
"If there's any nonsense from her . . ."
He appreciates that this situation is difficult for Eileen, but cautions that if there is any nonsense from Sioned, and she will have to stay away from him too.
Gethin gets no reply from Sheryl
Gethin is in the hotel room, eagerly waiting for his fancy woman;  he dials Sheryl’s number, but only receives an answerphone message.   
He concludes that she is not coming . . .
He fears that she is not coming, but as he is about to go, 
. . . but then the idiotic woman turns up
she arrives at the door.   
Gethin thinks that it is Christmas . . .
“Can I come in, or what?” she asks.   They go into the room and close the door;  
. . . and looks very pleased with himself
he looks exceedingly pleased with himself.
"I don't know!"
Ed comes into the Deri and asks Garry why the garage is closed;  he irritably replies that he does not know.   
"Must be difficult in the circumstances"
Ed goes on, “It must be difficult to keep track in the circumstances,” but Garry’s hostile response prompts Ed to walk away.   
"Any more thoughts about the restraining order?"
As they sit down for their lunch, Kelly enquires, “Have you given any more thought to this restraining order?   
"I just want us to be Mr and Mrs Normal"
“I just want us to be Mr and Mrs Normal – no hassle, no drama, no talking about Sioned.   Am I making sense?”   
"You're making a lot of sense"
He tells her that yes, she is making a lot of sense.
Gethin and Sheryl appear to be in the middle of something
Sheryl and Gethin are in a horizontal position in bed;  he asks if she is OK, and she nods her head, 
"You know we'll have to stop this"
then says, “You know that we will have to stop this, don’t you?”   He insists that it does not have to be yet, but then his phone rings.
Sheryl urges him to answer it, and he finds that it is Garry;  
"Didn't I tell you, Garry?"
Gethin bluffs, “I had to go to get some parts – didn’t I tell you?   I won’t be long.”   He informs Sheryl that some idiot complained that the garage was closed, 
"Lucky it wasn't a video call!"
and she replies that he is lucky it was not a video call, or Garry would have had a shock.
He assures her, “Dani got caught because Mathew was careless – 
"But our relationship is different"
“now, I trust you and you trust me – that makes all the difference.”   They resume their previous activity.
Non is brought back to the ward
Non’s bed is wheeled back into the ward;  
"It's all over, Non"
the nurse tells her that it is all over and she is back on the ward.   
"What about Mark?"
Non opens her eyes and mumbles, “Mark!   What about Mark?”
"Doesn't he look pale?"
He has also been brought back into a ward elsewhere, where Debbie and Kath are commenting on how pale he looks.   They call his name, but there is no response, 
Ricky comes in
then Ricky walks in, 
"He's still asleep"
and is told that he is still asleep.   
"Wake up, you lazy so-and-so!"
“Dad!” says Ricky, “Come on, wake up, you lazy so-and-so!”
"No need to shout, Ricky"
Mark whispers, “There’s no need to shout, Ricky,” 
Smiles of relief
and there are smiles of relief all round.
"Perhaps you can look at the van now"
Gethin returns to the village, and Jim enquires if he can spare some of his valuable time now;  Gethin replies that he will be at the garage for the rest of the afternoon.   “It must have been important to sacrifice your lunch hour,” Jim shouts, and Gethin says, under his breath, that it was definitely worth it, as he walks past Sheryl, who is approaching from the other direction.
"I'm not going to get a restraining order"
Ed comes to tell Eileen that he will not be seeking a restraining order after all;  “I need to get rid of her from my head, not from Cwmderi – I want to put it all behind me now.”   
"Don't you let her take advantage of you"
Jim warns Eileen not to let Sioned  take advantage of her when she is released, and Eileen is determined not to let that happen.
Mathew waylays Dani
At last Mathew manages to meet Dani;  seeing his injuries, she exclaims, “Did Garry do that to you?”   He says that he has been waiting here for her all day, and that they need to talk.   She, however, is not interested, although he insists that it does not matter that Carol is not his daughter – he loves Dani.
"We can start over – a long way from here!"
“We can start over – a long way from here!” he whines, 
Dani just cannot get through to him
but she repeats that there is no future for them.   He still goes on, “Things are different now – the truth is out, and we don’t have to hide.”
"For the last time, I want to be with Garry!"
Dani is becoming exasperated;  “For the last time, I want Garry!   He is the one I want to be with.   Now move!”   
"Why do I bother sticking around?"
As she walks away, Ed approaches, and Mathew wonders why he bothers sticking around;  
"Running away won't solve anything"
Ed advises him that running away will not help, he knows that from personal experience.   “I’ve got nowhere to go, anyway, who would share a house with me?” Mathew laments.   Ed offers to have a word with Siôn once the heating is on, 
"You're not a loser, Math!"  — What is he, then?
and Kelly insists that he is not a loser.
"Right, Mrs Normal"
“Right, Mrs Normal,” says Ed;  Kelly takes his arm and they walk along the street.
In the hospital, Debbie sends a text to Josh with the good news, 
Mark is not keen on having his photo taken
and Kath urges her to take a photo with her phone.   
"Go and see how Non is, Mam"
Mark asks them about Non, and requests his mother to go and find out;  Debbie volunteers to go instead.
Garry cuddles the baby
When Dani arrives in the flat, she finds Garry cuddling baby Carol;  “It’s lovely to see you with her – 
"You can give her a bath tonight"
“you can give her a bath tonight,” she says, 
"I won't be here tonight"
but he replies that he will not be here tonight.
“If you’d come clean months ago, we might have had a chance,” he declares, 
"I'm walking out on you – not her!"
“I’m not walking out on Carol – I’m walking out on you!”   Dani maintains that they can make this work, but he points out, “Every time I look at you – I see him – his hands all over you!”   He walks out of the flat.
Non wants to know if Mark is all right
Debbie manages to find the ward containing Non, who immediately asks if Mark is all right;  Debbie confirms that he is, and Non insists that she is fine, 
She has a nasty cough
but begins coughing.   
"I've never thanked you properly"
“The thing is, I’ve never thanked you, not properly.   
"I'll never forget what you've done for Mark"
“I’ll never forget what you’ve done for Mark,” Debbie says.
Non is racked by a violent coughing fit . . .
Non begins to cough even more violently, 
. . . which turns more serious . . .
and blood trickles from her mouth;  Debbie shouts for a nurse, 
. . . and the emergency alarm is sounded
who immediately pulls the red emergency plunger, and an alarm begins sounding.

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