Tuesday, 20 March 2018

19 March 2018

Dani objects to Garry's presence . . .
At the hospital, Dani is being examined, and she insists that she does not want Garry there.   He is quite adamant that he is not leaving, but when she shouts, “I don’t want you here!” 
. . . so he is removed from the room
the doctor requests the rather well built male nurse to escort him from the ward.
He paces the corridor, very frustrated, 
Then Gethin and Ffion arrive
then Gethin and Ffion arrive;  Gethin says, “Britt told me about Dani – how is she?   Is she going to be OK?”   He decides to go in, 
"Not until we've finished the examination"
but is told quite forcibly that nobody can stay with her until they finish their examination.
Ed come to the shop for two pints of semi-skimmed
Megan is in the shop when Ed comes in;  
"How's Llewelyn?"
she asks, “How’s Llewelyn?   Please bring him home – it’s a big house, and it feels empty without him.”   
"I'll see what I can do, Megan"
Ed agrees that he will see what he can do.
"Mr Thomas, you can go in now . . ."
The doctor announces that Mr Thomas can go in and see Dani, 
". . . but not you!"
but she does not want to see Garry.   
"You'll only make matters worse"
Ffion urges him to keep a cool head, or he will make things worse.   
"Oh yeah – I feel smashing!"
Dani very breathlessly tells her brother that she feels ‘smashing’;  “I’ve broken two ribs – they say that I’ve got a collapsed lung, 
"I have to have a procedure"
“so I have to have a procedure.   
"Check that Carol is all right!"
“Can you phone Iolo and Tyler to ask how Carol is?”   Ffion assures her that they will make sure Carol is all right.
The cat looks disinterested in Pinky and Perky
At number 10, Kelly is playing with the cat, 
"He's nuts about the mice!"
and she tells Ed that Catatonia is nuts about his toy mice, although he appears rather dismissive of them.   
"I think we should give him back"
“I’ve just seen Megan – she was asking about him,” Ed informs her, “I know this is going to upset you, but I really think we should give him back.   If you had seen her – she said the house is empty without him, and I think she’s really lonely.”
"She's just making you feel sorry for yourself"
Kelly replies that Megan is playing him like a violin, making him feel sorry for himself.   “She wants her own way, that’s all!”   
"Isn't that unfair?"
Ed does not like to think that an old woman is suffering because of them.   “She has been away in Australia for two months – she comes back to an empty house, and we’ve taken her cat!” he stresses, “Isn’t that unfair?”   
"It's just a sob story!"
Kelly dismisses it as a sob story, but Ed continues that he thinks she is depressed, and instructs Kelly to come with him; 
"I'll prove it, Kelly"
“I’ll prove it!”   
Meanwhile the cat seems very unconcerned
She looks  at the cat as she leaves.
"How is not talking to me going to help?"
Cadno is preparing vegetables at Penrhewl and ignores Eifion when he asks her to pay a feed bill.   “How is not talking to me going to help?” he demands.
"Do you realise how much you've hurt me?"
“Don’t you realise how much you’ve hurt me?” she replies, “I thought you wanted me to help Linda – so why throw it back in my face?   You can’t compare what I did with what you’ve done!   
"I tried to do the right thing"
“I tried to do the right thing – you hit a man and tried to hide it.”   
"Tyler's all right – but Linda is dead!"
Eifion points out that Tyler is all right, but Linda is dead;  “In the cold light of day, what do you did was far worse!   You didn’t tell the police – why should I?”   
"They'll find out it was you!"
She says that she is scared they will find out it was him, as the investigation is ongoing, but he still refuses to tell the police, and says will go and collect the boys from school.
Sioned sits on a roadside bench
Sioned sits on the bench outside the salon, and sends a text to Garry;  
She texts Garry
“Is Dani all right?”   In her hand is a letter with his name on the front.
"She doesn't want you in there, Garry"
At the hospital, Garry sees Ffion and Gethin coming out of the room, and they inform him about the collapsed lung, but stop him from going in.   
"This is your fault – she told me everything!"
“This is your fault!” snarls Gethin, “She caught you and Sioned about to sleep with each other – she’s told me everything.   And in her home – why?”
"I want to explain to her"
Garry answers that Dani has misunderstood, and he wants to explain to her, 

"You're not going near her!"
but Gethin is quite clear that he is not going near her.   
"Don't make a scene, Garry!"
“If you’re going to make a scene, you’ll only make matters worse,” warns Ffion, “Dani wouldn’t want this!”
Megan does not look very comfortable
Kelly and Ed arrive at Megan’s house, and, looking in through the window, see her reading the latest edition of ‘CwmNi’.   
"Don't tell me she's not lonely"
“Look at her – don’t tell me she’s not lonely!” says Ed, “I know you love Catatonia – but we have each other, don’t we?   
"Who has Megan got?"
“Who has Megan got?   Her daughter is in Australia, her son is . . . I don’t know where.”
"She shouldn't have left Catatonia!"
Kelly is still arguing that Megan was wrong to leave Catatonia, but he points out that someone was calling in to make sure he was all right.   
"But who are we to judge?"
“At the end of the day, who are we to judge?”   Kelly says that she wants the best for Catatonia, but Ed reminds her that he does not need to be rescued, as everything he needs is here;  “Megan loves that cat just like we love him – 
It looks as if he may have got through to Kelly
“don’t you think we should do the right thing?”
The casserole goes into the oven
Cadno puts the casserole in the oven for dinner, and Eifion reports that Dani has been rushed to hospital, according to what he heard at the school gates.   
"Dani fell down the stars at the Deri"
“She fell down the stairs at the Deri.”   There is no response from Cadno, so he goes on, “This is how it’s going to be if I don’t do what you say and go to the police, is it?   
"Do you want me to go to prison?"
“I really don’t understand you – do you want me to go to prison?”
"I'm trying to make it easier for you"
“Of course I don’t – I love you, and I’m trying to make it easier for you!” she replies, “The court will look favourably on you if you confess – they will be more likely to sympathise with you.”   
"What – with my record?"
He reminds her of his previous record, which will count against him, but she insists, “If you do nothing, it will be a lot worse for you – what if Tyler remembers what happened?   He could – and where would that leave you?   Why can’t you see that I’m trying to help you?”
"I could go to prison for years!"
“If I confess, I’ll go to prison for months, years perhaps!” he exclaims, and she pleads with him to use his loaf.
Garry returns to the Deri
Garry returns to the Deri, where Britt asks him how Dani is;  “Why are you home?   You should be at her bedside!”   
"She doesn't want me there!"
He explains that she does not want him there.
"It's all your fault, Dan!"
Then he turns his wrath on Dan, the barman;  “It was your fault!   If you haven’t left boxes on the stairs, Dani wouldn’t have fallen!   
"If anything happens to her!"
“If anything happens to her . . .”   Britt stops Garry, drawing his attention to the fact that it was his fault – 
"She had just seen you and Sioned!"
Dani was running away after seeing him and Sioned.   He insists that he was not going to sleep with her.
"You've been using her to hurt Dani!"
Britt snarls at him, “I don’t care whether you were or not – you’ve been using Sioned for weeks to hurt Dani, to get your revenge for what she did to you.   
"Why weren't you man enough to forgive her?"
“I said that you would get your fingers burnt, and I was right!   Why weren’t you man enough to forgive her and move on?   None of this would have happened – 
"Now you're too proud to admit it!"
“but no, you’ve been a fool, and now you’re too proud to admit it!”   
Garry disappears upstairs
He goes upstairs.
Eifion is scared stiff of prison
Eifion concedes that Cadno may think she is helping, but she has no idea what it is like to be locked up every day with someone that you fear.   “It kills a person, Cadno!”   
"Guilt can kill a person, too"
She replies that guilt can kill a person, too, and points out that he has done wrong.   At the end of the day, he has to pay, and the only way he can do that is by going to DS Davies.   Otherwise, he will been looking over his shoulder for ever.
He flatly refuses to go to the police
He is still quite adamant that he will not go to the DS;  
"If you won't, I will!"
Cadno threatens, “If you won’t, I will!”   
"And I'll tell them what you did to Linda!"
He informs her that if she does that, he will tell the police what she did to Linda.   “I don’t know who you are any more,” Cadno says, mournfully.
Megan's doorbell rings . . .
Megan is sitting on her rather uncomfortable-looking chair in front of the electric fire, when the doorbell sounds;  she goes to see who it is, but upon opening the door, 
. . . and finds the cat has been returned
finds only a cat in a basket on the doorstep.   
She can hardly contain her delight
She is overjoyed to have Llewelyn back.
Kelly looks contented
Hiding round the corner, Kelly comes to the conclusion that she has done the right thing, and smiles.
They are taking some clothes for Dani
Ffion has volunteered to look after Carol, and they have collected some clothes for Dani.   Tyler has apparently been all right with Gethin, although it could have been awkward.   
"We must pull together now"
He insists that they must pull together now, and she finds some wipes and chocolate to add to the bag.
"She's hardly likely to stuff herself with chocolates"
“She could hardly breathe earlier – she’s hardly likely to want to stuff herself with chocolate!” Gethin moans.   
"Why are you annoyed with me?"
She demands why he is annoyed with her, as she is only trying to help, and thought things were better between them.
"I thought you had forgiven me"
“You’ve forgiven Dani, and I thought that meant you’d forgiven me too,” she says, but again he stresses that she should never have taken Moc’s money – 
"You should never have taken the money"
she should never have taken it, knowing what it would do to him.   
"You said we had to pull together"
“You said we have to pull together – and that’s what I’m trying to do!” she complains.   
Gethin goes off on his own
He has finished packing the bag, and walks off without her.
Megan meets Ed
Megan meets Ed out in the street, and thanks him from the bottom of her heart;  
"He has settled in very well!"
“He’s settled in very well – you brought him back, didn’t you?”   Ed shakes his head;  they both realise that it was Kelly, 
"Ah – Kelly!"
and smile at each other.
Garry looks back, nostalgically
Garry is looking at a photo of himself with Dani, in happier times;  
Sioned turns up again
Sioned comes in, asking why he did not respond to her text.   He comes up with the excuse that he did not know whether Dani was all right.   
He appraises her of Dani's injuries
“She’s receiving treatment for a collapsed lung and two broken ribs,” he says.
Garry does not want to talk
Sioned tells him they need to talk, but he does not agree;  
"You were using me, weren't you?"
“You were using me, weren’t you?   After everything you said.   Don’t try to deny it – I thought you were taking care of me, after Dani and I quarrelled – but you don’t really want me – 
"You still love her!"
“you still love her!   It’s as clear as day.   You only used me in order to hurt Dani.   Save your apologies – 
"Here's my notice"
“here’s my notice – there’s no point staying here – 
"There's nothing left for me!"
“there’s nothing left for me!”

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