Tuesday, 6 March 2018

5 March 2018

"You're going to be all right, Ty!"
Tyler is wheeled along a hospital corridor, while Iolo assures him that everything will be all right.   
"Let me know you're OK"
Ffion again rings Gethin and leaves a message that she wants to know where he is and if he is OK.   
"He's still unconscious"
Dani joins Iolo at hospital;  they look through the window at the attempts to resuscitate Tyler.   Iolo reports that he is still unconscious and they are carrying out scans.   “They think he could have a brain haemorrhage – he was so close to home!”   
"What was he doing round there?"
Dani wonders what he was doing round the back of APD.
"I should have gone after him!"
Iolo wails, “I hadn’t seen him for hours – we had argued over something stupid and he stormed off.   I should have gone after him!”   Dani tells him not to blame himself.
"That word is wrong . . ."
At Bryntirion, Dai queries one of the Welsh words 
". . . it should have an apostrophe there"
in the game of Scrabble which Diane and Kath are playing.   
"Dai, go and put the clean washing away"
Diane can see that there is something on Kath’s mind, so she sends him upstairs to put the clean washing away.   
"Anything else, your majesty?"
“Anything else, your majesty?” he grumbles.
Kath reveals, “I’ve done something I shouldn’t have, and I don’t know what to do.   
"I saw Debbie's medical records"
“I was cleaning in the surgery – right – and I saw something.   Debbie’s medical records came up on the computer screen – she’d just been in to see Dr Elgan.   
"I couldn't help myself"
“I read them – I couldn’t help myself.”
"Is she ill?"
Diane is concerned that Debbie is ill, 
"She had an abortion!"
but Kath goes on, “She had an abortion, three months after getting back together with Mark.”   Diane looks very shocked at hearing this.
Gethin arrives home
Gethin has at last returned home, 
"I've been phoning and texting you!"
and Ffion protests that she has phoned and texted him.   
"I was in a pub outside Tumble"
He says he went for a pint in a pub outside Tumble;  “And I only had one pint, before you ask.   It was better than sitting here, getting the third degree!”
"I thought something had happened to you"
She explains that there was an ambulance outside earlier, and a police car;  she thought something had happened to him.   “Thought – or hoped?” he replies, “Well, as you can see, I’m alive and well.”
"Mark may not have been the father"
Kath continues, “I dont think Mark knows – he would never have allowed her to do such thing.   What concerns me is that Mark may not have been the father – they had only been back together for three months – 
"Perhaps she was with someone else"
perhaps she was with someone else just before!”
"They say there's no haemorrhage"
Dani brings Iolo a cup of coffee, and he tells her he has heard that there is no haemorrhage.
"He could be unconscious for a while yet"
“But he could be unconscious for a while yet, there is no way of knowing.”   She urges him to do some positive thinking, 
They go to Tyler's bedside
and they go to Tyler’s bedside.
"Do you think it was a homophobic attack?"
“Do you think it a was homophobic attack?” asks Iolo, “Someone lying in wait, just like that Meleri did with me?”   
"The police will find who did it!"
Dani is confident that they will find out who did this.
"I took it for your sake – for our sake!"
Ffion insists that she took the money for Gethin’s sake, for the sake of both of them, but he replies that she should have known better.   
"My money – my choice!"
“I had a good reason for burning the lot!” he snarls, “It was my money – my choice!”
“That’s your problem!” she roars, “You only think of yourself – just like him!”   
"You're comparing me to him?"
Gethin is horrified that she is comparing him to Moc, and just wants to be left alone.
Dani decides that she is going to phone Siôn, to see how Carol is, 
Tyler is coming round
but then Tyler moves and opens his eyes.   
The police are looking for witnesses
Two police officers are standing by the alley, together with a sign, reading, “Can you help?   Appeal for witnesses.”   
This chap has just delivered to Colin
Colin has just had an single rose delivered to him, 
"Someone must love you, Colin!"
and when Elgan comments that someone must love him, 
Colin cannot get inside quickly enough
he retreats inside quite rapidly.   
The rose is consigned to the bin
Once back inside the chip shop flat, he dumps the rose into the bin.
DS Davies begins her interrogation
DS Davies arrives at the hospital and asks Tyler how he is feeling;  she would like to know what happened.   
"Isn't this a bit early?"
Iolo protests that it is rather early to do this, 
"We have to catch the perpetrator"
but she points out that they need to catch whoever carried out the attack.   
"I can't remember anything"
Tyler says that he does not remember anything from yesterday.
“You were found behind APD – why were you there?” she enquires, “What is the last thing you remember before waking up here?”   He recalls that he argued with Iolo, about a mess in the house, and then he walked off;    this was about 3pm
"Why did you go behind APD?   Was anyone there?"
“What do you remember about being on the High Street?” the DS continues, “Why did you go behind APD?   Was anyone there?”   
"I have no idea"
Tyler says that he cannot remember.   Iolo says that when he found Tyler, there was no one around.
"You should think carefully"
In the café, Diane advises Kath to think carefully before doing anything, as Mark could finish with Debbie over it.   
"Americano and a croissant, please"
The doctor comes in and asks Gwen for an Americano and a croissant.
"I don't regret doing it"
Kath stresses, “I don’t regret doing it – it’s only right for Mark to know what’s going on.”   
"I hope he doesn't find out"
Diane hopes that the doctor does not find out, or her job will be gone.   
"Have to get my coffee before I start"
Elgan comes over to talk to them, then leaves for the surgery, 
"Sorry I'm late, Gwen"
just as Debbie rushes in, apologising to Gwen for her lateness.
Debbie wonders why Diane and Kath are looking at her;  
"Is there a problem?"
“Is there a problem?” she asks, and they shake their heads.
None of Tyler's belongings are missing
DS Davies continues her questioning, “Are any of your belongings missing?” then asks Iolo to leave them for a moment.   “You said that you argued with Iolo – do you argue often?   Has he ever attacked you?”   
"No, it was not Iolo!"
Tyler is quite adamant that it was not Iolo, 
"How can you be so sure?"
and she wonders how he can be so sure.   He reiterates that it is nothing to do with Iolo, but he does not know who it was, 
"It's your job to find out who it was!"
and it is her job to find out.
"Those scratches on your hand . . ."
On her way out, she asks Iolo how he got the scratches on his hand, and he replies that it was on the van door.   “You don’t think that I . . ?” he begins, but the DS says that she is just gathering information.
"Do you have any idea who . . ."
“Can you think of anyone who would do this to Tyler?” she enquires, and Iolo remembers a few arguments, but nothing major.   
Iolo mentions Garry and Gethin
He names Garry Monk, and says that things have not been good between Tyler and Gethin Thomas, but that is a family matter.   
"He clashed with Eifion"
Then he adds, “OK, he’s clashed with Eifion Rowlands – but they wouldn’t attack him like that.”   
"Go home – you look shattered"
The DS advises him to go home, as he looks shattered, and she wants to speak to Tyler again.
Colin is laughing and joking
In the café, Debbie absent-mindedly gives Colin too much change, and he laughs about it. Kath asks Diane, “When she wasn’t with Mark, was she with anyone?”
"There were rumours about those two"
“There were rumours that those two had a drunken night – but he was very drunk, mind!” Diane answers;  they look at Colin, who is telling Debbie about the rose, and wondering who would send it.   Debbie says that he must have a secret admirer.
"I'm a perfect specimen!"
He can understand that;  “Look at me – I’m a perfect specimen!   “I have to fight off women on a daily basis.”   However, he does not intend to tell Britt about the rose.   
"It's hard work, being a superstud!"
“It’s hard work, you know, being a superstud!”   
Diane and Kath are jumping to conclusions
Diane and Kath look at each other, knowingly.
Dai sympathises with Iolo . . .
Iolo walks around the corner by the chippy and meets Dai, who asks about Tyler;  “It was terrible, being so close to home,” he comments, “What is this world coming to?”   
. . . as do the doctor and Ffion 
Then Elgan and Ffion come and ask him the same thing.
“The doctors say that there is no permanent harm,” Iolo tells them, 
"I'll go and visit him, if you like"
and Elgan offers to go and visit him.   
Dai has a chat with the police . . .
Dai has had a word with the two police officers, 
. . . but who is that, lurking down the alley?
and in the background, at the far end of the alley, Liv can be seen lurking.
"Have you heard about Tyler?"
Ffion goes to the garage and asks if Gethin has heard about Tyler;  he does not seem particularly bothered.   
"You were out, weren't you?"
“I thought you would show some kind of concern,” she says, “And they don’t know who did it – you were out, weren’t you?   You haven’t been yourself for a while.   
"Who were you with last night?"
“Who were you with last night?”
He is becoming exasperated;  
"Look, I've got a lot of work to do!"
“I have a lot of work to do!” he snaps, so, 
Ffion is extremely dubious
still looking suspicious, she turns and leaves the garage.
Liv is in the hospital . . .
Liv has arrived in the hospital, where she searches for Tyler;  
. . . where she espies Tyler . . .
she looks through the glass at him, 
. . . and he thinks he sees her
and he suddenly notices her, but when someone walks between them, she disappears again.
"She didn't believe a word I said"
Back home at number 7, Iolo tells Dani that the DS did not believe a word he said, but Dani replies that her job is to question people.   
"It was all my fault!"
“It doesn’t look good, does it, Dan?   How are they going to find out who did it?   Tyler doesn’t remember anything – its all my fault – if we hadn’t argued, he would have been here!”   
Iolo has a temper tantrum . . .
He loses his temper, 
. . . and Dani picks up the letters from the floor
and Dani picks up the letters which he threw on the floor.
"You don't have anything to worry about"
She tries to pacify him;  “Iolo, listen to me – you don’t have anything to worry about, OK?”   
"What if you're wrong?"
He demands what happens if she is wrong.

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