Saturday, 31 March 2018

29 March 2018

Anita is obviously going somewhere
Anita comes downstairs at number 10 looking extremely smart;  Kelly asks whether it is “Dress-up Day” at work, but Anita replies that she is not going to work today.   
"I'll tell you everything when I come home"
She will not reveal any more, but says she will tell Kelly everything when she comes home.
"Not getting married, are you?"
“You’re not getting married, are you?” Kelly demands, but is told that Anita has to find a man first.
"Come to the Deri at lunchtime"
Kath invites Non to the Deri at lunchtime, and they can have a sandwich and a pint, 
"You're working this afternoon"
but Non reminds her that she has some work at Awyr Iach this afternoon.   “Packing a couple of t-shirts is a lot less boring after a couple of pints,” maintains Kath, 
"I might bring someone from Awyr Iach with me"
“And I might bring someone from Awyr Iach with me, for you to set up that date.”
"I don't want to see DJ"
Non is quite adamant that she does not want to see DJ, but Kath remarks that she has not stopped talking about him since he brought those chocolates.   Again Non reiterates that she is not interested.
"I barely know him any more"
In the café, Ffion is telling her troubles to Sheryl;  “I barely know him any more, and hardly ever see him.   I’m scared, Sher, that he’ll leave me – find someone else, even.”   
"You have to fight, Ffion!"
Sheryl stresses that she has to fight and insist he stays with her, to be a husband and a father to Arwen.   
"Look to the future now – like Hywel and me"
Ffion needs to look to the future now, just as she and Hywel are doing.
"What are you doing here?"
Siôn comes into the café, and Kelly is surprised to see him, remarking that he is not dressed up.   
"I just want coffee and toast"
Puzzled, he replies that he just wants coffee and toast.
Mark catches sight of DJ . . .
Mark passes the shop and sees DJ inside;  
. . . and gives him a stern warning
“Oi!   Don’t mess Non about, OK?” he says, “Don’t take her on a date and then dump her!”   
"Non's not interested"
Sara is interested to hear about this, but DJ believes that Non is not interested.
"How did it go, Anita?"
Siôn rushes out of the café when he sees Anita outside;  she announces, 
He is delighted she secured the job
“I got the job!” and he embraces her.   
Kelly has her beady eye on them
Kelly witnesses this and goes out to confront them;  
"I'm manageress of the new tapas place"
Anita reveals her news, that she has a new job as  manageress of the new tapas place around the corner.
"Working for the opposition?"
Kelly is concerned that Anita is going to work for the competition, 
"Have you got a minute, Kelly?"
and then Mark approaches, wanting a word with her.
"What do you want, Ffi?"
Ffion has contacted Gethin to come home, and he asks rather irritably, “What do you want, Ffi?   I’m busy!”   
"I'm going to fight for what we have!"
She informs him that she had some good advice from Sheryl this morning:  “To to fight for what we have – 
"I know it's my fault!"
“I know it’s my fault, but I want you to realise how sorry I am.”   
"If I had stopped to think . . ."
He seems to be taking no notice, as she continues, “If I had stopped to think, and put myself in your shoes, I would never have taken that money, and ruined what we have.   I wouldn’t have hurt you like I know I have.”   Gethin still does not make any reply.
"Whats's the latest on Cadno and your mother?"
At Awyr Iach, Kath brings DJ cup of tea, and asks what is the latest on Cadno and his mother.   “I’m just concerned about you, you know.   I might have some news that will cheer you up – 
"Non wants to see you tomorrow night"
“Non wants to see you in the Deri tomorrow night at 6:30pm.   She’s shy, isn’t she – if you don’t believe me, phone her!”
"You can't go in a rugby shirt"
Sara pokes her nose in, “You’ll have to go to town to buy something nice to wear – you can’t go in a rugby shirt.”   Then Anita comes in and wants a private word with Sara, 
"I'm going to hand in my notice"
revealing that she is going to hand in her notice.
“I’ve accepted a job as manageress of the tapas place,” she says, 
Sara characteristically flies into a rage
but Sara is outraged, wondering how the Awyr Iach business is going to cope.   Anita tell Sarah that she will be first in the queue for tapas, 
"I shall be too busy doing the accounts!

but Sara grumbles that she will not have time, as she will be doing the accounts.
It is hard work, pretending to be this sincere
Gethin is trying to sound sincere;  “I would like to wake up in a week, a month, a year – and realise that everything is fine.   
"That will be with me for ever"
“But Moc abused me – and that will be with me for ever.   I don’t think you understand, because no-one who understands would have touched that money.”   
"I can see that now, Geth!"
Ffion protests that she can see that now.
“But you can’t live your life having to watch what you say and do – it’s not fair on you!” he insists, 
"We can't  carry on like this"
“I don’t think we can carry on like this – hurting each other all the time.”   Ffion suspects that there is someone else, 
"Don't make this more difficult – for me!
but he pleads with her not to make this any more difficult for him.
"So this means nothing, then?"
“So this engagement ring means nothing, then?” she enquires, “All right, you had better take it back then.”   
Devious little toerag!
He does his best to look reluctant as he takes it, and assures her that it is for the best, for both of them;  
He leaves Ffion in tears
he leaves the flat.
Anita and Siôn celebrate . . .
Siôn and Anita are celebrating the new job, 
. . . but the usual suspects are watching
while the interfering trio once more decide to go and gatecrash.   
"We want to celebrate with you!"
Diane announces that they want to celebrate with them, and Kath wonders why they are spending so much time on this Best Kept Village.   
"New job, meeting lots of men!"
Kelly suggests, “With a new job, meeting lots of new people, many of them men . . .”
Anita protests that she is going to work there, not to look for a man;  “But you wouldn’t turn down a nice man in a suit, surely?” demands Diane.   
Kath helps herself to the champagne
Dan brings over some more glasses, and they start helping themselves to the champagne.
Gethin slithers across to the salon
Gethin comes into the salon, again, 
"I've left Ffion!"
and proudly announces to Sheryl, “I’ve left Ffion – it’s over between us!   
“We’re free to be together now!”   She reminds him that she is still with Hywel, 
"You can finish with Hywel!"
but he tells her, “You can finish with him!”
"This is an affair – I love Hywel!"
“How many times do I have to tell you? she demands, “This is an affair – nothing more – I love Hywel!”   
Gethin cannot understand how she can reject him
Gethin seems to find this puzzling, as she continues, “I want to spend the rest of my life with him.   This was supposed to be a bit of fun, that’s all!   
"Go home and apologise to Ffion!"
Please, go home, apologise and beg Ffion to forgive you.   The last thing I want to do to break anyone’s heart – just go!   
He realises that he has cocked it up, big time . . .
I won’t ask again!”   
. . . and so, what does the devious little worm do next?
At last she appears to have got through to him.
Kath appears to have a fixation with speed dating
Kath knows what will bring business to the new tapas place;  “Speed dating!” but Anita says it will not be that kind of place.   “You missed out at Llanelli the other night – there were a lot of snobs there,” Kath informs her, “There were a couple of decent blokes there, but I’d like someone more local.   
Siôn does not like the way she looks at him
“There are one or two in Cwmderi, who I’d like to get to know better.”   Siôn is becoming rather uncomfortable, as she is staring directly at him.
A jar lid has frustrated Ffion 
Ffion is struggling to remove the lid from a jar when Gethin returns;  she says that she will go out to give him some peace to pack.   
"I've been a fool – again!"
He urges her to wait;  “I’ve been a fool again – I got angry instead of listening to you.   You were trying to apologise and I threw it back in your face.   
His opinion has taken a 180º turn
I’m sorry – the last thing I want to do is finish with you.”
"What's changed all of a sudden?"
She laughs, and demands what has changed all of a sudden;  he lies that he has realised what he is going to lose.   
What a nauseating scumbag Gethin is!
“I can’t live without you – so please, take this ring back, and forget about earlier!”
"You broke my heart this afternoon!"
“You broke my heart this afternoon,” replies Ffion, “Do you know how hard it is to stand in front of a class, trying to stop the tears from falling?”   He pleads with her not to make him feel worse than he already does, but she goes on, “And you want to put that back on my finger, as if nothing has happened?”   
"There won't be another chance!"
He insists that she has to believe that he is so sorry, but she warns that there will not be another chance.
As he pretends to be on the verge of tears, she urges him not to do this out of a sense of duty, but to do it because it is what he really wants.   
Ffion is taken in by his lies . . .
He replaces the ring, and tells her she is the best thing has ever happened to him, 
. . . and, mistakenly, thinks that all is well
hugging her.
Siôn is becoming apprehensive . . .
Kath brings Siôn another pint and sits down, closer to him;  “Don’t tell me you’re watching your figure,” she says, when he refuses some crisps.   
. . . as Kath squeezes his leg
“I like a man with something to grab on to,” she emphasises, simultaneously grabbing his thigh, 
"I'm looking for someone local"
much to Siôn’s discomfiture.   “As I said, I’m looking for someone local.”
Anita points out that he is not interested, 
"This is embarrassing!"
and that this is embarrassing.   
"Someone's a bit jealous!"
“Ooh, sounds like someone is a bit jealous!” comments Kelly, “We saw you snogging last week?”   Anita replies that they wanted to be sure, 
"We have both messed up in the past"
and Siôn says that they have both messed up in the past, but it is not a big deal.   
At last the secret is out in the open
He wants to buy the next round, but Kath has to go back to work, 
"Let me know if things don't work out!"
but advises him to let her know if things do not work out.
"If you're happy, Auntie Anita, then I'm happy!"
Kelly assures Anita, “If you're happy, then I'm happy!”
Mark goes to see Non
Mark is visiting Maes-y-Deri, and Non asks how he is settling in at the café.   He replies that it is all right, 
"We're going to see Dol in Spain"
“But we’re not going to be there for a while – we are going to see Dol in Spain.   After everything we’ve been through, we need a break – Debs more than anyone – and I’d like you to come with us.”
"I don't want to leave Kath on her own"
Non does not think she is well enough to travel, and does not want to leave Kath on her own.   Then the door opens and Kath is home;  Mark wastes no time in putting his coat on.   She says she has some shortbread in the kitchen, 
"It's an apology I want, not shortbread!"
but he insists, “It’s an apology I want, Mam, not shortbread!”
"What did he want?"
Then Kath interrogates Non about why he was there, and informs her that DJ wants to see her tomorrow night at 6:30pm in the Deri.  
Kath is still organising Non's life
“You’re going – and that’s the end of it!”
"I took your advice, Sher"
Sheryl is buying a bottle of wine in the Deri, when Ffion and Gethin come in;  Ffion advises her, that, following her advice earlier, 
"I'm pleased to hear that"
they have decided to sort themselves out, and Sheryl is very glad to hear it.
He is a fine one to call her 'two-faced'! 
Gethin tells Ffion to go and sit down, then calls Sheryl, “Two-faced.”   She assumes that everything is over between them now, 
"We'll see about that!"
but he cryptically replies, “We’ll see about that!”

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